Never thought I'd be in paradise!

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2 years ago

Everything was dark. I couldn't move. There are tubes in my mouth, I wanna talk but how could I?
I wanna move my fingers but I feel like losing all my strength just to lift one of them.
I could only hear the people talking in the background. The sound of their steps to and fro. The ticktock of the clock, the beep of the monitor. Was it for my heart?
I wanted to open my eyes but I fail.
I suddenly saw a light. And who is this beautiful woman? Her face looks so radiant, she is glowing with happiness.
"Are you ready? Your family is waiting for you", the woman said. "Wait, where are we going? Why can I speak?", I was panicking when I realized I am alive and well. I got scared when I am having a conversation with a stranger.
Then suddenly, I froze. I see my body, what is that, my body? Why do I have two bodies? I am getting crazy!
"You have just left your ethereal body, your vessel. It's time for a new chapter in life. And I am your angel. I am here to guide you", the angel said.
"I haven't said goodbye to my loved ones yet! I don't wanna go!". I cried.
"But your time has come, I will give you a minute to say goodbye", she said.

I suddenly felt my body against the soft hospital bed. And I am able to slowly open my eyes!
Oh, I see a lot of dear family and close friends. I wish I could kiss and hug them right now.
I felt a hand holding me, I pressed it. It was my loving boyfriend. He looks sad but still handsome. I wish I could tell him I love him. My sisters, I never thought they'll be here. My nephews and nieces. I feel so much joy. But then my vision gets blurry, my heart stops beating. Then there was total darkness. Blank, everything was just blank.

"Wake up", a gentle voice whispers to me. I opened my eyes. "Where is this beautiful place? Why does the sunshine so brightly yet it doesn't hurt my skin? Why does the sky have lots of rainbows?", I asked myself silently. I don't know who this handsome stranger is in front of me. I finally found my voice. "May I know where am I? And who are you?", I shyly asked.
"You are in paradise. And my name is Michael". He replied.
"You see death is only the beginning of a new life free of pain and sorrow, your family should not mourn about you. You were kind, just, and honest when you were alive. You lived a good life", he added.
I found peace after he said it and I smiled. I guess I will like it here then.
Then I saw a hill full of flowers that I've never seen before.
"Can I roam around?", I asked Michael.
"Sure, this is your home from now on. Feel free to do whatever makes you happy", he responded.

And I excitedly walked towards the mountain forgetting about everything else. Then an unfamiliar voice called me from somewhere, "Finella!". I tried to trace where the voice is coming from. I don't know who they are! "We are your family, your ancestors. Welcome to paradise! We have a lot of catching up to do!", said the woman who introduced herself as my great-great-great-grandma Victoria. Then she lead us to the most beautiful place I've never ever seen in my life, a house with a gigantic tree in the middle adorned by fireflies in the daytime! There were different varieties of flowers with interesting colors and shapes. I was breathless!

We started our conversation with an introduction of who we are and that's it. I couldn't remember what happened to me, why I am here, but it's alright. And everyone was having a good time with all the good food beyond my imagination. I am at peace, happy, and excited about this new phase of my journey.

Hello mate, I hope you liked my fictional story for today. Thought I'd share something new. Let me know if you don't. And do you think there is a paradise afterlife?


All images were from
December 5, 2021


$ 2.78
$ 2.63 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for jasglaybam
2 years ago


After I read your article, it also made me realize that if you encounter a darkness in life , do not lose hope everything will shine at the right time. 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice story, I liked it a lot. Happy beginning of the week

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That reminds me of The Good Place I think it was called, will you continue and happy Monday Glessa ;)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Was it a book po? I saw the "Who did this Poo game" in Shopee and the price was 1616 pesos lol ...Happy Monday po sir Ed, thank you...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe not only in God, but also in the devil. I believe in heaven and hell. I believe they exist.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I also believe sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Trust me dear, I felt it from heart. A smile is on my face. Thanks cousin.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am happy that you smiled cousin. Say "hi" to your mama, our mama for me :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

She says hi too ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww my heart is singing :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe abi nako damgo. Nice one.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you sis. Hadlok man damguhon joke lang.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tell me who doesn't like such a beautiful story. We believe that the life after death is the life we ​​will go to paradise. Because everyone wants to go to paradise, everyone's dream is one.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you my dear :) I dream of going there too one day. If the heavens will allow.

$ 0.00
2 years ago