Visit to the farm with the chickens.
It is very nice to visit the farm. I love it, but we don't know all the work that is done there. Today I will tell you something about the animals that my brother has on his farm. He, like me, enjoys raising animals and planting.
At the moment he is raising chickens. These little avenues are a bit of work because he has to place them in controlled places where hygiene, ventilation and feeding go hand in hand to be successful.
Here he has an enclosed environment with special curtains separating the rooms, with lights on all day to provide warmth and a sense of daytime all day and night. They also need to control the cold in the environment, as cold chicks clump together and diseases are more likely to occur. They have to combat the cold by turning on the lights, all the bulbs on, so they remain in good weather and separated without grouping.
When they are hot, they can be seen with their beaks open and one leg stretched out with their wings extended, in which case the fans should be turned on so that they can cool down.
They should not forget to pay attention to food and water, water should contain certain vitamins to avoid viral infections and to check for them.
Water and food should always be checked, changed and replaced because they should never run out of food.
Another important thing is to clean their area of the place, always remove the floor that has a cover of rice shells where the feces are deposited and pick it up to keep the area free of their waste. These can be reused as fertilizer for plants, as long as there is a simple and easy process of recycling them.
I particularly enjoy planting and mixing my own compost with chicken droppings, black soil and dry sticks from fallen trees.
This is one of the most demanding tasks on the farm because you have to watch the chickens as they grow throughout the day and through the 6 weeks before they are ready to be sold. There are 21 days for the chicks to hatch in the hatchery and then almost 2 months for their growth, development and sale.
My brother has already put about 300 chickens on sale, and they have sold very well. Good weight and good price.
Everything goes well if it is properly controlled. Every discipline at work has its benefits. That is why I like to visit my brother because he walks me through all the spaces from a certain distance, because I should not enter the places with the clothes and shoes from the street and rubbing against other animals.
Dear friends, I hope you enjoyed my walk around the farm in the chicken breeding place. Later on, I will tell you about other places where other animals and crops are raised.
I am @gertu13 from Venezuela to the world.
Hola querida Gertu! acabas de despejar una duda que siempre he tenido acerca del porque dejaban las luces encendidas en los criaderos de pollos, ahora se la razón, es para mantenerlos calientes, me encanto el articulo. Viajé en el tiempo, al año 1980, cuando visitaba la granja de mis abuelos, todas las mañanas mi abuela se levantaba a darle de comer a los patos y pollos que tenían, era muy interesante ver como ella los llamaba y todos se aglomeraban para recibir su merecido maíz, no estaban enjaulados, andaban por todos lados. A veces me dejaba darles de comer, ella siempre decía que son muy inteligentes, y conocen la persona que siempre les da de comer, y cuando es una persona extraña, se acercan pero un poco temerosos.
Te felicito por el post!!!