Oldies still don't seem to understand....
Crpyto can already replace the entire commerce, internet commerce, banking, and finance systems based on fiat money, and do it all far better. It can also not only already replace, but far exceed the capability of, existing financial instruments and contracts, the lawyers that write them, and the courts that enforce them.
Crypto is
free to start using it
far more easy and secure to hold than cash, gold or banks
is not depreciating in the race to the bottom inflation by central banks
increasing in value over time (like a lot!)
used with no accounts, no bank, no commerce accounts, no third-parties, no middle persons
works 24/7 to any person on the planet with a basic smart phone and basic internet
has run 24/7 for 10 years with no issues
used in programmable contracts that does away with lawyers and paper contracts
essentially zero fee for any amount at any time, no middleman, no exchange rates since it is worldwide
scalable to any size or amount, from cents to millions with no change in cost or time
processed in online transactions that are completely secure
on a system that allows completely automated accounting
trivial to process online with no third-parties or accounts, and is native to the internet
used in any complexity smart contracts with no lawyers or courts needed to check and enforce it
the most significant human advancement since the internet
a whole new system of currency that was thought to be impossible before Satoshi released the most remarkable 7000 lines of code ever written
Using national currencies, banks, and international wires is laughable
can't have a bank account if you are under 18?!
banks close most of the year, are only open maybe 8-4pm, 5 days a week!
have to stand in queue, get a number, wait for an ATM!
your money debases every month at any rate determined by a central bank secret committee (hence why the 'real median wage' in teh USA has been going down since the 1970s...magically coinciding with 1971 gold shock - teh US international default on all debts due to Vietnam war costs, delinking of gold, and turning USD into pure fiat money
national fiat money is nothing except numbers entered on a keyboard and kept in a database. New money is just made with the stoke of a pen, 'lent' by a central bank (via 'brokers' like Goldman Sacks) to banks or government. Then banks charge huge loan fees to business or persons (all this is called 'usary' previously illegal, and still illegal in Islamic law).
huge fees, days for a transaction, 3-7 days of manual verification
might then be blocked for any unknown reason
weixin and alipay can't be used cross country
paypal is US controller company, high fees, and has geo-political blocks on funds
credit cards drive huge fraud
banks and credit cards drive huge identity theft statistics
credit cards have no security model - they were designed to create a receipt, have you manually sign the receipt, then have the shopkeeper check the signature against the one on the back of the creidt card! - nobody does that, and online nothing is done!
credit cards are predatory to the poor with absurd interest rates
credit cards are only available to the rich and can only use in expensive stores ... try asking the roadside food stall to take your credit card!
credit cards require your full card details, your address, to give to a seller so they can then enter any amount and pull it from your card!
Dangerous since now sellers, desk clarks, all know where you live, what you are buying, how much you have.
This has been going for over 10 years perfectly:
send any amount, at any time, 24/7 completely securely to anyone on the planet who has a basic smartphone and basic internet
without any middle persons, no bank, no account, no anything
with or without escrow
with or without time locks
used in complex smart contracts with any payment terms far beyond what a lawyer could devise are done
smart contracts network enforced in real time in a far better and secure manner than any court or police persons could understand and enforce.
I guess still people just don't know about all this yet???????
It is just a matter of time before this replaces money. Superior technology always wins out in the end. It is simply because something that is far better and far cheaper wins.
The next generation wont even know about banks, credit cards, cash.
There are lot of advantages that crypto can offer to us. It is been recognized by some countries and it is now being used as mode of payment for some goods and services. I believe that crypto will stay stronger for years to come.