win my heart for day 6th of 30 days writing challenge

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2 years ago

I am a very simple person but very cautious about people who want to be part of my life. What you see is what you get : no fakery, no sugar coating the truth and no lies. Most people weren't prepared when it comes to meet me for the first time, but I am so quick to grow on.

My heart is such a dark, spooky, and dangerous place that nobody should ever get closer, let alone winning it. And I don’t think there’s a certain way to win my heart. I’m actually easily amazed by something new and different, but it doesn’t count as winning because most of the times the amazement disappeared as quickly as it came. I believe that when it comes to winning my heart, it should be able to keep me amazed for a long time and most importantly makes me feel comfortable. So what I’m going to write down bellow is more like five ways to make me feel comfortable (and probably win my heart, eventually)

On the 6th days of the writing challenge for 30 days 5 ways to win my heart.

1st Make me laugh

I was such a very quite type of person but who can't resist those person who can make me laugh even in a silly things. I had been through a lot of misfortunes in life that's why I need company that will lighten my day. I only had few friends in my life but all of them are knows how to make me laugh.

2nd Conversationalist

I love those people who are smart or should I say street smart knows about a lot of things in life. Nonsense topic will be a big no for me like gossiping in others life is a red flag for me if you talk about others life you will not engage me through that, but if you tell me about good movies or book that you had read then the clock will start to click and even for the whole day we can talk. Engage me in conversation about something you're passionate about is much better to talk about ,who can make life worth living to share is the best part of the conversation.

 Looks fade; knowledge is forever. I’m attracted to people who knows a lot of things. It doesn’t always have to be about law, politic, physics or how this galaxy were formed, even though it’d be better if you could explain about that as well. It’s nice to talk to people who always have an answer to every weird and unimportant question I ask, or at least willing to think of the answer to my question instead of just saying “idk” “why did you even ask me that”.

3rd Be open-minded. 

It’s always nice to be around open-minded people, you know, those who are willing to listen, observe, understand, and try to see everything from different point of view. The ones who don’t easily judge and point at people, saying that their opinion is right or wrong. But it doesn’t mean that they always accept everything, though. They still have their own standard but chose not to impose anyone to live up to it. Even though we’re in a relationship and we believe that we’re soulmates, we’re still a different human beings with different way of thinking, and disagreements are inevitable and might happen. This is when your open-mindedness is pretty much needed.

4th Leave me alone, give me the space that I need.

 If you’re a true believer of the quote “sometimes I push you away because I need you to pull me closer” please back off. Just because those girls before me used this trick doesn’t mean such quotes apply to every girl, especially to me. If I push you away, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, pull me closer. If I push you away it’s either I want to be alone or I can’t deal with your annoying ass anymore. Just give me the space that I need. I love the company of other people, don’t get me wrong, but I take a lot of time to recover from being around people as well. Someone who can respect my “me time” and understand how much I love solitude is definitely going to win my heart.

5th Love french fries dipped in ice cream as much as I do.

Well, this is the last one. It might sound weird for some people but believe me, many people out there have tried this since years ago. The combination of something sweet and something salty makes it taste SO good, please consider trying this or at least add it into your -100 things to do before you die- list. If you ask me out and take me to McDonald’s and you order this heaven-sent food there’s a huge chance I’m gonna say yes when you want to take me to McDonald’s again. Which means, a bigger chance to win my heart.

These are some ways to win my heart just be who you are and you must know how to treat people right plus good foods.

This will be some of my articles in this 30 days writing challenge

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2 years ago
