smartBCH Bridge - How to Convert BCH to smartBCH

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For those who are new to the Bitcoin Cash have recently learned about the sidechain named smartBCH. And this sidechain being on the Ethereum Virtual Machine, it's not easy to set things up.

In previous tutorial, I have covered how to connect to smartCash using Metamask or Brave wallet. Now I want to get the new users to understand how you can use your BCH wallet to fund your smartBCH address.

Community projects have come up with various methods in order to swap or make a bridge between two different blockchains to transfer the assets. Unfortunately for us there are not many 3rd party wallets outside the community offering this service.

So if you want to use the bridge for conversion of BCH to smartBCH you are making use of the community sponsored tools. I can't give you any assurance for such tools and anything you do using these tools would be risky. Then again that's pretty much the case with every blockchain project out there.

Bridges that Convert Bitcoin Cash to smartBCH

There are couple of bridges that allow you to turn the bitcoin cash to smartBCH are listed below.

These are the known and popular tools that you can use for conversion as of now. In near future there would be more tools that would allow you to do this which includes 1BCH Dex and other Dex services. As of now these DEX services have their own shares of the code and the liquidity provider issues. In few months to years it would be resolved as more people adopt the BCH and smartBCH.

So let's discuss the Bridges one by one.


Hopcash works with both metamask and the brave wallet. Make sure to connect your smartBCH wallet in your metamask with the hopcash before you get on the swap option. Basically if you have smartBCH then connecting that wallet would open up the two way options for swap.

It's a good tool for those who are new and involves lesser amount of the steps for the swap and the conversion compared to the other tools out there for now.


I suppose this was the first tool that I came in contact with for this sort of the functions. So the initially I was not aware how to make use of the wagoncash but realized it's just similar to the hopcash later.

Like hopcash it would be easier to use and also in few usage attempts you would be able to use it for the intended work that you wish to use it for. I'd recommend both hopcash and wagoncash for your smartBCH swap needs.

In case if you have some sort of the technical issues, both the tools have their telegram channels and groups in which you can check out in case if you need any form of help.


This is another option where you can deposit your BCH and get to withdraw the smartBCH. Similarly you can do the vice versa. You would be able to invest into FlexUSD from here as well.

Steps to do the swap from BCH to smartBCH and vice versa.

  1. Make sure to register either by metamask or regular email.

  2. Make sure to get into the dashboard and make metamask connection.

  3. Add your BCH deposit.

  4. Get the address for the withdrawal where you choose SEP-20 address.

  5. Done

So you're basically getting the smartBCh at the end of that step. And it'd be pretty much quick and painless too. For those who are looking to swap their smartBCH this would be a good option for them.

smartBCH is here to stay more tools and the smart contract based applications would increase the amount of money and the time being invested into this side chain.


By the end of this post, you may have learned about the tools that could help you work your BCH in the smartBCH sidechain and vice versa. It'd be good to ask the technical questions to the respective tools telegram channel or the groups.

I hope this post helped you navigate your way around the smartBCH bridges.

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I used Coinflex for my first SmartBCH bridge. It took several hours confirm the the BCH I sent to Coinflex. So it wasn't a satisfactory experience. So I will try other alternatives next time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago doesn't work. and works.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the update. I'll update accordingly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago