smartBCH Wallet Setup: How to Add smartBCH Network in Metamask & Brave Wallet

The amount of people adopting the new sidechain smartBCH has been slowly increasing. New people who are new to both BCH and smartBCH may find it harder to get their wallet setup for the smartBCH.

So here in this article, I wish to cover the process of adding the smartBCH network into the Metamask wallet and the Brave Wallet.

First we will check out how to add the smartBCH into the brave wallet and then we will move to the alternative method to set things up quicker with chainlist.

How to add smartBCH in Brave Wallet & Metamask

The below method works for both brave and metamask. However few changes here and there for the options may mix things up. So follow the brave wallet option here and for metamask you can use the chainlink.

  1. Step is to get the network settings in the brave. Check below image on where to get the network options for wallet.

  1. We have to use the "Add Network" options. You can already see the existing added networks in that list.

  1. When you tab or click into the add button. It should show you big screen of options that you are supposed to add into the dialog box.

  1. Use the below information for adding the custom network for the information specific to the smartBCH network.

You can also access the settings file here.

You can just copy and paste the text from this pastebin as it would be lot easier that way. Make sure to also double check before confirming. You can also edit later too but it helps to have the copy pasting done properly in the text boxes of add network settings options.

Clicking on submit should add one more network into your metamask and the brave wallet. You can also check if you are connected by checking on the right side of the change network option, where you can also find the option for the smartBCH network now.

It should look like the image shown above. Hopefully this manual method of adding the custom network helped you.

Alternative Method: Chainlist

You can also use the chainlist for connecting to the smartBCH. You would find the chainlist method lot easier to try out. As it only requires few tap into the system and you are done. No need to type address or look up. Just connect with chainlist method for metamask.

  1. Connect your wallet with metamask or brave.

  2. Search Binance smart chain in the list.

  3. Add the network

  4. Accept the prompt and you're done.

You can check out chainlist:

I personally found chainlist method useful for adding any network in both metamask and the brave wallet. Though knowing the manual method always helps because you never know when you'd be needing that. I suppose the chainlist also works on the mobile too when we usually don't have the prompt based options there.

As you can see from the image choosing the smartBCH from the search would give you the option to connect to that network.

In case of trustwallet or any other mobile wallet where you want to add custom EVM based network. What you can do is setup the metamask or the brave wallet on the desktop. And then import that wallet into the trustwallet or any other wallet that support EVM based tokens and network. That is what I have done with my personal trustwallet and the metamask setup.


These are two methods to connect to the smartBCH. I am sure most of you would choose the chainlist as it is one of the effective method to connect to the smartBCH network. Brave wallet setup through manual steps is also worth going for if you want to know about it and may need in future.

I hope this information helps you. If you have any questions or comments do let me know below :)

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Looks like important information, thank you dear,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i join few days back and read a lot of articles about smartbch and added it in my metamask wallet but now i need a article that how i buy different tokens in wallet can you please help regard this

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will cover that in future article :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

will wait for your article thanks for responding my comment

$ 0.00
2 years ago