A message from chairman Maomaury to reach.cash

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4 years ago

Hey man,

You are clearly not doing good.

You are clearly a very talented individual. You setup a successful website, and iterated on it to make it great. Now you have many users, and they are demanding more and more. You are stretched thinner and thinner. You know that if you stop, everything will unravel real quick. You are seeing your life be sucked away by this thing that you created and you start to resent it. Irritability, loss of your sense of humor and passive aggressiveness are the signs.

You find yourself in this position because your incentives are misaligned. The more this website is successful, the more work you end up having on your plate. But the resources which are available to you do not grow in proportion, and you therefore find yourself in an unsustainable position. You love this thing you created, so you do not want to let it die, and yet, it is killing you.

You accepted large donations. However, while they come with no string attached, really, did they? There is an expectation coming with these donation. The expectation that you will keep things going. The expectation that you will not change direction in a way the donor would not like. Pulling a bait and switch on donors would indeed be a very dishonorable ting to do. You know it, they know it. Every other single prospect donor knows it. No need for a contract for this.

You have one way out of this. Extract a profit from what you have created. The more successful it will be, the more resources you'll have to handle it. It will not be eating away your life, but it will feed it instead. Reading between the lines in your posts, it is clear that you consider not having benefited from read.cash a good thing. Let me be blunt: it is not and it is why you are having so many problems today.

You don't have anyone preventing you from taking VC money, taking a fee on activities on the site or anything else. This limitation is self imposed and you can free yourself any time. This is hard, first and foremost because you will have to reconsider a to of things. This is not simply a business model change. This is a worldview change. This is hard. I urge you to do it anyways. For this website, for this community, but first and foremost for yourself.

Take a day off. Or two. Or more. Go see some friends. Do not check your mail, support tickets or anything. If the server goes offline, then so be it. Cool down. Wait for your sense of humor to come back. And when this happen, come back on this website, work on monetizing it and grow the shit out of it.

This is worth it. You are worth it.

$ 6.78
$ 2.00 from @Cain
$ 1.00 from @emergent_reasons
$ 1.00 from @Marco
+ 16
Avatar for deadalnix
Written by
This user is who they claim to be.
We have manually verified this user via some other channel.
4 years ago



$ 0.00
4 years ago

I'm out of the loop. what's with read.cash?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Shammah (micropresident) organized a meme competition: https://read.cash/@micropresident/announcing-the-bitcoin-cash-meme-competition-of-2020-a12435be

Read.cash founder considered it was a violation of the website rules and threatened to ban users: https://read.cash/@Read.Cash/the-state-of-things-595fb89a

He explained why he did this later, among other things: https://read.cash/@Read.Cash/my-response-to-micropresident-and-coinspice-5f1eb9dd

By the way, he's a real Bitcoin Cash enthusiast and he need financial support for one of his projects : https://mainnet.cash/

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Okay thanks for writing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I can be a volunteer to assist with some duties if he approves me to, I understand he has a whole lot to do which would become easier if he shares some responsibilities.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Actually, the site deducts some fee from upvotes.

People can't allow their soul to be succumbed by their work. Then their lives just becoming worse and worse. BTW i dont even have internet on my phone, even wifi is disabled. When i stand up from my desk, then the online world ends till i sit back. Focusing too much on a project puts the developer into an echo chamber, when he can not see outside those walls any more. This results in a failure to recognize demands, and derails the development. I try to avoid this by taking long pauses after succesfully reaching new achievements in a project. That time is for charging up, refocusing, thinking on the business aspects, watching the reaction of people, summarizing up the existing problems, trying to use the product from an user-aspect and not from a developer-aspect. Having multiple, diffetent type of projects also helps.

By the way you could have addressed these advices directly to yourself as well, thinking outside of the box would make you to understand why the block funding proposal (alongside with some of your other ideas) got rejected recently. In the dark ages, kings put up disguises and went to the regular people to always know what the people thinking, what the real issues are. A train is not just only about the driver, or about the engine, its work of 10 000's of people from every mechanican, engineer, maintenance worker, steward, seat creator, railway worker... In fact, you cant even drive the train into wrong direction, the railway will be switched where the people want to go. And if you dont want to drive the train into that direction, then someone else will.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

thanks for this article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

it is clear that you consider not having benefited from read.cash a good thing.

im pretty sure you are wrong on this one ..it seems to be more the case of "this site is so small for now, that any efforts spent on monetizing it are not going to be as meaningful as efforts spent on growing it" ..he should definitely raise some funds to hire help asap though

otherwise great article, hopefully helps explain your behaviour a bit, hopefully you also change your ways so also you can get your profits. Discarding grasberg and going for toomims asert would be a great start.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Extract a profit from what you have created. (...) You don't have anyone preventing you from (...) taking a fee on activities on the site.

Read.cash does take a 10% fee on tips.

See my tip transaction: https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/transaction/5e4ce09c82095e2d5ea9423520ef6468ed870d1c14b87590c677992e665e3672

I tipped you $0.50 but in reality you only received $0.45.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Dear @read.cash,

I echo Amaury and also want to say that I've directly seen him refer to you as a 10x engineer. You've clearly got skills, please don't waste them trying to be a martyr. Use them to make a profit, and turn that profit to grow your business, to give people jobs, and make the world a better place. Without the profit part you will just end up destroying yourself without benefiting anyone. Also suggest not worrying about anything other people say. Just move on as if none of this ever happened. It will be forgotten. No one will care. Just keep building and making this site as good as could be.


P.S. If anyone understands how you feel right now it's Amaury.

$ 0.15
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago