Women in Medicine : Florence Nightingale

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2 years ago

We are all ordinary people. But some of us are motivated to do extraordinary things. I am always curious to know what drives or drove another individual to pursue a certain path in their life such that they end up leaving behind marks in history that endure forever. One such ordinary person that I studied is Florence Nightingale.

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

In 1859, Florence Nightingale was the first to set out guidelines for ethical nursing practice. She wrote:
* “It may seem a strange principle to enunciate as the very first requirement in a Hospital is to do the sick no harm …”

(NOTE: It's not a strange principle. It's a sad principle. Some strange people need a guideline expressed in very plain language in the hopes that it pricks their conscience (if they have one) so that they don't take advantage of the sick and do them harm. I do wonder if Ms. Nightingale actually witnessed an incident that compelled her to write down these words.)

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May 12th is International Nurses Day. This special day has been celebrated since 1965. The date was chosen because it is the B-Day (birthday) for Florence Nightingale, a pioneer in healthcare and health reform, and the mother of modern nursing. Because of her efforts in the field of nursing many others did not have to experience their own personal D-Day (day of death).

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I have always been taught to admire and respect this woman but never really learned very much about her. Decided to collect a few more additional facts about this remarkable lady and learned two things about her that were news to me.

- Did not know she was a mathematical genius? Although that really comes as no surprise. She was in fact a very gifted child and excelled in mathematics and science.

- Did not know she believed that she was called by God? That too really comes as no surprise. Most people who defy the norms of their day, particularly women, and determine to set out on a specific path or chart a course despite the objections or oppositions or great peril to one's life, to achieve anything are usually driven by a voice that nobody else can hear except them. They so firmly that they have been called to their mission or task that they can not be dissuaded because it would violate their conscience and they would genuinely feel that the failure to respond to the calling would be like a betrayal to mankind.

So here is little Miss Nightingale, born into a family with sufficient financial means to educate her and develop her knowledge, skills and abilities, and prepare her for her life's work. She grows to womanhood and there is a sea of humanity outside her door where she can put this real wealth to good use.

Those voices could not be ignored. Not by her anyway.

Honoring the Memory Of:

Florence Nightingale (May 12, 1820 – August 13, 1910)

● Learn more about Florence Nightingale.

Florence Nightingale - Timeline

Florence Nightingale - English Nurse

Florence Nightingale - Biographical Sketch

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NOTE: My original content previously published on ForumCoin.com.

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