Why We Should Force Ourselves to Save?

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2 years ago

There are many reasons why we need to save. Perhaps our current salary or income is just enough for our day to day needs. But you have a dream of driving that brand new car you saw at the showroom or aiming to reach your dream destinations. You probably want to start a business and you need fund for your startup.

For these and other reasons, it is imperative that we start saving. Otherwise, all these dreams will remain a dream and we will find ourselves after 5 or 10 years still struggling to make ends meet because we failed to start saving.

In my previous article, I have shared the possibility of saving more even if we have a small salary or income. We just need to be mindful of our actions at all times. Setting a goal is the very first thing that we need to do and keep an eye on it.

Don’t let distractions take you away from your goal.

The Concept of Forced Saving

Image credits: Charles Thompson via Pixabay

As opposed to voluntary saving, forced saving is an obligation that you need to comply. It is comparable to a bill that we are mandated to pay. It is a commitment and an investment in one. Anyone can adopt this method of savings to secure their future.

Various Ways to Implement Forced Saving

Oftentimes, being consistent is a challenging task. We always have a reason or two for not being able to save. It seems that there are always a hindrance that comes along whenever we start the saving journey. Here are some of various saving strategies that are worth considering:

Automate Your Savings

Whether you are an employee receiving a regular monthly or bi-monthly salary or a freelance worker or a business individual, you can start automating your savings.  The first thing to do is to create a separate account. Every time the salary is credited to your account, the specified amount will be automatically transferred to your separate account. This way, you will no longer get hold of the money as it will be directly credited to your separate account.

In the current times as digital banking sweeps the online world, we can now do online the things we usually do with our physical banks. When it comes to savings automation, it is very much possible with our online banking apps. E-wallets such as G-Cash are also great way to start an automated savings.

Save With a Group

Image courtesy of Joseph Mucira via Pixabay

There are things that are better done with a group. Such as saving. If you have a friend or group of friends, you can build a team with a goal of saving a certain amount in a specified time. Each group member will commit that they will save a certain amount every month or every pay day. It’s up to you create your own rules as long as it will be fun. If your friends are competitive, they will make a way to increase their savings. The success of your friends will help you achieve your own savings goal.

Open a Retirement Savings Program With Your Bank

The earlier you start to save for your retirement, the better. As the name suggests, this savings plan is intended for your retirement. The monthly contribution is based on how many years you are planning to retire.

You can have your own retirement savings or you can open a retirement plan account with a trusted financial institution in your country.

You may refer to this retirement calculator to know how you should save monthly in order to reach your goal or desired monthly benefit.

Open an MP2 Account

Image courtesy of pagibigfund.gov.ph

A Modified Pagibig Program or more commonly known as MP2 is a voluntary savings program offered by the Pagibig fund to its members. This program has a 5-year maturity which give higher dividend rate compared to banks and other financial institutions. Current members, retirees and pensioners who were former members of Pagibig can join the program.

Though it is a voluntary savings program, we can consider it as a forced saving method. The program is voluntary in the sense that we can deposit any amount not less than 500 pesos. We are not require to deposit on a monthly basis. We can consider it a forced savings since our money is locked for 5 years. Meaning, we cannot withdraw the money until the maturity date.

The good thing about it is the higher dividend rate which we can opt to withdraw every year we can wait until the 5 years. The dividend shall be added to our principal which will be the basis of the computation of the dividend for the next year. The MP2 is implementing the power of compounded interest.

How I Started With MP2

I have been a member of Pagibig for 17 years. But it’s only last year that I decided to start my saving journey with MP2. I started by creating an online account so I can monitor my progress. I opted for personal payment rather than having it deducted from my salary. Whenever I have extra amount, I would automatically deposit it with Pagibig.

As of now, I am continuously growing my savings through my online wallet such as GCash and PayMaya.

I am hoping to reach at 1 million by the end of its term.

On the final thought...

I hope this post could encourage others to force themselves to save.  Even if we may have a small salary, it does not necessarily mean that could no longer save. It's a matter of disciplining ourselves and having a commitment that we may be able to achieve our goals.


The content of this post are based purely from my own experience and should not be considered a financial advice. Similarly, the opinions I have shared are of my own and does not in any way represent the organization I am currently connected with.

Special Thanks:

I would like to extend my thanks to my sponsors. I wish you more success with read.cash and with other projects you currently have.

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2 years ago


The truth is saving is one difficult task for me, why did I say so, its because this moment am saving and the next moment am spending everything.

I think if am exposed to more article of this nature, I will be interested in saving. Thanks it was educative enough.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree that it is difficult. But if we are committed, we can do it. We can start with a small amount until we develop the habit.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope to start soon..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my i still haven't opened an MP2 acct up to now. Lol. I've finally gotten it consolidated but I still haven't checked how to open aana mp2. 😆

Some people save money by buying affordable properties. However it will only be an asset if used as a passive income generator. Which reminds me, I should write an article abt it. Haha.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You can open through their website sis. Just be ready with a photo of two valid IDs. It's also easy and to deposit the contribution as you can use PayaMaya or GCash.

Properties are great investment too. Good luck on your business.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ok thanks. Hehe. Gawin ko yan MP2 soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Saving is important because we have to ready for emergency purposes. I asked my Papa and Mama to open a savings account for their future too, so they will have their own money someday. Luckily, they listened to me and they are happy saving now that they still have their sourse of income :) I am not a liability to them, and I plan to help on their savings once I am done with our house renovation.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's a great move! Some people do not trust the banks because of several issues such as hacking. It's a good thing that you were able to convince your parents to open a savings account.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow I have learnt alot to open a retirement savings program with your bank

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, having a retirement plan will definitely help us during our senior days.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Having little money is not an obstacle to saving.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, if we have a small amount of money, then we need to adjust our spending so that we can still keep a certain amount.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This will teach us to be contented. We will be good examples to our children.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I never thought of this before now, I think I will start a saving account cause there are some gadgets that I want to buy, maybe in months I will be able to afford it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Know how much you want to save and when do you want to have the amount. Then break down the amount into days, so you will be obliged to keep that certain amount every day. Keeping a small amount every day will go unnoticeable and before you know it, that amount already grown.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i have heard of mp2 a lot of times na.. but we have not opened one yet.. i will remind my husband about it again...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

MP2 is better than any bank in the country in terms of rate and this is tax free.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

wow that's great.. i am sold!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Magaan sa pakiramdam sis pag meron talaga Tayong saving,, Yan din natutunan ko sa buhay, kasi super unpredictable ng panahon, di natin alam kung kelan magkaka emergency. Need lang din natin mag spend wisely.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right. We should always be prepared. Mahirap mabaon sa utang dahil once nag emergency at wala tayong savings, kakagatin natin kahit gaano kalaki ng interes kasi kailangan natin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Saving is essential to follow our dreams and to spend money in hard time. In our region, forced Saving is favourable. We people get salary after getting retired from job.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We also have a law about mandatory savings for both government and private entities in our country. But oftentimes, the amount the retirees can get from this is only enough for the maintenance medicine when they are old and sickly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every county has different policies for its job holder. We should exchange our ideas to gain knowledge and good learning.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We just need spend wisely. If we know our priorities and know how to properly save our 🤑 for sure you have a good future ahead.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, that is the best thing to do especially now that the prices of commodities are continuously soaring up high.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

AGREE with your point of view there Is no doubt that if we want to achieve our goals in our life we first must force ourselves to save if we do not save then I give its bit harder to achieve goals in our life

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oftentimes, we save what is left after spending. So most of the time, we can no longer save. That is why it is imperative that we start forcing ourselves to do the saving. Thank you for sharing your thought in this.

$ 0.01
2 years ago