Ways to Help in Promoting Bitcoin Cash

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Avatar for cinderella
2 years ago

Have you ever thought of purchasing meals from some of the popular fast food restaurants in your place using Bitcoin Cash? Or probably buying from an online store with the use of cryptocurrency? Unfortunately, this option is not yet available in most establishments in my locality.

On the positive note, this may be possible in the near future. But we need to do something that could help in the mass adoption of Bitcoin Cash.

I may have been busy these past months because of some work-related tasks which has always been the reason why there were times in the past when I could not continuously engage with my online activities. But whenever I have time, I would spent it mostly in writing.

When I first learned about Bitcoin Cash more than a year ago, I already regarded it as one of the most promising cryptocurrencies along with Bitcoin and Etherium. I even imagined walking inside a store and would just pay BCH for the things I buy using my e-wallet. Just the same as using GCash or other e-wallet. It would be easier with the use of Quick Response (QR) Code.

Image courtesy of Marcus Winkler via Pixabay

I started being active with noise.cash. However, after several months, I lost track of my online activities since I was transferred to another unit in our office which require most of my time. There was no weekend for me. I am at the office most of the time because I was trying to finish all the backlogs of the previous personnel assigned to the unit. It was only recently when I get control of my time again. My schedule is already back to normal and I decided to open my noise.cash account. Good thing it was still active. After a couple of weeks, I opened my read.cash account and when I found out that it is still active, I decided to continue writing for the site.

It is a good experience being back with both of these sites. But the only setback is the continuous dropping of the prices of most cryptocurrencies including BCH. I was also a bit frustrated upon knowing that time has passed and still few establishments in my country are accepting BCH as payment for their products and services. Based on BantayanIsland article, there are only 11 merchants accepting BCH in our country. This is certainly hard to accept.

I am aware that not everyone has a concrete idea of the benefits they can get by accepting BCH. But being a member of read.cash and noise.cash, we could probably help in spreading the benefits through our social media accounts or even within our circle of friends. This way, businesses would have a clear understanding of what they get when accepting BCH as a form of payment.

Initial Actions I’ve Taken to Help in Promoting BCH

I always believe that small steps can help in attaining big goals. If we want to change the world, we should start with ourselves. So, I started with the following actions in order to show my support with Bitcoin Cash and to spread the benefits for using the same.

Changed my Facebook Cover with a Picture Containing BCH Logo

Image courtesy of appadvice.com

The first step I did was to change my Facebook background to a BCH logo and with a note that I am accepting BCH as a form of payment for whatever services I am offering.

Updated My Page’s Cover With a Design Containing BCH Logo

I also updated the cover of my page, The LeaderBoard and started sharing my read.cash articles through that page.

Sold my Coins in Exchange of BCH

I have visited my Abra account and decided to convert my other cryptocurrencies to Bitcoin Cash. Though I have some issues with this site because of the CPRX, but I am just waiting for some luck over this.

Other Things I am Planning to Do

My initial plans were already in place though I know it will not be enough. I don’t have a huge following after I dropped my blogging activity which I started several years ago. But hopefully, these steps could in one way or another help encourage other people to do the same.

Request to add BCH as payment option

Image courtesy of Pixabay

This can be done by giving suggestions through the company’s official Facebook pages or by giving feedback when visiting their stores. The owners of the establishments would usually take suggestions from the customers as they believe that this would help them grow further.

Continuously Share the Benefits of using BCH

I’m sure there are a lot of people who are benefited by BCH in one way or another. It is indeed an excellent move if we could continuously share it with our friends through social media or via other ways. Ultimately, we can help by writing good contents about the benefits it can offer.

Encourage Friends to Make Request for BCH Payment Adoption

It could have a bigger impact if more people are requesting for a certain thing. The more people would ask for it, the more it can encourage business owners to look into the matter.

On the final thought…

It’s not easy to change the old ways or the common practices that has been there for years. Changing other people’s mindset could be a daunting task. But it could even more difficult if we won’t start changing our own ways.

How about you guys, what steps would you take to help promote Bitcoin Cash?


The content of this post are based purely from my own experience and should not be considered a professional advice. Similarly, the opinions I have shared are of my own and does not in any way represent the organization I am currently connected with.

Special Thanks:

I would like to extend my thanks to my sponsors. I wish you more success with read.cash and with other projects you currently have.

Sponsors of cinderella

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$ 1.38
$ 1.25 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Sajibb
$ 0.03 from @Unity
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Avatar for cinderella
2 years ago


Thank you so much for the mention, been absent for a long while but you're such an inspiration to me. I will try to write once more for this platform. Thanks a lot and more power to your articles.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, I noticed that your were not active for sometime based on the activity in your account. I was looking for something to back-up my content and while searching, I found your article through Google search.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

actually ate i didn't know much about bch right now. all i know is the meaning. its my first day in read cash too. hehe. but can we really use it for payment?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

For people living in our country, it's easier because BCH is supported by Coins.ph and other local wallet. What is important is the establishment should accept it as a form of payment for their products and services. Personally, I am accepting BCH as payment. Welcome to read.cash.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well written. There aren't any who accept BCH where I live.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Same here in our place sis. Yesterday, I went to Seven Eleven and they are not accepting BCH or any crypto payment. I am still thinking of ways how I can promote other than social media.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is not easy to replace old methods or common practices that have been around for years. Changing other people's mindsets can be a daunting task. But it can be even more difficult if we don't start changing our own ways: this is so true. I think it's a reaction against the old ways and common practices in cryptocurrencies. We should emphasize and spread this as much as we can.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We can influence others if they can see good results in us. We should let them realize that not because we were used to it, it's already the best practice. Thank you for sharing your thought.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right. thank you too

$ 0.00
2 years ago