Happy to Help a Friend

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2 years ago

I was already invited for many times in different events and activities as a resources speaker. But among the different municipalities in our province, it was the local government unit of my hometown which invited me most often.

I once mentioned it to my colleague who happens to be a close friend. She told me that she also want to come with me when I would be invited again. So when the person in-charged, the GAD Focal Person of the local government unit asked me if I can discuss about the GAD assessment tools. I told her that I want my colleague to be invited too. So she said, it’s okay.

My colleague has been in the service ahead of me and has a higher position.  She will be retiring in the next few years but she is still struggling with her finances. Maybe that is because two of her sons are still dependent on her.

Though she has a higher position and definitely with a higher salary than me, her problems on money is on another level. I am not sure if it is because of the way she handles her finances or I just have more side hustles. Perhaps it is also because I have a slightly advanced knowledge on technology especially with the use of internet. That is apart from frequents invitations as a resource speakers on various occasions.

When the invitation from the LGU was received by the office, I immediately informed her so she can prepare ahead of time. I gave her a ready-made presentation for her topic so she can devote on other strategies during the training. I also downloaded videos to support our discussions.

Given a choice, I prefer to work alone and to implement my own strategies, but I know my friend needs additional fund so I requested for her inclusion in the invitation. Besides, she is my friend so I want to share with her whatever blessings I receive.

A day before the training, we had our conference and I reminded her of the activity on the following morning. I was trying to talk to her so that we could discuss our manner of presentation but she seem to be so busy. Before we go home, I tried to approach her again but she told me that the group invited her to go out, she said they will go to videoke house.

I can’t do anything because maybe she already know the topic so well. I just went home and reviewed my presentation. It was nearly midnight when I finished reviewing and decided to go to sleep.

The next morning, she came to the house early and for some reason, I forgot to bring my laptop which I discovered when we were already at the venue. But the issue was resolved before the start of the activity.

Discussion proper

After the short opening program, we started with the training proper. The activity was attended by the different head of offices and the technical working group.

It was successful activity though I was not completely satisfied because she didn’t prepared well for the workshop. Added to my annoyance was when she didn’t bring any clothes. Instead of taking a rest after the activity, I still need to drive home. Of course, I was also thinking about the price of the gasoline and the local government unit already prepared an accommodation.

Because she is my close friend, I need to be patient. Besides I understand that when we get older, we tend to be forgetful, so instead of arguing, I just try to forget about it. We drove home and we went back to the venue on the following day.

Receiving my certificate of appreciation

Another topic was discussed on the second day. I think she studied well her part last night so she was able to deliver the topic better. Besides, she is knowledgeable about this topic because she used to discuss it in other activities before.

My friend receiving the certificate or appreciation

It was a great presentation and the mayor of the municipality gave thanks to us. Before we go home, we were awarded with certificate and an honorarium. It was in an envelope so we did not open it while at the venue.

A group picture with the LCE and the participants

We bid goodbye to the mayor, the GAD focal person of the local government unit and other local officials.

While at the car, my friend tried to open her envelope. She was delighted to see the honorarium given to her. She can’t stop giving thanks to me for allowing her to come with me in that activity. She told me that she will be using the money for the tuition fee of her son who is taking up bachelor of laws.

I’m also happy that somehow, I was able to help a friend.


The content of this post is not for promotional intent rather for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a financial advice. Similarly, the opinions I have shared are of my own and does not in any way represent the organization I am currently connected with.

Special Thanks:

I would like to extend my thanks to my sponsors. I wish you success with all the endeavors you have especially with you read.cash activities. More blessings!

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Written for read.cash by Sharon S. Lopez (Cinderella). All rights reserved 2022

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$ 1.85 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago


You are kind enough to your friend and for sure she values it. Helping others will make us happy as we see them happy too.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you Jen. Yes, it's a different level of happiness when we know that because of us, someone becomes happy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Like it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's always good to help people cos it has a great reward. She will never forget what you have done to her and will be forever grateful.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right. It was a big help for her. Hopefully, could still include her in my other speaking engagements. Thank you for dropping by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations po! You deserve it. It's because of your hard work, and you're a person with a good and great heart indeed! God bless you, your friend po must be so blessed for having you around.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you sis for the appreciation. I am happy to help and my wish is to be given more opportunities to extend help to others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're truly a blessing to others po, God bless you always and in all ways.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats poo. You're a great friend as inviting your colleague there was awesome. She was able to receive a gift that was very helpful for her.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you. The feeling is good when we share the blessings that we receive.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agree 💯💗.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good to forget and to start each morning with new zeal and energy by the way congratulations

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, that's the best thing to do. Every day is a new start . Thank you for dropping by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats sister for getting appreciation certificate. Our hard work paid a lot to us. You did great in helping of your friend in better way.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you sis. Yes, I am supporting my friend in every little ways I can.

$ 0.00
2 years ago