Is there anything left to explore or to exploit? No blue, no green.

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2 years ago

Is there anything left to explore or to exploit?

From school I have heard about those people who made great journeys and discovered entire continents; characters such as Christopher Columbus, Diego de Lozada, Magellan, among others, were very much named in my education and I think it was thanks to them that they had the temperance, intelligence or guts to go on those endless journeys that today we have a story to tell. History also tells us about other "explorers", like Engineer Neil Armstrong who was the first man to set foot on the lunar surface, on July 21, 1969, and uttered the famous phrase, "It's a small step for a man, but a great leap for mankind.

Margarita Island-Playa el Agua-Venezuela


I remember in my childhood sitting in front of the TV and watching Captain Jacques Cousteau's show exploring the depths of the seas.

    All these actions are nothing more than the desire for knowledge, the desire to know what lies beyond things. If it were not for all these discoveries, many would still think that the earth is square, or that the universe revolves only around it. Although today we know a lot, it is never too much, never enough. This reminds me that I recently saw on television the discovery of a new planet.

Yapascua Cove-Puerto Cabello/Venezuela

No blue, no green.

Many are the phrases that have become famous, said by illustrious people around the world, without blue there is no green I like it very much, ie "No ocean, no life. The ocean holds ninety-seven percent of the Earth's water. The clouds rise from the sea and the water returns to the Earth in the form of rain, snow or hail.

So this means that we must take care of our oceans more than ever; unfortunately not all of us understand this and believe that we will have a planet for all life.

Today there is the God of money, great transnationals have amassed great wealth by destroying everything in their path. Tons of garbage, disposable plastics, excess fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides are changing the chemistry of the sea, mining operations continue to generate environmental problems, The new report on the Environment, prepared by the United Nations, warns of the disappearance of the Arctic ice cap, air pollution in cities and the extension of the desert in vast regions of the Earth.

Waraira repano mountain- Caracas -Venezuela

A Planet with problems means we have problems. So what are we doing to help preserve it, what are our governments or world organizations doing?

    Today with so much technology in our favor scientists can find out how much damage we are doing to the planet, that's the bad news, but the best news of all is that that same technology can guide us to act in the best way and so we know what we must do to save it. There is not planet B

"If I knew the world would end tomorrow, I would still plant a tree today" Martin Luther King

Some of the things I always ask to my kids about how we can contribute from home to take care of our only spaceship called earth, are:

  • Unplug appliances like microwaves, cell phone chargers or turn off the TV if you're not watching.

  • We reuse everything we can, especially plastic.

  • If we go to the beach or a park we must pick up our garbage and leave everything clean as we found it; but if we also find something from bottles or plastic that someone inadvertently threw away, we have no trouble picking it up and putting it back in its place.

  • If you leave a space in the house we must turn off the light bulbs, fans or air conditioning.

  • Not wasting water is very important, if you are going to take a bath turn off the tap while you are soaping yourself or if you are washing the dishes soap as much as you can first and then rinse it.

  • Do not water the bushes, or wash the cars or the streets with a hose, with that you contribute to the waste of water that many people need.

  • Do not encourage hunting and selling of exotic animals, many of these species are in danger of extinction.

All this and more I have wanted to teach my children, I confess that in many of them have collaborated with me and there are others that from time to time I have to repeat them.

I am very attracted to the programs I see on television about people who do want to help the planet, the struggle of conservation groups, foundations or organizations that fight against those who try to destroy everything.

"Climate change is real, it's happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our species. We have to work together and stop procrastinating." Leonardo DiCaprio.

We must all do something and do our part to be part of the solution. The time is now when there is still time and every single thing we do, no matter how insignificant, is of great value, believe it or not.

So it's good to be aware of everything that's happening to us today, if the governments that run the world today don't want to be part of the solution, it's unfortunate, because someday future generations will judge them for that and wonder why you didn't do anything if you had all the power? Our existence depends on our actions, I invite you all to do your bit to have a green planet, the only planet with an ocean included.

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All the images are of my authorship in different places I have visited./

$ 4.62
$ 4.31 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @gertu13
$ 0.05 from @Jane
+ 4
Avatar for carolinacardoza
2 years ago


Mindfulness is expected to make the world a cleaner place. Tragically promoting that creates cash is given more significance than really focusing in the world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awareness is needed to make the world a cleaner place. It is unfortunate that advertising that generates money is given more importance than caring for the planet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well the world is greener to me it mother nature way of saying I love you kids alot

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our existence actually depends on how the treat the mother earth.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

We are the only ones responsible for what happens to us, you are right.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The earth is Green, let's keep it that way, so it died off.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

See that we have a connection. I posted something this morning about climate change. But with an emphasis on the religious.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

in that simple way of doing those, we are able to at least help our mother earth lessen the pollution and environmental problem that we always encounter

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I think the government has the resources, year after year they meet and talk and talk about the pollution of the planet and the destruction of the ozone layer but at the end they take the picture in those summits, they smile and until next year they do nothing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Science is advancing. Each time we can here from the news about inventions or destructions. The more we care our nature the less destruction we come across.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Man's inventions are good, there's no denying it. But we must learn to reduce a little more those products that harm the planet. I think the solar panels are incredible, these are great ideas that contribute to the world in a positive way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True indeed. It is cost effective also.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People only want to use nature resources and don't care after they done with it. Hays! :(

$ 0.05
2 years ago

On the beaches there is a lot of garbage, people do not like to take what they bring to the beaches and leave it there. I have taken many broken bottles and plastic from the sea, very dangerous and harmful for the conservation of the underwater world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Venezuela is such a beautiful country!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

You are right, Venezuela is very beautiful and produces incredible things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago