"Darien Jungle" a nightmare for migrants

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Avatar for carolinacardoza
2 years ago

What else can happen to us Venezuelans, what else do my eyes have to see and my ears have to hear, I no longer have tears to shed, I do not know if it hurts me to live. I have always been a very optimistic woman, cheerful, happy to live the life that God gave me, happy to call myself Venezuelan, daughter of this beautiful land, which has everything to be happy. But what happened to us, what else can happen to us.

There came a being that many call supreme, they pray an Our Father in his name and put him as a God. But he was the first to hand over our nation in the name of socialism to the Cubans, Iranians, drug traffickers, among others.

It seems that my country has no salvation and meanwhile the migration of Venezuelans has not stopped. Today I found out about a death route to the American dream. It is a deception, one more in which innocent people fall into.

Today a friend of mine asked us to talk about this issue, to tell the world about it, to let everyone know what is going on so that there are not so many regrettable events.

Have you ever heard of the Selva or the Darien plug?

The Darien Gap is a wall of jungle between Panama and Colombia, where every day migrants' lives are lost and criminal gangs and drug traffickers hide; it is the only point where the Pan-American highway that crosses from Canada to Patagonia is interrupted.

Every year thousands of migrants from all over the world, from Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Trinidadians, Haitians and people from other continents come to this point to try to cross and reach the United States.

The guides, as we are going to call them here to avoid giving them other names, deceive and lie saying that they are going to take them by boat to Panama, but they only drive about 3 hours and leave them at the edge of the jungle where they must cross different rivers and mountains and live the most horrible nightmares.

Today I want to tell you about a foundation called Venezuelans helping Venezuelans, an organization that was formed in Costa Rica by a group of compatriots who just want to help these people who arrive destroyed, with nothing, with broken dreams. It was our friend who asked us, a group of Venezuelans who are still here in the country, not to allow our relatives to cross the border to go through the Darien plug. She told us about the most recent case of a family, husband, wife, sister and their two children, one 8 months old and one year and a half old, there was a third child who was 3 years old but unfortunately died crossing one of these high flow rivers.

They were in a group, with a supposed guide who also disappeared and left them at the mercy of the jungle. Those who make it through tell of a journey of more than 6 days, but the sheath survival gear is enough for the first 3 days. On the way they were taken hostage by an armed group who raped their wives and took the little money they were carrying. Our friend tells us that they are gone from this world, they do not know what to do, the death of their young son and the rape, having been left with nothing left them as if they were dead.

They were able to rescue the child's corpse and carried him as far as they could, only to leave him buried in the jungle where they would never want to return.

For days they drank water from the rivers infected with corpses, not only of immigrants but also of people who are killed by criminals.

My friend just wants people to know about this before they embark on a journey full of deceit. The Darien Jungle is not only rivers and jungle, there are also dangerous mountains, there are wild animals that can devour you in a matter of seconds.

What is even worse, the authorities know all this and we all know that they also take their toll.

I know there are a lot of people going through work, but is it really worth it? All this is not enough, if you get through you have to face the journey of going through many countries until you get to Mexico where it is not easy either.

The situation of this family has touched the feelings of many, I have particularly cried, I would not want anyone to go through this terrible pain.

God bless this foundation that helps these people, not only Venezuelans but also people from other latitudes.

I am not saying that you should stay in your country, there are many who are fleeing not only from hunger, poverty, violence, but now we must add the war. Right here in my continent to cross the borders between Peru and Chile many people also die.

What else should happen so that no more innocent people die, how do you recover a country that has been taken over by a group of white collar criminals.

Venezuela used to be a prosperous, dignified country that helped others and we all got ahead together. But now only ruins remain.

There must be another way, another way to leave and to look for that dream. I don't know what it is, but please, let it not be "The Darien Jungle".

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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Avatar for carolinacardoza
2 years ago


Oh my... This is horrible. As I read through this, I thought I was reading a script for a movie...I never knew that something as horrible as this is happening right now. Whenever I read or hear Venezeula, I see a beautiful and peaceful country comes to my mind. I have never been outside my country... but yeah that's what I think.... I had no idea something like this is happening....

I hope and pray that this atrocities will end soon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your prayers, they are needed today more than ever, on the internet there is a lot of information about Darien.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a terrible experience

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What you described is just awful. Everything you described happens because of the sanctions in your country (poverty, looting, murder). etc.) The only thing that makes me happy is!!!!! Russia has the highest number of sanctions in the world today, and repayment is coming. Russians will not just migrate anywhere, they will eat each other! And all because of one Grandpa Marozmatik who runs the Kremlin👎. In our country, the road is 134 days old and the situation is no better! Every day!!! hundreds of people are killed, including CHILDREN!!! We have a WAR!!! So I wish you and me that it would all be over sooner.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello beautiful, you are from Russia? for those who read us know. You are right, those people will get their time one day and they will have to pay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No, I'm not from Russia. I live in Ukraine.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh ok.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That was horrible :( I've read multiple stories people migrating from one place to another.. it's just so sad to see those people who still took the risk knowing what awaits them because of poverty.

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2 years ago

Many believe they are capable, people come here from many latitudes, look on the internet to see for yourself.

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2 years ago

Una vez mas al leerte derramo muchas lagrimas, no hay un dia en que alguna de estas noticias llegue a mis manos y me destroce el alma, tengo a casi todos los miembros de mi familia afuera, solo quedamos en el país tres de una familia de 18, pero hicimos con cada uno un esfuerzo sobre humano para que salieran de la forma mas segura, de lo contrario no vale la pena intentarlo, porque llegar bajo las circunstancias que lo están haciendo muchos no es humano... tal como lo describes pierden el espíritu en el intento.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Claro, los que salieron antes están bien, pero para los que quieren salir ahora esta mas complicado. OJala algún día se acabe esta pesadilla.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Alos que quedamos no nos queda otra cosa por el momento que seguir emprendiendo y utilizando la creatividad para buscar soluciones que impidan o retracen mas migración insegura. Saludos amiga

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The government and the apparatus must act because this is a matter of human life, may God protect His people.

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2 years ago

What depresses us the most is to remember our former times and see how far we have come, only a miracle from God could save us.

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2 years ago

I can't even find the courage to take that route if ever I would be in their shoes. I think I would just prefer to stay in place and cry until my heart stops beating.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People know all this and still take the risk, I don't know what happens to people. It is NOT easy, many want to go but they run to terror.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

is there no other means of crossing borders such as airplane? no airplane in your country? or is it not available? that's sad to read about Venezuela.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

To go to other countries Venezuela has very high rates, plus the problem with the passports, to get it you have to have more money. In many countries they are strict with Venezuelans because they know that they are not visiting but looking for opportunities.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really annoying how people will just stay to rip others of a means to livelihood. Why will they be so wicked.. Raping wives and other Evil activities is something that should be frown at

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2 years ago

On the internet there are many videos about this path, there are amazing stories that make you cry. That's why this group of Venezuelans helping Venezuelans was born.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is so sad, in search of greener pastures, those people that drop others halfway are only after the money and they don't bother to warm the people on what they will see ahead cause they don't care about others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They say that many have disappeared, but their relatives never hear from them again. It is very sad. I did not know about this step, the government did not finish building the Panamerican highway. What a pity that there are so many borders and we are not free to live the world that God built for everyone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago