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3 years ago

- According to legend, Honore de Balzac drank 50 cups of coffee a day so he could stay awake and keep writing. The same number of cups of coffee a day is attributed to the French philosopher Voltaire.

- In 1932, Brazil could not afford to send its athletes to the Los Angeles Olympics. Still, they had a creative idea. The boat with the athletes was filled with coffee and sold along the way.

- In 1674, in the Women Against Coffee Petition, women in Britain tried to ban coffee from all men under the age of 60, claiming that coffee turned them into ‘useless corpses’ and that they began to ‘gossip more than women’.

- According to legend, a shepherd from Ethiopia first discovered coffee in the 9th century when he noticed that from this plant his goats became hyperactive and insane.

- Coffee is a psychoactive substance. Large doses can cause hallucinations… and can even kill you.

- The lethal dose of caffeine is about 100 cups of coffee.

- People began adding milk to coffee in the 1600s, when a French physician began proposing this practice to his patients.

- In ancient Arab culture, there was only one way for a woman to legally divorce: If her husband did not provide enough coffee.

- Coffee grows in the shape of berries on a bush - which means that coffee is actually a fruit.

- The word coffee is derived from the Arabic word qahhwat al-bun, which is then abbreviated to qahwa. When it came to Turkey it became coffee, then in the Netherlands koffie… Some historians still believe that the original word Kaffa, which comes from Ethiopia, is considered to be the main culprit for the discovery of coffee.

- Originally, coffee was eaten. African tribes would roll coffee beans in animal fat to get ‘energy balls’.

- There are more than 50 types of coffee in the world, and 70% of the world consumes "Arabica" which has a mild taste and strong aroma. The remaining 30% drink "Robusta" which is more bitter, but therefore has 50% more caffeine.

-. In the world, oil is traded the most, followed by coffee.

- George Washington invented instant coffee. But this George was not an American president, but a Belgian who lived in Guatemala in 1906.

- Espresso is not a special type of coffee. It’s just the way coffee is prepared.


French diplomat Talleyrand once said: "Coffee is good when it is black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel and sweet as love."

- Contrary to popular belief, light roasted coffee actually has more caffeine than dark roasted coffee.

- 40% of the world’s coffee is produced in Colombia and Brazil.

-. Kopi luwak, the most expensive coffee in the world ($ 550-700 per kilogram) is produced by feeding Sumatran cats coffee, and then digesting it, and people collecting and selling it…

-. Every year, more than 500 billion cups of coffee are drunk in the world, and more than half are drunk with breakfast.

-The first tavern (cafe) in the world was opened in 1475 in Constantinople / Constantinople (today's Istanbul).

-. The Turks call their cafes "schools for the wise."

- Coffee was originally considered a miracle cure in Yemen and Arabia, and people drank it only on the advice of doctors. Many also saw it as a stimulus for religious visions.

- When the first tavern opened in England in 1652, women were barred from entering. The only way to stay inside was to work as waitresses.

- The Dutch were the first Europeans to start trading coffee.

- The coffee industry employs about 25 million people worldwide.

- Americans are the world's leading consumer of coffee. They drink about 450 million cups of coffee every day. The other two largest consumers are the French and the Germans. These three countries drink about 65% of the world's coffee. If we take into account the consumption of coffee per person, the Finns are absolute champions with almost 10 kilograms of coffee per year (per person!).

- In Africa, coffee beans are soaked in water, mixed with spices and then served as candies.

- 65 countries in the world grow coffee. All are located in the equatorial area.

- Cafes are responsible for the American and French Revolutions.

- Statistics related to people who drink coffee every day: 68% of people drink coffee within an hour after waking up. 57% of people sugar coffee. 35% of people drink black coffee. Three out of five people claim they can’t start the day without coffee.

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Written by
3 years ago


one coffe please

$ 0.00
3 years ago

very informative article regarding coffee but oh 50 cups? I could not even drink 1 cup but I remember my boyfriend at work before we are in a night shift and he is very sleepy so he combined coca cola and coffee he is wide awake and did not able to sleep when he went home so he never tried it again.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Obozavam kafu mogu da je pijem ceo dan obicno ujutru kad ustanem popijem dve dzezbe pa oko 13h jednu i oko 18h jos jednu gorka kafa mi prija najvise

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ooo razumijem jednu đezlu dvije jao..Pa ti si naspidiran ujutro haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Par kafi, frustuk pa na posao

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kafa je sigurno napitak koji najvise volim. Pijem veliku i jaku tursku kafu vise puta dnevno. Doduse, ponekad popijem i hladan nes, al sto bi moj muz rekao to mi dodje ko slatkis.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

al nikad nemas problema..Ja ako pretjeram lose se osečam.Slabo mi vjerovatno poraste pretisak.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

volim kafu, pijem iskljucivo tursku, pocela sam jos ko mala krisom kod babe, pa mi ona sipa u tacnu , pa onda krenula sa pola male soljice, pa punu, pa vecu i sve vecu solju :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i ti puno puta? ja pokusam ujutro i onda jednu ili dve male još. Trebam pazit da ne pretjeram.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ja ne toliko puno, al do 2 solje na dan ali one velike za belu kafu, al kad bi se to podelilo u manje soljice, hahah onda su do 4 sigurno.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Meni za sada ne smeta vec prija, kako ce biti ubuduce videcemo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

jenom nisam ga pila jedno 2-3 dana.Onda ja pretjeram i puno šolju bas jake. Cjeli dan sam bila u krevetu..slabo mi bilo..samo tama i mokra cunja na glavi...uzas

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Coffee is great for many things. People often drink it, but we can also make face masks and peeling out of coffee.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kava je poznata već više od 3000 godina, a prvi ju koriste Etiopljani. Legenda koja je označila početak upotrebe u ljudskoj prehrani je vezana uz pastira Kaldija koji je čuvao koze i otkrio da su one puno energičnije kad jedu plodove određene biljke, a to je bila upravo biljka kave. Svoja zapažanja je prijavio lokalnom samostanu gdje su svećenici pripravili napitak od kave i otkrili da su od njega dugo vremena ostali budni i koncentrirani tijekom večernjih molitvi. Nakon toga se otkriće napitka od kave nastavilo širiti sve dalje i dalje, Evo nekih citata o kavi Iza svake uspješne žene stoji značajna količina ispijene kave" "Kava i ljubav najbolji su dok su vrući" "Kava treba biti crna kao noć, vruća kao pakao i slatka kao žena" I na kraju da kažem ovo da najljepša jutarnja kava je s osobom koju voliš! Dobro jutro !

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Dobro jutro. Sviđaju mi se tvoji citati.Sada razmisljam jer ja to sebe puno volim .Najviše volim sama sa sobom u miru popit kavu ujutro. Druga kava več može u drustvu.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Volim miris kafe, kao i miris koji se siri iz przionice. Inace, ne volim da pijem tursku kafu.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Droga, kao i svaka druga droga. Navika, ritual. Ništa loše u tome za onoga ko je navikao.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ako je droga previše si slušao ovu pjesmu Otvoris oci i vec pretvoris noc u dan potpuno svijeza, a ja totalno mamuran i sav u magli, nesuvislo rasudjujem pa svoju lovu od tebe jos posudjujem vjestice malena

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kafu mi, draga, ispeci bas kao da je draga duso za tebe aj, ja cu doci oko pola noci da sednem kraj tebe

Dusek mi, draga, razmesti bas kao da je draga duso za tebe aj, ja cu doci oko pola noci da legnem kraj tebe

Ne dolazi. dragi, ne treba jer ti drugu dragu sada milujes aj, ti si rek'o da si bolju dragu stek'o od mene

$ 0.00
3 years ago

divna pesma prvi put je čujem. A kakvu ti kavu piješ? Zanima mej oni koji ne puše isto vole crnu kavu.Sto si u kavu stavila cudni napitak ti meni si podvalila sto si u kavu stavila gubim kontrolu, prihvacam tvoja pravila

U kuhinji si ko nasred plesnog podija ladice tvoje sve pune su mirodija ljuske od zmaja, sto ljutih trava, zmijski rep sismisevi tucanih krila prepun dzep vjestice malena

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kako prvi put čuješ pa to je stara pesma ,lejendarna Cuneta Gojkovića.Sevdalinka.Ja pijem baška kafu.CGorka kafa i kocka šećera.Ja pušim ali nikada uz kafu !

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like your article dear about coffee. Thank you dear for your valuable information. You are really very good Photographer...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

nice post

$ 0.00
3 years ago