Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

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Avatar for ZehraSky
3 years ago
Topics: Documentary

Yesterday, I went to my friend's house to give the stickers order so she can ship them out on Friday. I stayed there for awhile even though we really have nothing to do.

After a few hours of just talking and goimg through our old pictures, she asked if I wanted to watch a movie. I said okay. I did not have anything in mind and she remembered that I like cats. So she played the first part of the documentary for me. Then since I got so angry withour finishing it I stayed there until we finish all 3 parts.


The following summary of the movie will contain a lot of disgusting deeds done for fame and notoriety. If you do not like reading about violent acts I ask that you refrain from reading this article.

Rule 0: Don't f**k with cats

The documentary started with all the things we could do in the internet and the unwritten rule 0: don't f**k with cats.

So when a viral video of a man putting 2 kittens in a vacuum bag surfaced online, you know that a witch hunt will happen.

Angry individuals are so blinded by their emotiins that they tossed all logic aside and condemn someone without due evidence. Except for a small group of internet nerds.

They made a group chat trying to track down the real cat killer. They identify the things in the video to figure out where the killer is.

It took a long time with no amount of progress and the spark they had in finding the killer died out.

Until the killer posted another video. This time the cat is tied to a pole and there was a bathtub full of water. The desperation in the cat's eyes are haunting. I do not think I will be able to forget it.

Then he proceeded to put the cat in the water, holding the cat there until it drowned.

Now, I don't know what happened after the cat died since I did not watch the video nor did Netflix show the full video (thank goodness).

But the atrocities did not stop there. Another video was posted. In this one, he is wearing a santa hat while petting the cat. He slowly leaves the frame and then you can see a python under a pillow. You know what a python do when they see a cat? They eat it. And he recorded it to post it online.

The internet nerds know that the killer is somewhere in North America because of all the things seen in the video like the cigarette pack, the vacuum, etc. But a message come one day telling them that the person they are looking for is Luka Magnotta.

They do not know that is but when they searched there are thousands abd thousands of oictures and articles about this guy. One of them even linking him to a wife of a known killer's wife who is a murdered herself. He claimed that the rumors ruined his chances of getting a shot at the modelling and acting agencies because they know him.

The rumors were of course started by him. The pictures were photos of others but he photoshopped his face on it. So the internet nerds did a lpng a process of analyzing each photos. And they found him.

They found the hotel in which the cat killer filmed the last video of a python and a cat. There was even a journalist who talked to Luka who claimed he is innocent and the accusations were made by people against him.

I forgot to mention that in the last video, he mentioned that he will move on to killing humans not just cats. The internet nerds tried to report this to authorities along with their findings but they were ignored.

Then one day a new video comes that is more horrifying that the evil deeds from before.

In this video we see a man tied on the bed. The killer lovingly pet the face of the victim first. He straddled the victim for awhile then he took out something that looked like an ice pick and stabbed the man repeatedly. He took the body to the bathroon where he dismembered the corpse even showing a glimpse of the victim's face on camera.

The internet nerds sent it to the police but no reports were heard nor did they receive an update.

After sometime, a janitor found a suitcase with a lock on it and there were worms ciming out of it as well as a stench. Thibking that it was a pet that died or something the janitor opend the suitcase and found a torso with multiple stabs. He called the police and they arrived at the scene to investigate.

There are a lot of things that happened between this until the end that I do not wish to talk about anymore.

The name of the victim is Jun Lin who is a Chinese international student. I think the victim deserved to be remember more than the killer. He was not just murdered, his body was dismembered and parts of it were sent to political parties.

The killer was arrested and he almost got away with it due to an alibi he created years before the first cat video. He said a man named Manny is making him do it.

The internet nerds analyzed a breadcrumb this guy left and saw that he was reenacting a film- Basic Instinct. The video that he made looks so similar to a scene in the movie. In the movie, the killer Catherine has an abusive ex-boyfriend, who she says forced her to do the crimes, named Manuel Marquez.

No evidence was found that shows Luka's words are true and no trace of Emmanuel "Manny" Lopez was ever found.

Luka was found guilty of the murder and was sentenced to a lifetime in prison.

My thoughts

I am so horrified at the all the things he did to try and gain fame. I do not have much to say because all I kept think was "What kind of person could do that?"

His mother also showed that a mother's love know no bounds as he still believed her son's actions were not his even though all evidences ponts towards him.

I also do not get how his words could be true since his mother is still alive and well. He says that Manny forced him to do it because he has ties and he can hurt Luka's family if he disobeyed. But he put Manny's name on TV and still no revenge was extracted. So I highly doubt that Manny is anything more than a character in this movie he is trying to create where he is the main character who got away with his crimes. Unfortunately for his plans, he did not get away with murder. He did get the fame and notoriety he was looking for.

There are more things that the documentary covered but I did not write it all in case someone is interested to watch it.

I still feel so sick just thinking about the victims. I know that there are worse people out there and that made me more hopeless for this world that we live in.

Disclaimer: I did not write to promote the violence that he committed. I write this for people to be aware of what is happening in the world. The reality we lived in is not one full of sunshines and rainbows. Sharing a dark real story does not mean I am promoting it. I do tjis for more people to remember the victims instead of just turning a blind eye and pretend that cruelty does not exist in this world.

$ 0.50
$ 0.40 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @DM
$ 0.05 from @OfficialGamboaLikeUs
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Avatar for ZehraSky
3 years ago
Topics: Documentary


Name of the documentary please

$ 0.00
User's avatar DM
3 years ago

The title is the same one I used for this article.: "Don't F**k with cats: Hunting an Internet Killer". You can watch it on Netflix.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

okay thanks!

$ 0.00
User's avatar DM
3 years ago

maganda rin basya? or sadyang nakakaano?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Maganda po siya kasi may matutunan ka lalo na kapag di masyado maalam sa internet. And sa dulo parang iiwan ka nila ng question tas mapapaisip ka talaga. Di naman po pimapakita kung pano namamatay yung cats or si Jun Lin so pwede po siya panoorin para na rin alam natin ano ilu-look for if ever.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is a movie that is more disgusting than that. It's called "The Human Centipede". I lost my appetite for 3 days after watching it. It gives me goosebumps every time I remember it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I watched that movie. Yes, it was a different kind of horror too. But at least that was fictional. This one happened in real life which I think makes it more disgusting.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's fictional? I thought it was based on a true story.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Human centipede is fictional. It actually has 2 sequels. They show some warnin that it is only fictional and not supported by any medical studies.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh, I honestly skip some parts, so maybe I have also skipped that part. Haha!

$ 0.00
3 years ago