Are you guilty of this, being so judgemental, so quick to judge someone for their actions and reactions, we have been told its bad but we can't help it, although nowadays we are quick to say "Who am I to judge" but deep down in our hearts we have judge already, in fact we have already sentenced and jailed the person and nothing can change the way we view such person from henceforth. Well this habit is not entirely bad, because we have to understand the people we are working with and when the character they exhibit are obviously bad, we can't help but judge them as bad.
There is a reason why the court exist, imagine a criminal after being caught, tries to vindicate himself by saying "no one should judge me, who are you to judge me, we are all human". Well yes its in the Bible so the criminal has a claim, but would he be let off, wouldn't that create a thumbs up for other criminals and intending criminals to go ahead, as none would judge them. So how do we strike a balance, cause we need to be able to judge people for their actions but we also can be guilty of such actions, its just crazy, anyways we need to judge.
Its often sad when people guilty of similar offences are ordained to judge you. I bet most people who have been judge must have thought in their heart, " Look at them as if they too aren't guilty of such offences, they are only lucky to not being caught" and some how they didn't lie, most of them would have done such act also but they weren't the ones caught, this however is the reason why its said to be bad, when we aren't acting conscience free. People call it hypocrisy, you know you have got it up your sleeve but then condemn someone who was only exposed.
For this reason a justice system is needed, the justice system isn't a person that can be guilty, rather its an office, an office fixed with the responsibility of setting things right, this body is built by conjoining laws put together, and since this laws are good and right, then the full justice system is right also and it doesn't matter who or whatever the justice system is free of guilt and in the best position to judge. Of course someone has to be the spokespersons of the justice verdict, that persons attitude or actions doesn't affect the system, the system can still judge. So rather than point accusing fingers we tend to judge by the books.
Nevertheless, let's not condemn anybody fully and rather offer a chance to see them change, we shouldn't write of anyone, as this insult can be a motivation to some people it can be reason for someone to end his or her life, people treat things differently. This is another way we judge people, that doesn't have to deal with court affairs or involve any of the authorities, just our thoughts and actions towards the person afterwards. So many people do things they don't mean and this stuff shouldn't be used to judge the or else we would miss it totally, still take out time to confirm and know more.
I had once taken a pen off the ground during an exam cause mine got spoilt, probably the ink floated off and I was just confused, the teacher on watch was not the calm one to speak nicely and could have easily sent me away from the hall for being unprepared, or maybe think I needed an excuse to spy some answers outside and return to write, so I just sat confused when I saw the pen lying on the floor, I pick it up and started using it when I heard the owner crying I misplaced my pen, I can't find it.
I wanted to say "here it is", but I thought of the situation calmly, she's is a girl and very lovable, the teacher can easily excuse her to get another pen, but even if I returned it and now ask for permission, this man still wouldn't let me off, plus I knew we was surely going to insult me with the whole class laughing, so I sat still. And of course they got another pen for the sweet little girl. Few minutes after, just across the hall a fight broke out, it was a girl shouting at a boy that he stole her pen, and she has been looking for it and had to manage another Pen that's not too good, the boy of course was guilty and the whole class kept insulting the guy, it was funny, but I couldn't do anything or say a word, like I also just committed that same crime. I just was lucky not to be caught.
Till today I don't think that guy to be a theif, occasionally when things get lost in class, people are quick to warning to search him or interrogate him, but I understood differently and was never going to point accusing fingers at him. Like this could as well happen to everybody, irrespective of who you are, including the other people criticizing. Life happens differently to everyone, if you're not certain about someone then don't be hasty to judge, of which humans are dynamic and can change at any time.
I should have said its best not to judge anyone, but you know how it is, we are all going to judge someone in our minds, and that's just how we feel towards be person, we can't help it, but let's ensure our actions are right and not beclouded by our supposed mindset towards the person, like we are not 100% certain if we are right or wrong. Also if you know you too were guilty or can be guilty of an offense, do not be fast to point an accusing finger, cause when tables turn the people would be hotter and angrier. Let's be guided to acting in wisdom and security of what might happen unforseen tomorrow.
Thanks For Reading.
It's really easy to judge others but its hurtful to hear other people's judgement on us. Though judging others can't be avoided, let's just minimize it and make sure to mind our business so we wouldn't have time to judge others.