How do you guys find good and loving neighbors to live next to, cause these people living close to me are very far from good, let's not talk about loving. Good thing we rarely have reasons to stay on the street or move over to have a conversation with our neighbors, so most times it's just needed we head out and come back into the house to rest. Yet the scarcity never stops any issues from arising, I wonder how it'll be like if we were always seeing and chatting, maybe then we'll have needed the police to come lay some restrictions before we get into a fight.
Well its not the first time I've heard about neighbours not being good to each other, in fact I'm getting to believe its almost inevitable that neighbours not be good and loving to each other, well until I saw for myself and conclude it wasn't a situation problem rather it was a persons problem. And this is better, cause if it was a situation problem and in this case the situation has to do with a house affair which can't easily be shifted or moved to another location, then they both would have no option but to coexist that way, however seeing its a people problems, the person in question can still learn rightly and adjust.
I know better than to keep grudges or dislike a person, it hasn't been my way, I guess with me alone the neighbours wouldn't have to worry about getting a backward reaction for their actions, firstly I ain't home to hear or experience their deeds, secondly if it doesn't affect me to an extent I still wouldn't care. But then i there is my family over there and believe me when I say mom has time to address every issue, I know for a fact that my crazy neighbors would reciprocally be addressing my mom as a crazy neighbor too. As soon as she feels the boundary has been bridge, so fast she's out to trash the issue, I have had to save the situation cause they all listen to me, both mom and the neighbours listen and that's the reason for the calm so far.
You know how it is when you're trying to make peace between two parties and you can't take sides because it'll show you are the enemy too and then they won't want to listen to you next time. I have tried to talk to mom about matters like this and how to handle them, especially since peace is the ultimate goal, but then she's human and would still be controlled by emotions sometimes, however so far so good there have been calm, some murmurs though but no confrontations and no quarrels for months now, however something happened today that got us pissed but I just wrote on the need for peaceful coexistence, so yeah we let it slide.
Something struck me while I was thinking deep about the matter today and I couldn't help but observe that the same neighbour we think to be harsh and crazy would be kind and sweet to another neighbour who they both share common interest. The common interest could be as low as they both disliking you so don't be surprised, or other interest on fun basis. When the situation is like this its often worst and sometimes dangerous cause they could connive to take actions against you just for the fun of it. Ever packed your car outside only to return and it's not the same, maybe the tyres are lessen or the side mirrors removed and you can't hold anyone, just giggles but what's your proof.
I wouldn't stop to emphasis the need to be good regardless as this is a sure assurance for winning. Today's incident might get you so pissed and your mind is so bent on revenge, but hey that revenge isn't really your style and yours might not be lucky or that painful, so best you stick to being good and let our great judge be the judge of things. You never know you're that important until you have that neighbour that gossip your every move and is jealous of your achievement even if they are doing better.
What Then Do We Do?
Firstly let's learn to act discretely, not in fear but privately cause you could be monitored, and you never know if they are powerful enough to stop you from getting something you've expected, so wisdom demands in such cases we bridle our tongues and be unpredictable too.
Its would also be nice to show no hate, maybe they would come around, if they keep hating, it's isn't your call but you can play your part well by showing no hate, this way it'll be easier for them to change and be better, cause you're ever welcoming, but with wisdom should in case they came close only to spy and hurt you deeper.
I know God would help us all, more reason to stay good so God would take control of the situation. We should know without a doubt that God always win regardless. That neighbours could be crazy now but nice tomorrow, sometimes its caused by a past they experienced that shaped them so, or it's just an habit, however change is constant so it's very possible.
Even as we look at them, ensure we look at ourselves too, so we are sure we aren't the persons wrong from the onset. This I've done and I can undoubtedly say hey my neighbors are crazy.
Thanks For Reading.
Do mirror ourselves first before mirroring someone's life. Sometimes what we see is their mistakes without knowing our mistakes.