Change Your Company, Change Your Life

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Avatar for Willtravis
3 years ago

You'll never realize how much influence your associations have on you until you have a critical analysis of how far you've come via knowing that particular group of people. Ofcourse it doesn't make them less of a human if they aren't beneficial to your dreams and drive, as well as it doesn't mean you all have to become enemies in order to break ties, no there are more applied way to getting the right associations and yet keeping Everyone smiling and in good term, however it is paramount to note that ensuring everyone is in good terms with you is a secondary action, you can as well decide to discard it and not care if your past associations are hurt by your removal,especially when they are real negativity and crime offenders.

Overtime our actions and nature would start resulting from places we have been, people we have copied from there, if you want to add the math together, you'll ponder on where do you spend most of your time, with whom do you spend time most, especially when its resting time. For most of us, it is not home, therefore our characters are quite different from our parents, no wonder I hear mom say at times "I wonder where you learnt that, I and your father were never like that", hmm yes you can say I've been influence outside and you'll be right. Even for those who spend most times in the office, you'll notice you have some friends you relate with on a lighter mode, those guys are an influence to you, as you're to them too.

The way you talk is one of the quickest and more noticeable victim of change, and all these is because you love where you are, the discussions are exciting, your friends are amazing to you, they put a smile on your face, and because they did it a kind of way to make you smile or furious, you too do it to make them smile or angry and with constant repetition, you'll notice you dont realize you've brought that character home. If you are not convinced you're speaking the way you ought to be speaking, or you've began to say some really hateful or negative words, the best way to stop it isn't to decide not to be influence by them, it actually to stop such association.

The Job you have or you level of income too can be greatly influenced by the company you keep. You want to grow and get higher in life, but you don't have anyone up there to give an helping hand, its often a longer process of toiling, worst case scenario is when their mindset are so shallow, for instance they can't imagine possibly owing a certain asset or getting to a certain amount in a time frame. Actually it's no problem if you are comfortable, but if you are serious about what you want to get, then you'll do the necessary to get it. I know this sounds like a wicked advice, but it true. But like I said earlier you dont necessarily need to cut ties with old friends on a angry note.

The numbers of people who get their dream jobs or career ambitions met because they are skilled alone without knowing anyone to indoor to give a little push are very small, not that it doesn't happen so, it does but even when it happens so, it'll be considered as a miracle, cause we know the competition is high and we have many applicants for a very limited openings. I don't think the honest people who can discard their family or friends to hand over a good job, contract or work to an outsider because he or she is qualified are that much, so the more rampant one is you having someone inside to help. Which is why your current salary scale still has a hand on the friends you keep.

More dangerously, is your mindset being on the line, at first you were all different, the company you kept met with so much quarrels and disagreements, but overtime you all are finding a common ground, now you agree on certain things, any outsider who comes to bring a different opinion, you all would join forces to ensure you deal with such person, and you all could be wrong. Then how would you know you're wrong when you're feeling right and your mind is feeling right, it's a dangerous place to be when you're not doing things right and you don't know. More than anything, be need to be carefully selective so we don't toil with our mindset, this can mar our lives completely.

I once knew a guy who was ambitious on being very rich, more life being successful in what he does so that it earns him so much money, cause he definitely had a big dream of living large. Not quite long he has a new friend and as friends you know there have been some covalent sharing of personalities. In our most recent talks, I couldn't help but notice this guy doesn't want to be rich anymore, because riches comes with a lot of trouble as if poverty doesn't have trouble too. He sounded comfortable with striving and striving as long as he can get by everyday. That old drive is gone, until I got to understand that was the perception of his friends and he has only been influenced.

We all know how it is, when we talk in the midst of friends and we air our opinions and they just laugh at us like we don't know what we are saying and they say how they feel it's right, more often we quickly discard our previous ideas and pick up theirs, so fast. We might feel it matters less those we keep close company with as what would be would be, but I tell you, you might just be joking with your very existence. Even the bible says show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are, it wasn't stuttering in words, it's so plain and clear, the company you keep hold a very strong hold in your life, it's one area we have to critically look into and make amends if need be. Let's talk more on the comment session.

Thanks For Reading.

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Avatar for Willtravis
3 years ago


nice bro i like it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you a lot

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love the last lines of this article which say's "show me your friends and i would show you who you are"it's a very true proverb that we get influenced most by bad company so we should be careful with the type of friends we keep and make friends with

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's so right, we just have to be careful

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree with your topic if we change our bad company then we change our life. Because choosing best companion In life is necessary , a best companion can change our life. Always try to avoid toxic friends

$ 0.03
3 years ago

That's right physicist, you've analysed this quite well. Change your toxic circle to better productive people and see how ones life can transform for the better.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Right we need to leave such toxic people in our life

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bad company is not good for someone who is aiming higher in life

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Yes it can slow us down or worse still stop the growth process

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's the fact buddy

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's right 💪

$ 0.00
3 years ago

"Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are" Same adage also says "Birds of the same feather flocks together"

We must be careful of those we mingle with or make friends with. Those we follow around can either influence us in a good or bad way. When we already notice our attitude is tending to emulate the bad traits of another and thereby causing us to drift away from who we are or making our dreams reduce, we should immediately cut ties with them in a polite way and not walking away angrily.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

This is pretty much everything, we need to be very careful who we keep as company, it's best we help ourselves in this aspect, and prevent future disappointments.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Real friends will help us to success. They will support and cherish every moment. If they influence you badly or slight it is good to goog to reap them of.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

That's just right, you said it all... good friends are great blessings but bad friends can be detrimental to our living.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's an impactful writing. Absolutely right. Choosing right path & right companion can change your life. Real friends change your life, behavior and attitude. Well done dear. Keep this up.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Thanks a lot.. I truly appreciate such awesome comment. 💪

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We only need real friends. Maybe they are rare now but will definitely help us to be better rather than the toxic ones.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

That's right, they are quite rare, hopefully we'll find one for ourselves.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You only need someone you can rely on no matter the circumstances and he/she will still stand for you

$ 0.03
3 years ago

That's right, someone who would always have our back and cheer us to greatness. 💪

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Choose those who will uplift you and accept you. Avoid toxic people. You don't need a lot of people. All you need are the true ones.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

All that matters are the true ones, we don't need toxic guys.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's right!

$ 0.00
3 years ago