Why Announce Crypto Earnings?

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Written by
2 years ago

Many bloggers announce their cryptocurrency earnings.

I often see titles "My January Crypto Investment" or "How much I earned in the last month" or similar. Articles detailing post-wise earnings in a document sheet are also not uncommon.

Your earnings, be it from cryptocurrency investment, trading, or from stocks in the fiat market, or tips on blogs/content, are very private information.

  • Why do you need to disclose your earnings and savings to the public?

There could be many reasons many would like to brag about their earnings from different activities in the market.

I am not surprised to find so many articles describing details about their crypto earnings. Everybody has a different reason for doing it. One must keep in mind that making your crypto earnings public may have some security implications.

Let us look at the probable reasons and their possible effects.

You like to show the blogging community how much you earn

The ReadCash and NoiseCash show the upvotes and tips on an article received transparently. Whether a logged-in blogger or an unregistered viewer, every viewer can see the amount of tips, upvotes, and comments on the published articles.

Some bloggers want to write explicitly how much they earn, and they regularly post about their cryptocurrency accumulation from the published articles.

It is good information for other bloggers because they can get consolidated details about their monthly earnings. It allows building up their self-confidence by self-bragged articles.

You may like to be a crypto coach and earn some extra

The visibility you get by writing about your cryptocurrency earnings may help you get some opportunity to become a writing-cum-investment coach for the new writers.

It is a reality that more and more people are joining cryptocurrency blogging platforms. The newbies need guides and advisers to help them grow.

Some kind people will help newbies free of cost. When someone requires more dedicated help on cryptocurrencies, blogging, and managing the cryptocurrency earnings, they may opt for paid tutoring/advising.

You may want to write another article with that earnings topics

The bloggers need a topic every morning or evening. It is not easy to get a new topic every day. This is often called writers' block.

Listing your cryptocurrency earnings from writing is an interesting topic for new writers. They will be awestruck to read the super earnings by senior bloggers.

The new bloggers will read the earning status of senior bloggers and immediately follow the senior bloggers. They will start believing in the possibility of earning by cryptocurrency blogging platforms.

What are the effects of making your cryptocurrency income/holdings public?

There are both positive and negative effects. The bloggers have to bear both.

You may get these positive effects:

  • Your cryptocurrency earnings make your profile glow among the community.

  • Some of you may receive incidental consultancy gigs as cryptocurrency analysts and or advisory roles.

You may invite adverse effects as well:

  • But, in the process, the information connected to your cryptocurrency earnings and addresses will become public, i.e., leak in cyberspace.

  • As your earnings and holding cryptocurrency assets grow, you may invite cybersecurity attacks from hackers on your cryptocurrency addresses and wallets in centralized cryptocurrency exchanges.

Closing remarks

Be open to writing anything from what you do in the crypto arena and how much you earn. The financial tabulation sheets show your performance as a blogger and a crypto enthusiast, quasi-expert, or expert.

  • You may want to get visibility by bragging about your cryptocurrency earnings and lose some degree of your cryptocurrency data privacy and security.

  • You may also refrain from announcing your cryptocurrency earnings and preserve your cryptocurrency data privacy and security.

You are the one who decides whether you prefer privacy and security to visibility and publicity. Data privacy and security is top priority in cryptocurrency arena.


I have been practicing STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics for many years. I create solutions for password and cybersecurity relevant to blockchain and cryptocurrency.

If you like, you may follow my writing communities and submit relevant articles:

Thanks to my sponsors, whose names appear in the "Sponsor" pannel.

I wish all members of the blogging community strive here and elsewhere.


I capture all food images. Please don't use them without my permission.

Text and Image Copyright: Unity

Lead Image:  I created the GIF lead image with my text title and a Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels.

All other graphics and videos are credited just below it.

Disclaimer: All texts are mine and original. Any similarity and resemblance to any other content are purely accidental. The article is not advice for life, career, business, or investment. Do your research before adopting any options.

Unite and Empower Humanity.

I am also on Noise.Cash ... click the link if you are there.

February 27, 2022.

$ 12.24
$ 11.93 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @SolarPhasing
$ 0.05 from @Xakia
+ 6
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Written by
2 years ago


1st of all I just use such articles as a Journal for myself. And If it helps anyone else even better :)

2nd I want to inspire other people and show them that you can start earnings without investing and risking your money :)

3rd it's good for practising my english skills :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I like all the reasons because they are positive.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have shown earnings several times, not to make myself feel better, but to help others, it is not easy or well it has not become easy for me to make articles that are more than $2, however I keep writing. Yes, I have come up with articles that have gone up to $6 or $8 and I feel it has been luck.....

The times I have shown the profit is to inspire other people, maybe not everyone earns well, but with effort and perseverance they can earn a little more.

The first articles I did where I talked about how much money I earned was when I reached my first $10, then $50 in a month, then $100, from now on it will be when I reached 1BCH, without giving so much explanation, but to inspire others that seeing that they do not earn much are left behind.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, the detailing of how and when the tips were showered may give insights to other bloggers. I remember a bit of your $100-mark post. It requires courage and skill to detail a financial sheet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I did it because I saw really far to reach that amount of money and now, again I see it very far, I have not been very active in read.cash and the times I have been I have not won much, but I will keep trying again and again, that's why I put how much I have won, to help people who are going through the same as me, and making them feel good, that they are not discouraged by that, to continue making a great effort.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes. I understand and appreciate your good efforts. I wrote about the positive side of reporting crypto earnings by blogging and investment. The only vulnerable side may be that the external hacking world would know about earnings and probe for attacks, such as ransomware.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am sharing my monthly earnings as part of monitoring and tracking my portfolio. Also to inspire other writers.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are publishing the right things monthly for the right purposes. I applaud your achievements.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope next month to have those great results! I will work hard for it

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Earning results give motivation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am agree your word that there is also some disadvantage to show earning shit. But surely new bies are will be inspired to see this.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

If the security of crypto wallets is adequately managed, there is a minimal threat with disclosing the crypto addresses.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Two things we can extract from these reports. One our own achievement , efforts and workflow. Second it gives a motivating spirit to us that yes I did this but coming month I will do more better.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, it works beautifully towards motivation, confidence building, and goal setting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think it's one way of monitoring progress I do it too ..but not like showing the whole portfolio. I'm sure as the earnings grows of a blogger they'll come to realize not to show everything since it's a private matter. Somehow others showing a portion of what they earned is to inspire newbies in crypto space.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree with your comment in its entirety.

$ 0.00
2 years ago