Dealing with the aftermath of the death of a loved one.

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Death, Love, Grief, Emotional, ...

Do you remember when you used to tell that person whom you loved so much but lost to the clutches of death that you can't live without them? You do right? And here you're, still surviving even without them. Of course some of these people leave a void in our hearts that can be very difficult to fill in but again perhaps we're right when we said we can't live without them because the part of us which only them can relive has died alongside them, but still, we live.

Coping with the shock of the death of a loved one is one of the most difficult things on earth. After somehow managing to come to terms with the harsh reality that you will never see them again, you're then forced to keep staring at that reality right in the face for the rest of your life, you still somehow manage to convince yourself that everything will be alright, you tell yourself that they are in a better place, you tell yourself that they wouldn't want to see you suffer because of their demise, while this is mostly true because these are people who truly love you, it can be difficult to control the tears even when we try to control them, it seems out of our control. Passing through all the stages of grieve but at the end we become alright.

It is okay to grief.

When you lost a person, it is okay and even recommended for you to grieve. No one should deny you that right. I see people trying to console crying members of a deceased family member or friend telling them to stop crying that it's "okay". You don't tell them that because they aren't going to listen to you anyway and even if you tell them that it will be okay, if definitely isn't at that time. The best we can do for them is with grieve with them or be there for them while they grieve. There's a hidden beauty in grieving a loved one. It makes them realize the love they have for a person. Sometimes you never know how much you love a person until they are no more and you might even wonder why you loved the person this much and you learn to love those who are still in your life the more, so do not deny them this grief.

Losing a loved one makes us rethink our own lives.

Especially when those people lived a worthwhile life. When you hear people say good things about them, praise them and miss them, you rethink your own life. Want do you want people to remember you for when you die? Is it for the good or bad reasons? People perceive you the way you present yourself to them and will treat you accordingly, in or outside your presence. When those people used to inspire you a lot, you'd take the necessary steps into taking the advice or motivations they have once given to you, you might see it as paying your respect to them, but in the long run it contributes to your own growth.

At the end whenever we lost someone, the reminder that someday it would be our turn to go rings loud in our ears, if we're wise enough we make every single moment worth it, and strive in the best of our might to make it matter. So to anyone out there who's lost a good person in their life, miss them, cherish them for they will forever be in your hearts, but never forget the things they taught you and adhere by it strictly, let their efforts not be in vain. Let it serve as a positive reminder rather than a negative one.

Thank You for reading.



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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Death, Love, Grief, Emotional, ...


Also, move on but don't forget them even though it's hard

$ 0.01
2 years ago

There are those that can never be forgotten even if we try.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Losing a loved one is a difficult and painful. But we have to move on nonetheless, as no amount of pain and despair can undo what has happened.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It takes time to come to terms with, it's best we take our time to feel before getting back on our feet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have experienced it before. It's not a pleasant memory. But you know 'when loved ones becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure'

$ 0.01
2 years ago

A very precious one at that. The memory always remains.

$ 0.00
2 years ago