The Biggest Gift You Can Ever Give Is Opportunity

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3 years ago

Giving is in my DNA and feels to me as natural as breathing most of the time. There is a special kind of joyful feeling that comes over me when I am in the giving "mode". Notice I didn't say "giving mood". This is because my mood is always giving, but my mode has to have understanding about why I am giving. See, not all giving is good or even helpful to other people. If you give some people to much they forget how to stand on their own two feet. In this way more harm than good is being done, because the person may become dependent on the "giving mode".

People tend to take the path of lease resistance as it is an ancient embedded survival mechanism. Humans often move away from things that are difficult and migrate closer to things made easy. Yet it is the difficult times in our life when we learn the most. Giving a person an opportunity is much better in the long run. Opportunity is the perfect middle ground between giving and giving to much. Receiving handouts to often can make a person lazy, and unwilling to move toward action. Being given an opportunity assures a person takes action, increasing the opportunity's benefit.

Giving opportunity is a huge gift to a person who works toward making that gift a positive facet of their life. But other gifts of generosity for example money can waste away in a matter of minutes, hours, or days. Monetary gifts are not always a bad option, but people usually treat gifts of money with less respect. Giving a person an opportunity in many ways affords them power over the gift. Monetary gifts can bring with it negative stressors to a person as it dwindles away to nothing. The most effective gifts to giving are the ones that owns staying power for its receiver.

Jobs, business, health, and investment opportunities offered as gifts have greater potential built-in. There is immense potential for a person to take a good opportunity, run with it, and end up building a better life. So as I've said on many occasions I love giving away money, because it comes with receiving good karma back. The Good Karma happens for me immediately through joyful feelings of giving. But it is the opportunities that I give which have the greatest potential to change lives. After all isn't that what life is all about, making a positive lasting affect on the greatest number of lives? I Think So!

By: Michaelson Williams, tsx


Editor-n-Chief at MMAP Magazine

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3 years ago


It's great when you open opportunities for people, you give them the possibility to grow. Also when you give money (of course for something specific, for health or to invest) that provides a tool To then defend himself. That is gratifying. And if the beneficiary of the help is one, it is time to thank and bless that person who provided an opportunity. And if at any time he needs to give you support

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree that the feeling of giving is very satisfying. Personally, I like to give more when I don't know the person I'm helping. But always thinking that for the good of that person who receives part of me, make good use of what I give him. Because if there is one thing I am sure of, it is that when the person you are giving your money to is lying to you about their life situation, then life itself takes over much more than they received. That is why I always think that I hope what I have given has been used out of necessity and not because of a lie. That in the case that I am giving gifts when a person gives me his sad life situation. But sharing here on this platform is very satisfying because we share with friends who do the same as us ... share with others.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I do understand your position gertu13. I think I used to think the same way earlier in my life. But I changed my ways of thinking. The short of it is, I came to a realization that what the homeless man did with the money I gave him at the side of the road was non of my business. I could not control the money once it was in his hands, so why bother concerning myself with it. The money was his to do with what he chose to do with it. What happened once I came to that realization was complete joy in the giving part, my part. The man on the side of the road had his own part to play in whether the money would be good to him or bad. This story is much longer and detailed than I am telling here. My point is that even on this platform I only ask that people share 50% of what I give. If they do so or not means little to me, but should mean a great deal to them. I cannot make anyone Pay It Forward. I can only hope that they do so with goodness in their heart and mind, so that good things come back to them. I hope this shorten version of the story and idea get its point across. I really enjoyed your comment! :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for your comment and I like it. Yes, really after a gift is given it doesn't matter what they do with it. I only have the thought that evil does not happen to me but, on the contrary, evil goes hand in hand with evil feelings. And that escapes my hands. That is why I say that giving is a pleasant sensation and receiving is also. But the difference is that when you do good the shower of blessings is greater. That is why I am not worried about what others do with their life, I just try to do the best with mine and give my best. It is a pleasure to meet you and have your comments.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello TruSucessXpert,

I have passed on your kind grace of $ tips forward. It is indeed a worthwhile gesture to reach more people. My only admission is that I have not kept in touch with many readers on Maybe, this initiative also helps me to get in touch with more. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

@oivas that's awesome! Myself and the community loves to see when a member is Paying It Forward. I hope the person/people you paid it forward to stop by and tell us of their joy in receiving your gift. Also it sounds like karma is going to be reconnecting you with more people here on Nice to hear from you!πŸ‘

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If we want to give someone a fish because he is hungry it is wrong. It is better to teach him fishing so that even when we are not with him, he can get a fish on his own.
This is something that a friend told me long ago.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't think it's wrong to give a hungry man a fish, as long as you are teaching him to fish as well. A man who dies from hunger cannot fish.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I meant if I keep on giving without teaching him how to fish. Sorry, my English vocabulary is not too good.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Okay I understand now. No worries... The longer we communicate the better I will understand your style of writing. Everything is a process so as long as we are patient we'll be okay.😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you. I agree with that though sometimes... being patient is challenging.

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3 years ago

I guess it's in my DNA too πŸ˜… I don't use to receive but to give.. Maybe because am the breadwinner in the family... I don't rely on others, but to myself alone..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Awesome to hear that giving in also in your DNA! Being able to be the breadwinning in your family is a gift in itself. ;)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes it is..thank you sir 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I also love giving! But now, I can only do it in a simple way since I'm only 17years old, no work at all.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sometimes the simplest ways of giving that people do can mean or have the greatest impact on another person's life. Don't sell yourself short, just because you are 17 years old. Good Karma Has No Age...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh yeah even I'm only 17years old, I'm working on it. I have a plans for the future where I can help people☺ I am also helping even in a simple ways.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very Nice!

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Giving them the ways on how to achieve what they want is much better than giving them what they want, because just like you said, people become lazy if you keep giving them they forget to stand on their own.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

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3 years ago


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3 years ago