Part 8: The Adventures Of CT; I Will

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Poisons of the mind can be hidden anywhere. They must be sought out and dealt with an open mind blinders-off, and critical thinking. The minds of humanity will need to be woken up to the rhetoric of both religion and state.

We cannot forget the biggest threat of all: the mega-corporate giants who control all marketing to humans. It is these giants who use their power to direct every single move in the daily lives of this enslaved people.

The masses of this planet possess minds of little children who have little understanding that churches, government, corporate bodies have no interest in their well being. Their only interest is in control. This primitive human mind will not even let them understand the possibility of the shepherds’ wrongdoing.

Mankind has never needed to be protected from other worldly enemies they only need protection from themselves. We must convince people to (not) follow what they are told to follow, to (not) believe what they are told to believe, but to wake up and use their own minds eye to discover the truth.

Once the mind’s eye of the masses is opened they will need to be taught to control them. The battle will not be won overnight because "The Powers That Be" are not going to want change or quality amongst the human race." They" will fight back! There will be new fear tactics used in order to combat the freed minds and try to re-enslave the newly opened minds eyes of humanity.

“They” the 1% will use army’s, our own military and security forces against the people and the military will obey because they are also brainwashed, “who rah”. Saying such things as: “Stop Resisting” even when a person is not or “you must show ID” even when you don’t have to are tactics of control and ways to falsely imprison people.

Police, security contractors and military forces are now trained to provoke in order to invoke a human response that will allow them to falsely imprison. The sheep are made to believe that being hand cuffed for the quote safety of the arresting body is not imprisonment.

The plain simple truth is if someone does not allow you to leave under your own free will you are already a prisoner. Also tasing the innocent or walking around with zip ties as quick handcuffs are all tactics of inhuman show of force. Black gloves are now standard issue to cover their trail by not leaving prints behind.

Police forces are now even wearing black gloves nationwide to cover up the abuse that they are now trained to inflict on the general public. How can you prosecute someone in law enforcement if there is no evidence of wrong doing? It's simple, you cannot.

People need to be taught they must rely on one another and the power of community until their power becomes fully recognized. They cannot rely on government or law enforcement anymore because these people are just attack dogs that are trained on the blood of its own kind.

Military and law enforcement is no longer free thinking people that need to be looked upon as protectors of liberty and freedom. The gang mentality in these branches of government has run ramped and will not stop until one of two things happen.

One, 75% of the population is imprisoned or killed, and Two, a revolution of minds that will overthrow the 1%. A mind released of its slavery cannot be controlled through tyranny.

Not all of the people who enforce laws of this land are enslave but they must understand that human life is worth more than a paycheck. Taking money to take a life means they have become mercenaries. CT continued; these minds will have to be freed as well and love, caring, command sense, and critical thinking restored.

To Be Continued........

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