Today I join millions of Christians all over the world in celebrating Easter Sunday; a day set aside to mark and celebrate the resurrection of Christ Jesus from death.
Easter is commonly celebrated at the same time by almost all sect in Christianity apart from sect like the eastern orthodox churches (that can be found in Russia, Ukraine, Greece, and more than twenty countries) which are going to celebrate their Easter this year on the 24th of April.
Christ death and resurrection is of great significance to mankind, as it shows that one day we will resurrect from the state of death just like him on the last day.
Jesus Christ came to this world in a very humble manner and he left that way too. The life and teachings of Christ is a model for everyone who seeks eternal life.
Nobody is perfect
Nobody is perfect, nobody is holy, but we can strive to live in holiness by following Christ’s teachings and always admit anytime we fall short by asking for forgiveness from God.
I remember a biblical story of woman who was caught in the act of adultery by the Pharisees, they were all condemning her and they were about to stone her to death. The Pharisees wanted to test Jesus, so they brought the woman to him and asked what should be done to her. Christ knew their ulterior motives and intentions.
So he simply replied; “any of you who had not sinned before should be the first to stone her”. One by one they all left her.
Respect everyone
This biblical incident shows that nobody is perfect even the Pastors or people you regard as men or women of God. We all have the same grace, and God doesn’t have a favourite, he treat everyone equally whether white or black or yellow or red. God doesn’t care about your race or your nationality. So as children of God we should learn to respect everyone regardless of their race or nationality.
Learn to forgive
We also need to learn the act of forgiveness, because if God can forgive us for our sins and debt, why on earth should we not be able to forgive our brothers and sisters who offend us.
We should learn to show love and be willing to give when we have. For it is written in the bible that God loves a cheerful giver.
Last days
We can see from what is going on in the world that what Jesus and the apostles said about the last days is true. Unlike before, mankind is now experiencing deadly diseases that can kill millions, wars are fought with deadly weapons between neighbouring countries or civil war in a country.
We can see people dying from famine like never before. Different abomination and atrocities are being carried out by individuals and governments.
All these were being prophesied over two thousand years ago and they are happening today.
No country is left out from this challenges, only the level of suffering differs from one country to the other. For example; COVID-19 affected nearly all the countries on earth, and no place was a safe haven. But the impact of the virus varies in different countries. Countries like Italy, United Kingdom, USA were the worse hit. While countries like New Zealand, Vietnam had little cases.
Earth is degrading
The Earth is degrading and being polluted on a daily basis. For example there is a cry of global warming. While some people don’t believe in it, it is actually evident in the adverse weathers we see these days, also the snow caps in the Artic and Antarctica are melting at a faster rate. Many urban areas are being flooded unlike before.
Earth governments are rallying but they can’t save the earth, they can only slow down the rapid decay of the earth, because the bible tells us one day the earth will longer exist.
No perfect governance on Earth
We should always remember that no form of governance can give hundred percent; justice, freedom and peace. Only the kingdom of heaven guarantee’s all that and more.
Better to live everyday like it's the last. We can't tell what tomorrow hold. No where is safe anymore