The mother of frustration

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2 years ago

I would be starting today's article with a short fictional story. This article might be the longest I have ever written in this platform. I would appreciate it, if you read to the end.

A short story

James left the insurance office as soon as he submitted his insurance renewal form to the receptionist. But unknown to him he had left his small telephone (his calling line) on the reception seat while he was filling his form. He had already drove half way home, before he realized this. He quickly found the nearest u-turn so he could go back to retrieve his phone.

In meantime before James got back to the office this was what happened.

A woman who was sitting behind James while he was previously at the insurance office, stood up to submit her own form. She saw the little phone on the seat. She immediately picked it up and head to the direction of the receptionist where she would submit her form.

She brought out the phone and explained that the man who was sitting at her front sometime ago might have been the owner and had forgotten it there. The receptionist thanked the woman and promised to hand it back to right owner when he comes back.

Meanwhile as the phone was on the receptionist desk. Mr James wife; Deborah who was at home wanted to call her husband to tell him to purchase some items from the supermarket on his way home. She called his line, the phone rang but no answer. She kept on calling but her call wasn't picked.

"This is very unusual", she said

Her heart skipped a beat as she began to speculate many reasons why he wasn't picking up.

"Is it because of the little disagreement we had this morning?" She thought to herself

"But no, we've had serious dispute in the past and it didn't prevented him from picking my calls", she counter thought.

"I'm sure he can't be at work, by this time. He should be on his way home", she reaffirmed.

"Or maybe he is with someone else" a part of her mind thought

"no my husband isn't a cheat" she quickly cleared the thought out.

Meanwhile at the insurance office, the receptionist was busy typing and didn't notice the phone that was vibrating as a result of calls coming in.

She saw that on the phone it was showing 7 missed calls, she was shocked.

"It might have been the owner trying to locate his phone"; she thought to herself

Deborah, pacing said to herself; "let me call for the last time" It began ringing,

The receptionist this time was paying attention and saw the call from a contact saved on the phone as "my lovely wife". She thought immediately that the phone owner was using his wife's phone to locate his phone.

The receptionist picked the call and said, "hello!"

Deborah heard a female voice from the other end of the call and shouted, "Jesus! So you're the concubine my husband is seeing".

The receptionist was taken aback, retaining her composure she tried to explain the situation to Deborah. But Deborah wasn't ready to listen and kept on hurling insult and she cut the call.

Assumption; the mother of frustration

From the short story above; Deborah allowed her mind to assume things for her without facts or evidence, she believes her prompt assumption without giving room for plausible explanation for what might have happened.

That's why assumption is said to be the mother of frustration. Every once in a while, we all make assumptions. We guess what someone else is feeling or thinking. We presume to know what's best for them or what they are currently doing. We expect people to react a certain way without giving it much thought.

Most assumptions people make in life, always turn out wrong... but why? It is all because assumptions are lazy! They're rarely based on facts and usually on the past experiences. But sometimes, the past doesn't determine the future.

Why you should stop assuming

The problem is that we're often not even aware that we're making an assumption.

An assumption is just something that we believe without knowing for sure. It's something that we've made up in our heads about how the world works, why things happen and what other people are thinking or feeling. As a result, we make some pretty big mistakes based on those false beliefs.

For example, when someone doesn't respond to an email, text or important phone call, just like Deborah many of us begin to think of the worst."

Stop assuming, try to be factual. Don't spend your life assuming. If you want to know something, ask someone or wait for the facts to show up

All such things should be checked with the person who is responsible for that thing and understand their position before making any judgements.

The problem which most human suffers from is the inability to accept the facts which stand in their way and therefore assume the worst to happen.

When we make assumption we tend to disturb our minds with thoughts that aren't based on facts.

A person who constantly assume will never be able to enjoy their life because assumption leads to unnecessary worries and frustration.

The act of assuming is a negative behavior that most human are guilty of practicing.

Leave out assumptions and stay happy in your life.

Happy new Month and Thank you for reading

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2 years ago


Assumptions as brought in damages beyond repair.. we just have to stick to fact and stop assuming things, talk things out instead of assuming it,that way ,one's life span will be lengthened

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Assumption can be very damaging because we end up overthinking a situation that doesn't even exist. I am guilty of this and I am very sure everybody is guilty as well, it's an emotion we can't just stop ourselves from feeling

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's part of our Human nature. But we shouldn't base our judgement always on it rather on facts

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy new month🤗🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish you the same Deeepensiverse

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right friend that an assumption is the thought that we believe when we are not sure.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I love the way you wrote your story, Debby definitely made a wrong decision by doing what she did. Nice concept, I learnt from this illustration.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am glad my little write up could teach something.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Assumption are the reason that leads us towards the stress that the situation isn't much bad as assume

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Most of assumptions do point to negative, but I think it depends on person who assumes. People who are accustomed to positive thinking, they also have potential to issue positive assumptions as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right; not all assumptions are negative or wrong. But we should not often dwell in the world of assumption, because it isn't based on facts

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Deborah in the story shouldn't have made such assumptions without knowing the real truth of what was going on, she should have calmed down to hear what the receptionist was about to say, assumptions most times don't work as we believe them to.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Assumption is an act of laziness most times

$ 0.00
2 years ago