The Cycle of Life

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2 years ago

A lot of things are going through my mind right now. And I am not talking about the dip in crypto world because I have learnt to take my eyes of that and focus on other things.

It been more than 24 hours since I lasted published an article and engage on this platform. It is definitely nice to be back.


Life is filled with ups and downs. Life is made up of days, and days are composed of hours, and hours have minutes. We have good days and the bad. When we find a way to push through the negatives and lean into the positives, anything we set to achieve is possible.

No matter how happy you are, there will come a time you need motivation to conquer those hours, minutes and seconds in your day.

When those dark days come, remember it is part of life. How you respond to the darkness surrounding you determines how far you will go.

The purpose of life is not just to live, but to live well; to live better each day than we did the day before. Life asks us to make a decision on what type of person we want to be.

Do we want to continue making excuses and be hard on ourselves or do we want to continue becoming all that we can?

Your choice!

Life is about choices. Every day we have the opportunity to decide what to do, who to be and how to live our lives. Sometimes the consequences of these choices are immediate and sometimes they take more time to reveal themselves.

When I wake up every morning and shower I'm reminded that I have another day to control how I respond to my surroundings. When I feel like quitting, I remind myself that quitting is not an option because I'm greater than that moment in my life and I'm greater than my present set-back.

Ups and downs

Life is a beautiful journey of moments. The cycle of life is filled with happiness, success, depression, and disappointment. It is a constant process which goes on and on.

There are times we feel low, no motivation, sad and disappointed. Then there are times we feel high, motivated and happy.

Sometimes things go as planned and at times they do not. We must cherish the good times and learn from the bad.

If we make the best out of any situation there is no reason for us to sit down and feel low about the things that have happened to us. If you're low about something, don't give up because you can be better than you thought you would be. All you have to do is focus on the good.

It can be difficult going through the motions in life. The struggle is real, but remember there are others who have been in the same boat as you.

A crypto market is a reminisce of life. The dips of life are our disappointment and depression. While the rise involves being happy and successful.


To some people life is a piece of cake, but to most people it is not a piece of cake.

Where there are dark areas there's always light waiting around the corner.

Be grateful for what you have and be willing to learn from your mistakes and remember that the only constant thing in life is change. The best way to deal with change is by being prepared for it.


You can reach out to me on Noise cash, my username is TomiAjax

$ 5.79
$ 4.54 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.30 from @Big-E
$ 0.10 from @Unity
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Avatar for Tomi-Ajax
2 years ago


There will be ups and downs in life. Our life is about ups and downs. We would not be able to understand the true meaning of life without the ups and downs. Because of the ups and downs, we can enjoy success.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes it depends sometimes when it doesn't work there are other causes maybe that's not for you, because you can't be the kind of person with a lot of patience, maybe confidence, maybe too little experience in the field, and then you better give up and do something you can do you know what you can control

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life is not a bed of roses. Everyone has to face trials and tribulations someday in life. So we have got to get ourselves ready for any such circumstances.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was telling a friend some days back that just when you are happy and thinking you have no problem, something will pop up. Even when you're happy , there's always something of concern lingering in one's mind.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life is not a piece of cake to me because I know I have a purpose for my existence in life and I'm willing to go extra mile just to achieve it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am also doing the same thing mate, I mean keeping away from looking in the market! Well life is like that which is full with ups and downs. Still. We have to focus on something and struggle for it to be success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life won't give us what we need, we are to get what we need from life. Nice article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life is full of goodness, as well as detrimental situations. Life favours some people, while it's unfavorable to another. There are some situations that would hit someone bad, that such would like not to have existed, but in all we just have to keep moving and know it's a process.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Birth is painful and delightful. Death is painful and delightful. Everything that ends is also the beginning of something else. Pain is not a punishment; pleasure is not a reward.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Even the rich people suffer up and down in their lanes, so life is designed to be this way. We just have to stand firm to withstand the huddles life brings some time. If we give up, na we loose✌️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are certainly right tomi the crypto market Teaches us to see life in a different perspective like it cannot always be rosy sometimes it is hard but it’s all part of the journey. It teaches us patience which is essential in this cycle of life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Was just telling someone on WhatsApp that the ongoing strike makes me feel like my life is in limbo. SMH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My mind is quite cloudy nowadays. I was overthinking something but I don't know what's the point of it all. We may have highs and lows in life like crypto prices, what's important is that we hold dearly in our life and choose to move forward.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm so happy that experienced bloggers are taking their time to write some encouraging posts about this Bear season. This is so uplifting, we will not quit. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life is never bed of roses for most of us. Struggle and continued efforts are compulsory to survive here .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life is filled with a lot of purpose and beautiful moments. The time we have should be spent without regret.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Like you have rightly said, the purpose of life is not just to live but to also learn. I see life as a medium to continue learning, even more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago