The clash of your Past and Present

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1 year ago
Topics: Change, Politics, Humans, Life, View, ...

As a kid: what was your favourite movie, food, colour, or profession?

Are your answers still your favourites today?

I'm sure that to a great extent, your favourites list must have changed to the one you had as a kid.

The reason wasn't that you didn't truly consider those things your favourite as a kid, but because you might have outgrown those favourites of yours. As we grow older, our likes and dislikes change, and also the way we think and view matters.

Sometimes, I burst into laughter when I remember some of my childhood thoughts and how I considered things.

Change is constant

Change is constant, nothing on earth remains the same forever. Today's weather has changed from the way it was 50 years ago (scientists have attributed this to climate change).

We live in a world where people refuse to believe things changes until they experience it themselves.

Today, people are held accountable for things they said years ago as a teen or young adults. But sometimes, what people say in that stage of life may not represent what they believe today.

We know that as humans, we are not perfect in any aspect of life. We make mistakes and learn from them, this is a loop that only breaks when we die.

Liz Truss

Such a scenario played out in British politics during the election for the post of Prime Minister. The winner and the current Prime Minister of Great Britain, Liz Truss: was a staunch liberal democrat.

There was video footage that shows her declaring support for the abolition of the Monarchy. But today, she is the leader of the conservative party, a party she fought against in her youth. What an irony! Now, she is the Prime Minister in a state that still operates as a constitutional Monarchy. Who would have thought in 1994 that the outspoken liberal democrat would become a member of the conservative and not just a member but a future Prime Minister?

The way you view politics, money, and life would change as you grow. You are being influenced by everything around you. For instance, most Nigerians think differently, when they travel and live in foreign countries.

We've seen people being attacked for things they said that didn't tally with social norms. I remembered Kelvin Hart was being called out for a joke he made about Homosexuality. According to him, he said his view of sexuality has changed and doesn't represent his present belief or ideas.

It is necessary to give people benefits of doubts. But, many doubt people who had taken a change of view, especially when their previous views are seen as kind of extreme.

Those who drag people for their past views or statement most times don't know how painful it is until they fall into the same situation.

A deceitful world

But we also live in a world where also people change their stance due to what they would benefit from doing so.

For instance, in Nigeria, it is common to see politicians cross-carpet from one party to another (The word cross-carpet was coined by Nigerian media).

Sometimes you wonder how someone who was campaigning for a particular party and vowed not to leave. Then, within six months of making that statement decided to join the opposition. It is a common sight in Nigeria's politics and has become a norm.

It can be difficult to determine if people have genuinely changed their views or not. In the case of people who had genuinely changed their views, some people would still find it hard to believe them. (Just like the boy who cried wolf).

My conclusion and advice

  • The best thing in life is not to believe any ideas extremely.

  • Limit the use of social media in propagating political or even religious ideas. Many people are dragged for their previous beliefs or ideas due to what they posted on social media.

  • Also, constantly check your social media account for ideas that might not be reasonable currently, and delete them as soon as you notice them


12:23 PM

Thanks for reading!

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1 year ago
Topics: Change, Politics, Humans, Life, View, ...


This is true my friend. When I was a child I had a lot of favorite things even when I was in my highschool years but those things it's not my favorite anymore now. Time passed, a changes happened too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It happens to everyone.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah man, lots of views and beliefs of mine are changed now. Back when I see my posts I laugh, was I really thinking like that, haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly! My Facebook memories makes me laugh 😂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're right. I've changed a lot. I've stopped looking at some things I used to like when I was a kid. One thing didn't change. What's that? My dreams. I've always dreamt to be an actress and I'm still on that line.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow! You must have a strong passion for the profession

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1 year ago