The change starts with you

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2 years ago

Yesterday I wrote about how characters are formed and how individual characters shape the development of a nation.

For a country to develop and flourish, there has to be a level of trust between its citizens and the people in governance. Also, there has to be trust among the citizens themselves. Without trust, there would be no progress.

In my country, for example, the level of trust the citizens have in the government is now all-time low, and it's spiraling down. It is the same among the citizens themselves. People are skeptical and wary to trust other people, this is due to the bad news being filed in every day from different parts of the country.

In a country where there is a low level of trust, there is bound to be a high level of corruption, thievery, and mismanagement of resources.

People keep on asking for radical change in a country. But they forget to realize that people are what makes a nation, not just the geographical area. If you want to change your country, you should be willing to change yourself first.

Just like Micheal Jackson said in his song titled "Man in the mirror". He said and I quote:

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror

I'm asking him to change his ways"

The change you want starts with you. If you want a peaceful and law-abiding country, you have to be a peaceful and law-abiding citizen.

Have you ever wondered how the world or your country would be if everyone behaves the way you do?

You should answer this!

Taking Responsibility

One of the signs of a progressive country is that there are people who are ready to take responsibility for any shortcoming that happens in that country. Such a country is ruled by genuine and sincere leaders.

Sincere or genuine leaders don't look for whom to blame for their shortcomings rather they would take full responsibility and try to make amends. And if he or she can't make amendments, they swiftly resign.

But scrupulous and corrupt leaders will always make excuses and bring out lies to cover up their shortcomings. They would tell their supporters conspiracy theories so they won't be viewed as faulty for a particular happening.

Any leader or even any individual who always tries to shelf his or her responsibility or mistakes, and tries to blame someone else isn't worth being a leader and can't be trusted.

Many people give excuses for the wrong things they do. You will see people dumping refuses on the road, ask them why they are doing so, they will give the excuse that they do so because there is no refuse bin around.

Those little things count

The world can be a better place if we all take steps to do the right things even if they are of little significance.

I see the climate change activists in some developed countries advocating for their countries to stop using harmful plastic and other materials. They enlighten their fellow citizens on the advantages of recycling, usage, and investment in green energy. It is a laudable one and the world needs more of this.

Every step you take in the right step brings the world closer to sanity. Also when taking those steps make sure you inform people around you, tell them the reasons you are taking those steps and why they should also take those steps.

We know that important decisions in the world are taken by less than 1% of the world's population. All the decisions they take affect the 99+% of us that are not in governance or heading important companies and organizations. Even when the world is going crazy and it is beyond our control. We should always do the little we can to improve our immediate surroundings.


Respect humanity, don't treat another person less because of his or her skin color. Remember that the blood in every human is red regardless of race, nationality, or skin color.



Thanks for reading, and remember that I value your comment.

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2 years ago


such an excellent content, tomi! it's indeed that we need to start in ourselves. start in taking an accountability and recognizing our responsibilities as part of humanity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The fact that people are refusing to take responsibility for their action is what is causing all this mess we are in today. Especially the people in power. They believe they are immune to the law that's why they keep doing what they like

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember very well, when I was little I also experienced ridicule from classmates because my skin color, which is like the skin of a sapodilla fruit, is not light brown but dark brown so it looks black compared to other friends. I also asked why they did that?, because it makes a person's confidence go down and to me they are annoying.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

True talk, there won't be any cause for alarm if everyone be positive minded towards People and take responsibility at any stage, the world will be at peace

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But sadly this isn't the case. People are shifting their faults and not taking responsibility

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sadly, most people don't know this, they always want to count on the govt to change whereas they themselves have lots of work to do on themselves. The change begins with us and from our very family members.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for resonating this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is really something my friend Tomi. I like your points about this topic. We really are responsible for taking actions to change. As in, change for the better!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we are. I'm glad you like the article renren

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I so love this content Tomi that the change starts within us. Our own selves have truly the power to take responsibility on our actions. I hope you have a great day. Smiles and wink.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Taking responsibility is a sign of a matured mind and character.

Thanks Porsche.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You wrote so well tomi, if only we could end discrimination in the world...then the world will be a better place

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Discrimination is a wrong act that tears our society apart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago