Sunday titbits

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2 years ago

Happy second Sunday of the year. Today was the first church service I attended since the beginning of the year. I went to church by 9 am only to be told that service will begin by 10:30 am. I had to go back to hostel to take a nap while waiting patiently for the time of service.

When it was 10:20 am I left my hostel since the chapel is just a stone throw. When I arrived the service just got started. I really enjoyed today's service and I was happy to be in the presence of the Lord once again.

Today's write-up

Have you ever been disappointed when you put your trust in man only to have it shattered? This happens to many people who put their trust in the wrong things, things that are not worthy of our trust

The best things to do in life is to trust in God and do good. Trust in God even when everyone is against you, trust in God when it looks like you are about to drown, trust in God; that he will give you a helping hand. We all make mistakes, life is not perfect but if we strive to achieve what is right we will be given the grace of God

Never accept the wrong that people try to lead you into. Stay productive and be the best person you are, if you are a man then be the best man you can be, don't let anyone define who you are and what got you there. Never let any one tell you that will not amount to anything,because all men are created equal and are blessed by God with a purpose.

There are many struggles in life. To pull through these struggles there must be a number of tools that one must be armed with to succeed. One of these tools is righteousness.

Being Righteousness

Being a righteous person, is just as important as leading a righteous life. There are many evildoers who will try to lead you astray, but there are only few people who strive to do good and not follow the evildoers. In our daily chores and work life we need to do what is rights.

Righteousness is best understood as a state of being. It is a constant awareness of what is real and what is not, what is true and what is false, what is right and wrong, an awareness that leads to action.

Righteousness is not necessarily about what you do, but what you are. Do you have righteous thoughts, speak righteous words and carry out righteous actions? You will come across people who try to belittle your righteousness. They may say that you are too sensitive, overly conscience or even a liar or hypocrite. But these words can never undermine the righteousness within you. These words can never change the truth about you. Some people will try to make it seem as if righteousness is a burden, but it is not. Righteousness is your strength. Let this energy be felt by all around you.

But let us remember that righteousness and full salvation can never be found in the shadows of our hard work. It can only found in the light of Christ's goodness and mercy.

Closing thoughts

We are all here on our own spiritual journey, here on earth to discover who we are and what we are here for. When you wake up every day and take a breath, give thanks to God. That is one of the most important things you can do.

Only God can give us the right answers to our problems. We should put full trust in God because He is never late and He will always be there for us.

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Avatar for Tomi-Ajax
2 years ago


Righteous is a state of mind just as you said that if assumed, every other things takes shape in our lives.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed we should always look up to God during our fun and hard times.l, because God presence cannot be underestimated in our lives... Am new here and its nice meeting you ☺

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Nice meeting you too Rehi, hope you enjoy your stay here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I asked you a while ago in if you are a catholic Christian and as I read your article now, I can see that you are really having a deep connection with God. During pandemic, I can see that many people getting lost their Faith in God. With this article, I hope I can spread these wonderful words you have written.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes I saw your comment sir, and I hope you saw my reply to it. Usagi thanks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What an interesting article, thanking God every day is necessary since we are still alive today because of His kindness. When we are unsure of what to do, God is the only one who can provide solutions to our issues. In this world, God is all we need. People who are here with us or who we shall encounter in the future will abandon us, but God will never abandon us. Believe in God and trust him.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen to that Tomi. Gratitude keeps the blessings pouring :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I appreciate the visit ma'am. God bless you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are welcome, GBU too :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah it's important to always thank God every day coz it's by His grace that we are still here breathing today. God is the only one who can give us solutions to our problems when we are confused on what to do. God is all we need in this world. People who are with us right now or those we will meet someday will leave us but God will never be. Trust and believe in God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We need to trust and believe in god because he alone knows tomorrow and the best for us. Thanks BCH lover

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My pleasure Tomi. God bless you

$ 0.00
2 years ago