Another beautiful morning and day is here, another sun rise. Early morning are always special and spectacular; the dawnlight, the scents, the sounds and melodies from different creatures like the birds.
This morning when I woke up I did Several rounds of exercise and the aftermath feeling was glorious. There are plethora of things (uncountable) I'm grateful for.
I am grateful to have a roof over my head.
I am grateful to have lots of nourishing food to eat
I am grateful for my wonderful friends and family, who inspire me every single day.
I'm grateful for the good health I have and also my family, friends and people in my life who love me.
I'm grateful for all that I have been able to create in my life, and for knowing beyond any doubt that it will only get better as time comes
I'm grateful that every night that I sleep I get to dream about living my perfect life, and soon I'll be able to live it for real!
I'm grateful for coming across this platform and noise cash and the kindness shown to me by my fellow users
I'm grateful for this opportunity to be grateful. (Lol)
Life is a gift to be celebrated! The value of our breath, the magic of our heartbeat, is beyond explanation and evaluation.
Life is a gift. Some people know it, others don’t seem to remember. Life is not just one long vacation to be spent doing the things you want to do, but rather a long journey to be spent doing what you should.
The things we do in life affect us and other people around us.
Plant the seed of love
The seed of life is love. Love is the greatest thing you can give or receive. It is also the most powerful force you can know.
Let your actions be guided by love and you will grow, let your actions be guided by selfishness and you will die alone.
If a selfish person won't have a friend, then how can he or she have a lover? This shoes that we need to be nice and generous to everyone.
The lovely people I have meet in my life is a blessing, which I am constantly grateful for.
You can give love, you can receive it, bur you can never get enough of it, and you can never have enough of it. Love is the only thing that has the power to change people in both good and bad ways. Love is the reason all of us are here today. Love can be shared with a family, a friend, a loved one, or even with a stranger.
Smile and Positivity
It’s Monday again. You are going to be back from your weekend. If you are happy with the weekend, then go and stay happy. If you didn’t enjoy the weekend, don’t stay unhappy.
Start every day with a smile on your face and more zest to get up and get going. Every single day we have the chance to 24 hours of joy and happiness. So be happy and stay happy as that the first thing you should do. Think positively and be happy.
Be positive about your life and about yourself. It doesn’t matter if you are pretty or ugly or super smart or averagely smart, you still have to be happy with yourself in order to find happiness with others. It doesn’t make sense to be miserable while the world is full of great things to enjoy.
Have faith in God that tomorrow will be great, for today may have moments of being not so great.
Because the sun sets, we have the dawn a new day; the dawn of a different tomorrow which would be great and filled with better opportunities and new possibilities.
Even when the days are not so great, remember that tomorrow will be great for it is promised by God. The only way to get through each day is to have faith in God.
Faith will enable you to rise again and again to face each day because
I have learnt to have faith in God, because He alone is worthy of all praise
I love your attitude, have an awesome week!