Learning wisely

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2 years ago

Reading all the motivational or self-developmental books in the world would make no difference if you do not practice what you have learned from those books.

Books remain the best way to hide information. Why? The reason is that most people find it hard to read. Reading has become difficult in today's world; where everyone is in a rush. That is why people will rather watch a video tutorial than read a book. I am not criticizing people who watch videos, I am a big fan of watching videos.

Reading culture is sinking in today's world as nobody wants to read again (perhaps not people on blogging platforms lol).

Sometimes people ask me,

"Hey Tomi how do you know this."

I simply answer, "by reading."

Don't make empty claims

Many people are ignorant of what happened in the past because they think it is not necessary to learn about it. People like that would come on Twitter and start sprouting nonsense and talking blindly. And what amazes me is how they defend their garbage with fake news or facts.

One thing I have noticed in this world is that people who know the right thing are always unsure of themselves or the solutions they have. On the other hand, you will notice fools arguing and defending what they no little or nothing about.

I saw a post on Facebook that talked about how everyone behaves like an expert until their expertise is required.

I have seen who go out making claims of being able to do a lot of things, but when called to do so they can't do anything. These people make me laugh. This is to tell you that not all critics are serious. A serious critic would show you how to do something better and not condemn your work.

Sometimes you tell people about the situation you find yourself and they would say,

"if it was me I would do this and that."

Know that most times that is not necessarily the case, some of them when they get into your shoes they will turn out more confused than you were.

Don't hide your ignorance

Many times people like hiding their ignorance by pretending to know something. When I don't know something, I always tell people "I don't know this or that", and I don't try to cover up.

There is nothing as bad or worse than people who don't know something pretending they know it. It is shameful and disgusting.

Don't laugh

Don't laugh at other people's ignorance. Remember, there was a time you were ignorant like them.

You can't know everything, a doctor might be ignorant when it comes to dealing with electronics, but that doesn't make him or her a fool. The only time someone becomes one is when you boast you can do something and you ended up not being able to do it.

Don't be afraid to seek help. When you don't know something; speak up. Nobody is an island of knowledge. There is nothing shameful about not comprehending something, but it is shameful to boast you understand something while you know nothing.

Learn from anybody

In life, you can learn from anybody, no matter their age or position. You can learn from someone young enough to be your child. It doesn't mean anything bad, as you are only tapping from the person's pool of knowledge. Respect people who know more than you do. Respect is important.

Correct with love and respect

The last thing is for you to correct people in love and humility. When you show people their mistakes, don't make it look like they are dummies or with low IQs. Remember your strength is someone's weakness, and your weakness is someone's strength


12:03 AM

Thanks for reading!

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2 years ago


Reading is currently is a most difficult task because everyone prefer to watch video and to get information in this way,and the last line is powerfull that your weekness is other person strength

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for agreeing with me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One thing I find difficult to do is to argue on something I'm not sure of. It baffles me whenever I see people boldly arguing on something they don't know. A very typical Platform for some funny argument is the bible🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha, they will argue to the extent that the person with the right answer will begin to doubt himself or herself

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The most valuable thing a person has is information. Although I love books, I don't always have the opportunity to buy them. But there is an alternative: I can read them on the Internet. It's never too late to learn.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is truly never too late to learn.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes, a person who has the right information or knowledge will choose to keep quiet because everyone around are confidently saying the wrong thing and it will make the person doubt their own knowledge. There are many ignorant people around the world today and the worst thing is that they are very bold and confident in disseminating wrong information

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You got it. I remember in school when we were arguing something. I knew the right answer, but because everyone was saying the same thing I began to doubt myself

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have said very valuable things. We have trouble reading now. Everyone has developed a reluctance to read. So the reader is not available in the library. By reading books we can gain more knowledge.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Reading is slowly been erased from the world's culture.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The fascinating aspect of this article of yours is that of the ignorance hiding. Most people derive pleasure in doing this mostly found in colleges. I have many of them as friends, which at the end of the semester, they get themselves bad grades. So, we shouldn't be hiding that, say it loud to people that can help, nobody knows it all

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's really a terrible idea to hide one's ignorance.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love the phrase that don't laugh at others. We should learn and understand the methodology behind this script. We were the same which we are not now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mocking people who don't have our knowledge isn't good. We shouldn't do such

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes friend true. We shouldn't hide our ignorance. We must true to ourselves because if we didn't we didn't learn. We should be honest if we don't know something.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We must always remain sincere to ourselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago