Good things are difficult to learn

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1 year ago
Topics: Learn, Life, Challenge, Effort, Time, ...

The month of October is coming to a close today, and because I commenced schooling, I had to spend more money this month than I had in the months prior.

Compared to the previous month, I have been less active on read cash. With the post I'm now working on, my October article count will be 17 as opposed to 24 for last month.

I am grateful for the earnings I was able to get this month and also for the donations I received from anonymous senders on noise app. It all means a lot to me and I truly appreciate it.

Forward to today's prompt.

"According to an old Greek proverb, 'All things good to know are difficult to learn.' Do you agree? Why or why not?"

For me to talk about, this is an intriguing prompt. The rule of thumb in life is that excellent things don't come easily. People occasionally have luck when it comes to their employment, popularity, or financial success. But the majority of the time, individuals work hard to accomplish the things mentioned above.

As opposed to doing things that are not significant, I frequently notice that everything useful and worthwhile is frequently tough.

In this case, it would be quite simple for you to spend the entire day lying in bed napping, and watching movies.

Have you also observed that you frequently have a tendency to relax and talk more when you are conversing with someone? The same holds true for situations where you are mindlessly scrolling through social media sites and reading pointless content.

But contrast that with how dull it all seems when you're reading your schoolwork or other religious materials.

Two hours of reading the Bible is challenging for me, yet I can watch television shows or movies for hours on end without becoming sleepy. It just serves to highlight how hard essential things may be.

Quality posts requires more effort

Whatever you are learning, regardless of how challenging it initially seems, is crucial. It used to be easy for me to produce poor-quality articles and blogs, but nowadays it takes a lot of work to do so. Compared to earlier, I can say with certainty that the quality of the pieces I wrote has improved.

Harder courses... Fewer people

You'll notice that fewer people teach the majority of the significant courses or subjects in school since they demand more effort and are perceived as being challenging by many students.

You will notice that a lot of people often love important works or courses but when they realize the amount of work they need to put into it they most times back off.


It is more difficult to perform or learn essential things than unimportant ones since they need more time, effort, and focus. Be mindful not to waste your time or effort on something pointless or unneeded.


12:25 PM

Thanks for reading!

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1 year ago
Topics: Learn, Life, Challenge, Effort, Time, ...


True when compared to how easy it is to learn the bad ones.
For a quick example, a friend asked that I should teach him my language which I did. He couldn't remember most of the things I taught him, but he knows most of the common insults.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I must say this is very correct, reading bible and sometimes school notes to pass exam can make me feel sleepy

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Two hours of reading the Bible is challenging for me, yet I can watch television shows or movies for hours on end without becoming sleepy.

This is as well difficult for me but I do wonder how some people conquer this challenge... especially the pastors 🤔

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It takes years of practice and hard work

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right. The higher the quality, the higher the price we have to pay

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You summed it well dear.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

In every as aspect you feel so much hard but the harder u get the better outcome and thats because of your willingness and perseverance prevail

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly! The better one's outcome when someone perserve

$ 0.00
1 year ago