Get comfortable being uncomfortable

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Avatar for Tomi-Ajax
2 years ago

I remembered when I first joined this platform, the phone I was using then was operating on "3G network" and it had a RAM of 1 Gb. It takes time before webpages load up on my browser most especially noise cash.

Sometimes when the network is really bad; I have to wait for about 3 minutes for noise cash opening page to load up.

Many times I have gotten spam warning due to network issues when I was trying to make comments on noise cash post. That was the only device I got then so I couldnā€™t complain, I only could wished for something better.

When I had change of phone in December last year. My new phone was using the 4G network and double of the RAM capacity of the previous phone, opening read cash and noise cash was faster than saying "Jack Robinson".

Also before I have always been typing all my articles on my phone but lately with the arrival of a laptop, I now loathe typing article on the phone.

What I am trying to derive from all these?

Comfort is something we all seek and want. Nobody wants to live in a hellish condition or environment. But too much comfort can have negative impact!

Lately I have to fight myself to type with my phone, as I have grown used to the comfort that comes with typing on a PC.

This is why people from rich background find it hard to cope when they face financial crisis or they suddenly lose their wealth. Some rich kids donā€™t know what is it like to "wash their own clothes or plates" not to mention "how to cook a meal".

Have the experience

There is a woman in my neighborhood who makes her kids fetch water sometimes despite them having adequate water supply to their apartment.

When asked by people why she made them do that?

She replied,ā€œwhat if my children go to an environment where they have to go long distance to get waterā€

ā€œI want them to experience what other people and children experienceā€, She added.

I have heard of people who go into camping to know how it feels like to stay away from the comfort the city provides, they stay away from the internet and their mobile devices.

I also heard of some rich people who occasionally decide to trek long distance so that they can get used to it, because they know the disadvantages that lies in getting used to being driven around. It can also be addictive like anything else.

Another example is fasting or skipping meals, many people like me donā€™t know what it is like to spend two days without eating or drinking something.

But occasionally practicing this yourself is an important training. For example imagine people who live in war torn cities in countries like Syria, Yemen, Ukraine just to mention a few, some cities are currently under siege with lack of food, medicines, electricity and other necessities. Sometimes I ask myself how do some people survive that?

Making a joke out my country lack of constant electricity supply

For example, I do often make a joke that if a typical Nigerian (not the extremely wealthy) travel to America or an European country and per venture a power outage occurred, the Nigerian would be the least affected by it! Why? The answer is that we are used to the lack of constant supply of electricity sometimes some towns are without electricity for months.

Mathematics example

Another example I would like to give is our elementary and primary schooling. During our primary education we were taught how to perform some basic maths operation without the use of calculator and even were told to memorize the multiplication table.

All of this might look irrelevant in the present world, where there are calculators to help solve those problems. But the fact is without learning how to perform those functions ourselves we would not be able to develop our mental calculation ability.

Also how are we gonna perform complex additions and multiplications when we donā€™t have a computer, phone or calculator nearby?


Remember everyone wants comfort but sometimes it is worthy to undergo strains; so you know how it feels to be without that thing that makes things comfortable for you.

Thanks for reading. Happy Sunday

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Avatar for Tomi-Ajax
2 years ago


Well this is mostly correct! I can say that ever since my laptop charger spoilt, I find it difficult to type with my phone and then I feel so lazy and reluctant which is actually not a good thing. ....Moreover before the arrival of my laptop I was using my phone to type consistently but laptop gave me the chance to type very fast in a broader space so too much of comfortability ain't good.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I have gotten so used to the comfort of typing with my laptop and typing with phone now looks tedious to me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very tiring and not encouraging! I'm literally forcing myself typing now!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good we suffer not to suffer again and what do I mean by this? We should once in a while do away with things that we are used to cos of days when they are not available, we will be able to survive without being hurt.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Words of wisdom. Yes we do need to do away with things that make things comfortable for us so we learn how to sustain when they are no longer there

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a very good instance. Let's take fasting as an example. Aside from the fact that prayers get answered when we fast, we should also fast to feel the pain of those that don't eat for days. We should have an experience of what it feels like not to eat for days.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, fasting is spiritual and a lesson for us too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omo this is a very strong word ā€¦ that woman is very right

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was also in your shoe, when I was using an Itel phone using 1GB RAM and 3G network, I was spammed when trying to make comments when there's network fluctuation. In fact , the phone had a problem of touchpad, and he doesn't have the power button, i do use stick to shook it whenever I want it to ON. The touchpad issue made me spammed when the phone was misbehaving, and writing rubbish to post, and the phone posted the rubbish itself. It didn't stop there. The phone did it for three consecutive times

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sad, thank goodness that ordeal is over

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Looks like we have similar stories about starting on this platform šŸ˜† I was also using a 3G phone back then with 1gb ram and it was hell trying to use readcash and noisecash then. It got to a point where something went wrong with the network of the phone, I could no longer use it whenever I am indoors, so I stayed outside my room up until 12 midnight doing readcash while fighting with mosquito šŸ˜†

I finally bought a new phone last year October, I went all out and got one with 6gb ram and also 4G network. The funny this is that it was after buying a new phone I finally realized I have been suffering with the other one, the internet connection on the new phone is on another level

$ 0.01
2 years ago

6 gb ram wow, that's huge.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The uncomfortable moments we pass through prepares us for the comfortable times coming, we shouldn't lose guard

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very true Bdellium.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I suppose it is safe to say that even coal has to undergo a lot of pressure to become a diamond.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gaiom the scientist

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can remember those days šŸ¤£. Through the discomfort you sail, and here you're today.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I did, thanks for your guidance and Great help

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When do we actually memorize the multiplication table because when our teachers ask us, it will not be difficult for you to answer the teacher's question.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

its really hard to find a signal if you were using 3g network before.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

maybe the life we ā€‹ā€‹complain about is the life someone else dreams about

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No food only stick spanks in butts just learn the multiplication table from 1-20 before till standard 5. That was the rule here. It's still, but not that strict, haha. I haven't done fasting ever. I will have to try it, don't want to suffer when such situation strikes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, that a good decision. Always be prepared

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like the mindset of that mother because she knew how to teach her children to be adaptive in all kinds of environment as much as possible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

She is really a wise mother

$ 0.00
2 years ago