Surgery, Power Cut & Exhaustion!!

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2 years ago

Hello there good morning everyone.. How are you all doing.. The time is exactly 11:30 am as I write this post and I'm already exhausted for the day.. There is a reason for it though. I just finished cooking Biryani for lunch today. Now, sitting with daughter to finish for her monthly portions for coming monthly exams and then I have to grind the rice in mixer to make dough for tomorrow's breakfast and then need to give a head shower to my girl. Later by evening, I planned to take her to the mall to buy her a gift as she is being a good girl and studying a lot according to schedule without throwing tantrums and she deserves some happiness.


The reason for my sudden work load is because of my Mom in law's surgery. I think I have mentioned this the other day too. Yesterday, she left house by 8 am along with my father in law and she got admitted into the hospital. My husband went by 10 am to check on them and he stayed until lunch and came back to home by 1 pm to finish his food.. I was alone managing all the work and also taking care of daughter while he left the house again by 3 because he got the call that his mom was taken into the operation theater. He again had to stay until 7 pm because it was a major surgery and took solid 3 hours to finish it...

He came back and told that three specialists along with our doctor were there to perform the surgery and they did her left knee.. They removed the knee cap and replaced it with a prosthetic metal one as her knee cap stopped to produce the cartilage years ago and she developed severe arthritis.. The surgery was successful without any issues thankfully. He again going to pay a visit today and will be back by lunch.. The doctor said they will make my Mom in law walk today by evening and if she's able to walk, they will perform the surgery for her other leg on Wednesday itself and if she is unable to, then we need to wait until next Saturday for her second knee replacement...

Power cut:

This is the most frustrating thing ever for me because I hate power cuts especially those come that are uninformed.. Usually here, we are informed through daily paper if there is going to be any but yesterday nothing was did.. My day started as usual and as and when my In laws left for the hospital, we had a blackout in our entire vicinity by as early as 9 am. I thought this was going to be for short time as we had crystal clear weather with absolutely no signs of any rain. But, God had another plans I guess and the power did not return back until evening. My phone and laptop were drained off battery and also had no wi-fi. The data in my phone were also buffering and I did not bother to sit idle for pages to load as I had so much work at home in the absence of everyone.

I have severe hate for uninformed power shortage especially living in a hot humid place with a heat wave going on.. Dude I swear, it sucked yesterday and felt like we were inside a woven.. We did not have any wind naturally at least to avoid sweat.. I had to work in dark kitchen with no wind or light and manage stuff and I was so frustrated by afternoon.. That interrupted even my kitchen work as I had some chutneys to make and I could not...

Based on all of these, it is no surprise to tell I'm exhausted right now to do all the work that is usually shared at our home between family members and it is the reason why I was unable to make a post yesterday. I hope you all are doing okay and stay blessed sweeties :)) I missed you!! Let me know how is your weekend going?

Love you all my friends and sponsors

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2 years ago


I hate power cut as well. It makes me idle and irritates me mwehehe. Anyways, you are so beautiful sissy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh wow you're married and you have a kid, color me surprised, she sounds like a really nice girl though. Sorry about your mother inlaw's knee problem I hope she gets better and be able to walk well again and all the surgeries go very well.

Power outage can really be frustrating, trust me I know, wait it is weekend damn I ain't even notice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Power outages is really distrubing and occuring after every hour. Wish your mother in law fast recovery and good health.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We will also have a power interruption tomorrow, geez. Looks like I need to charge my powerbank and laptop to still be productive tomorrow.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh , you should take some little extra rest for today. Power interruption without prior notice can really ruin your day. Anyway, you are such a lovely soul even the power outage did'nt hamper your beauty to glow . You take care.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wishing your mom in law a healthy recovery... Arthritus can be really painful, had a aunty who battled it for a long time before her death

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And I'm imagining th sweet life you guys are living there with power, they inform you guys before they seize like, that's wonderful. Here, we see power at the Mercy of the management 🤣.

Thank God for the success of the surgery

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohooo you are so busy, we also had a power interruption here this morning. From 5 to 12nn 🙂. Good thing I was still able to charge my phone. Anyways you are so pretty. 🤩

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also hate experiencing the power interruption, aside that everything is dark it is also bored since I can't use my phone for the internet

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My greetings to mama, I wiiher quick recovery. The doctors did an awesome ly good job. As for the power cut, it looks like a normal thing in my country. This century should be more lively with light.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Though have not experienced any power outage before but I feel it will be a terrible one. Am happy the knee cap surgery of your mother in law was successful and I hope she walks again...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations on success of surgery of your mother in law. And yes the interruption in Power supply causes severe wrath in mind, and in July, ufff the humid weather adds in our wrath. BTW your name shouldn't be black doll, it should me cute white doll hehehe.

And being a Pakistani, i like briyani most among all other foods, be blessed dear doll. ❤️ Keep spreading happiness. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago