Do you believe in Evil Eyes??

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Avatar for Theblackdoll
2 years ago

So when I said evil eyes, I never meant demons or ghosts or something in the below given picture. But evil eye is something that a normal human being like you and me could possess. People are so many types and varieties right? If you achieve success in your life, some will feel happy for you, some will bless you and some people would hope for you to get more of that. However, have you ever come across few people who literally bash you through their words and curse you or spread rumors about you saying that you had that success by doing some bad work? yes you are right, am talking about the people who are full of hate and jealousy.

I have one such kind of neighbor around my house. Though I keep good a distance from her, it is easy for her to see into my house because my door is opposite to hers and we live in apartment style of building. She is like this poisonous jealous women who cannot stand other's being happy. Every day when my husband leaves to work, I would go down (i live in first floor) with him, wait until he take his bike out from parking and wave him bye and stand there until he crosses the street. It is believed in my Hindu culture that when a husband leaves to work, and when his wife comes opposite to him and says bye smiling, his day would be lucky or good and he will be back safe... I used to do this everyday until the pandemic started and he started working from home....

That is like my routine and she observes this each day as her husband also takes kids to school the same time as mine and she often asks me "you have so many problems in your house, how do you send him to office with a smile on your face. Won't you ever be angry?" and I could seriously sense the tone of jealousy in her voice. Believe me guys, every time she asked me that question, myself and hubby had gotten into huge fights or arguments in our house and we always ended up being angry on each other for days.

This is just not about me, she gossips so much about everyone in our street and she is the kind of women who wants to know everything that is happening in every house in our vicinity. I'm seriously fed up with such kind of people and some times I just advice her to mind her own business and even told her that I'm not interested in gossip whenever she tried to tell me stories about several people living around us.

Initially, I thought nothing about it but after a couple of months, I and my husband got a gist of it that she has been laying her evil eyes on us and we call that as Dhristi... Dhristi means either a man or woman cannot stand others being happy or successful and they want those happiness to stop and those intentions manifest in real life by bringing fights between couples or small accidents or health issues in the family and such small to big negative things... It's a big deal in India...

How we get rid of Dhristi:

We have a couple of ways to get rid of evil eyes,

  • First and simple way is to use salt... elders of the house will ask the younger people or the total family to stand in the middle of living room, facing east and they get a handful of rock salt and rotate three times right, and three times left by chanting some Mantras and then the family would spit on the salt and they either throw it on the drainage or put it on fire or dump it down the drain... Salt is strongly believed to ward off evil and negative energy from house, this is a belief across the globe...

  • The second way is going to temples and asking the priests to bless the family.. The priest will make some prayers before the Idol and give us threads which we can tie on our hands like bracelets and keep it for few days...

  • The elders of family or old people resourced from general public who have experience in taking "Dhristi" are called and they can use lemon or pumpkin on their hands, and they lit a camphor on the lemon/pumpkin and do the same rotation technique and then go to the roads and break the pumpkin, which resembles breaking the evil eye.. this is mostly done on Fridays by shop owners...

  • Almost 99% of Indian households have anti evil eye herbs or items attached on the entrance door so that no evil eye can possibly enter the house without facing those artifacts...

What do you guys think about such people? do you believe in evil eyes? do you guys have any other spiritual ways to cleanse your space and scare the evil energy out of your house??? Please let me know in the comments...

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2 years ago


I was shocked by your lead image, thought it's a ghostly story hahaha here in the Philippines, we named them Maritess. Maritess is the kind of person who loves stalking other's life and will start to spread negative rumors about a specific person. I don't actually get why they need to do that. I don't get how they become happy knowing that they are spying and ruining someone's life. I personally don't mind them. Glad that I live beside my in-laws, at least there will be less chance of being spied at. I sometimes scatter salt in front of our door every Friday or Tuesday to get rid of some evil spirits.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's a very good thing to do, or you can keep salt in all corners in the living room...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'll take that advice. Thank you, Theblackdoll!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I just ignore those types of people. They are so talented in annoying us isn't it? so Let's not show them that they won with their objective which is to make us the same as theirs.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe it's true :( Something bad always happens after something good has had happened

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I know right?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah there are types of people who wish to see you unhappy and unsuccessful. They are the ones who are unhappy and not contented with their own life. For me, I just ignore them. I won't stress myself for this kind of people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In this world, there are lots of people even though they are human they are never truly humane to others, They never want you to prosper if they are not prospering and never want you to be happier than them. The best thing to do is Ignore and Continue with your life!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've seen and know people like this. I try to stay away from them as much as I possibly can. They bring too much negativity for me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I aslo called them, "Annoying eye" hehe it's really annoyed me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really hate those type of people. Why don't they just mind their own business? Their jealousy will bring them nowhere.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes definitely :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

gossipers are the most annoying one of all, it's the root of evilness lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Girl, you said it :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am not familiar of evil eye but those gossipers I call them evil tongue. They just cant stand other people being happy. They are very common around the neighborhood.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gossipers are everywhere! Haha. They are always jealous and yeah make stories and share with another gossiper. Tsk.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its never good to have those kinds of people around they can make a mountain of gossip from just one mistake!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's annoying!!. Gossipers are the root of all troubles. They can't live without minding the business of others I hope they would come to realize that those words they tend to spread eats their whole being!. That disgusts me. Anyways you are so gorgeous😍.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much, you are so sweet

I agree with you, gossiping is the most useless ting in this world that doesn't lead us to anything in life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The most people who have got that evil eyes are those bitter ones, judgemental and unkind. They tend to gossip because they cannot resist being envious to those who may have been successful than them. So I beleive in it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very true... it is so unfair that we get all negative effects because somebody else felt jealous ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe in evil eye. I have a lot of neighbors gossiping each other's back. I'm scared that they might have something of an effect on us. That they might grow negativities to the neighborhood

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Buy yourself some energy crystals and keep them in your house, or you can just visit your church/temple often for protection

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, I do believe in evil eyes. Because there are snake people around who show their good face from outside but inside they feel jealous from us and they don't want to see our success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very true, only few people are genuinely happy to see us going forward in life, rest all snakes

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe! Make them more jealous of your success don’t ask them anything with words. Let them burn 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do believe in this. I know many people will deny the fact. But those reasons are true. In every religion, you will found mentioning about evil eyes. Nice written.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The fact that your username is literal lucifer 🤣🤣 this is amazing... thanks for the comment

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are welcome 😜

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ya know what's up, doll 😉👻

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good morning sistah!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago