Cute to Creepy!!! Explore my Gallery with me!!

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2 years ago

Good evening lovelies. How are you all doing today? I just finished my daily work and here I'm to write about some of the pics from my gallery.. I have been so busy with my daughter's school work and her school reopened this month and already, they have given her schedule for her monthly exam that is going to happen next month.. I'm telling you, Asian students are the most stressed kids these days...

Well, as I mentioned earlier, my gallery is full of so much random and beautiful pics and I also have out of blue pics that I have no clue about lol.. I will search through 10 years of thousands of pics and will upload some of them here telling about their story :) so, Let's go!!

Oh damn, this pic was from the year 2012, exactly almost 10 years before when my daughter was just 4 month old baby.. My Mom as silly as she could get, bought a dress that matched my bed sheet exactly with the same colour and contrast.. It was hilarious that day and I couldn't find my daughter on the massive king size bed until or unless she moved her hands or legs lol...

This was another nostalgic beautiful memory of my daughter taken in year 2013 when we got her first swing.. She liked it instantly and refused to get out of it for quiet a long on day 1.. from day 2, she didn't give a crap about it anymore hahaha

This was from year 2015 earlier days and this was when I started working on "paid to share images" kind of site.. my first one was Tsu and I shared this pic on the same. This plant was from our roof that belonged to our landlord and if you observe closely, there are there are two plants here, one is bitter gourd and one is some flower.. I love how green it was. Now, we do not even have this plant.. Feels weird to see something in my gallery that does not exist now

One day I was just minding my business when I saw this fat crow sitting on our door and I had to click.. This bird reminded me of myself and I thought "huh, this is how people see me in person" because I also have a family pack like this in my front and back :/

Well, this was from 2016 Christmas and my girl was just about 4 that year.. and it was the first time she was learning about other religions like Islam and Christianity and when Christmas month hit, there were Santas installed in every shop in my city.. She asked me to stop and click beside this giant Santa doll which she fell in love with and asked me if we could carry that to home lol..

This was taken the first time I stepped inside a mall.. I was not a mall person before, major reason being I thought we could not afford buying things in mall and hence refused to step in but once I learned we can waste time there and also eat some random food, I started going there often, for my daughter's sake as she loves playing arcade games there.. I was shook how beautiful the insides of the malls looks... A life we could only dream to enjoy!!

Ahh I love these pic because this was the first time I designed a gown for my daughter and I love how well it turned out.. Also, this was the time I have decided to design all her festive wear and I have successfully made at least 10 dresses (gowns) for her myself.. I'm so proud of my little model.. This was during 2016 Diwali by the way :)

This will always be one of my favorite pics ever.. This was taken by my brother originally using his DSLR and i treasure this in my gallery ever since..

Okay, I'm ending with something that gives me creeps down my spine every time I look at this pic... It's a major nope for me.. I can dela with lizards or cockroaches or even spiders like a warrior queen but anything that slithers, like earth worms or centipedes, I literally run away... Nope, nope nope... This was again macro photography my brother clicked and sent me particularly addressing me in the group saying "sending your fav pic ever".. Sibling love I guess lol..

Well, I'm signing off now you guys, I hope to see more random pics from you guys too.. much love to my sponsors and friends

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Avatar for Theblackdoll
2 years ago


In all of those pictures, your daughter looks so amazing right from when she was a baby. She is ten years old right? Looking beautiful as she keeps growing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those pictures of your daughter in gown looks so adorable... It reinforces the striking resemblance the both you share. Could look at it all day... So cute!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You got a lot of memories 😊 Anyway, love your daughter's smile

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love the pictures Dolly, especially those with your daughter. She is beautiful. I love her eyes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is all beautiful but my favorite is the one with your daughter. Shes the cutest a d prettiest. And I just laugh on the first pict coz its really matchy matchy with your bed sheet 😍🥰🤩🤩😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, your daughter looks like a mini you. Striking resemblance.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your daughter has been beautiful from day one, her smile is priceless.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww thank you :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have cute kiddos and you have good click skills sister. I also have some random pictures in my Gallery like you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you and you need to share them so that we could see :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That dress and those expressions, such an adorable princess you have! Ah, I know how annoying they can, lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

appreciation even though you and your child are of different religions but are happy when Christmas arrives.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Friend, there are two things in your photos that I see and I can swear that I faint, the crow, and the centipede, I'm just like you with worms and everything that crawls, in fact I'm grimosa with everything. By the way, your daughters are very beautiful and look great in the dresses you design, what better model? And what a beautiful photo of mangoes at sunset!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have only one daughter and thank you so much.. yes, anything crawls, am out of that place lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago