How Small Appreciation Can Change One's Life

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2 years ago

Appreciation is such a nice feeling that will make you feel special and in some cases, it can give you butterfly effects also.

Appreciation can be defined as:-

  • A feeling of being grateful for something.

  • And understand the value of something.

  • Even Enjoying the value of something.

When you get appreciated or somebody appreciates you, you feel so special and happy that someday likes your work, opinion or something like that.

When we achieve something big and get appreciation we feel so good also when parents appreciate us for our studies or for any work, how good you feel. Yeah totally happy and proud.

But what about the small things?

People tend to ignore the small good things which they do in their life daily.

  • This may include making someone happy and motivated even for a second.

Like the articles which people post here of different genres some are funny, some motivational, some knowledgeable and some with life lessons.

Do you think these are just ordinary paragraphs which people forget after some time? Sure it may be like that but they make a huge impact in some people's lives reading the post. A sad person becomes happy reading a funny article, a hopeless one regains hope after seeing motivational and LiFe lesson articles.

  • Small things which they learn and small progress they make in their respective fields.

Some people ignore the small progress which they achieve every day and get discouraged early when they don't see they are reaching their goal. But it's a bad thing which stops us from developing further, as piece by piece of bricks only a house is made, yeah and don't forget about the other materials used in construction.

Appreciate that you wake up early today, enjoy the small peaceful company of friends or workers you have.

I will tell you a story of my childhood, how a small appreciation of my teacher added some thrill to my life. It's actually a big one in other's eyes but somehow I still feel it as a small one and so I included it in this post. As teachers tend to appreciate students most of the time so that they will improve more but I!

Yeah weird mindset.

I was an average student till Standard 5. After that one day, some people from the essay writing competition came from outside and every teacher was selecting a few students from every standard and section, I was in 6th standard that time and we had a total of 4 sections and the competition was to be held among the sections. And teachers were asked to select 3 from every section.

I don't know how but my English teacher called me and asked me to participate, I was average and I thought she was joking as she never said that I was good at essay writing. Though my marks were good.

As I was thinking about this, she spoke to me while I was daydreaming that she had seen my writing, she said you write a bit different and deep and I think you can win this competition. Hearing those words from her mouth, my mouth automatically opened and with excitement, I said you mean it, mam, you aren't making fun of me. She pats me on my head and said no man I ain't making fun, I have always found your writings interesting but never told you.

Woah women so you had a secret crush on me, aww so cute. Wait she said about writings damm sad life!

Man those words worked like an injection to me and I took part in that competition and nailed it, I still have that medal, let me see if I can find it. Sadly I didn't find it as we changed more than 3-4 houses it must have been kept in some box. But I still have the keychain which I got along with it.

A keychain of Lord Krishna who also symbolises Love And Happiness apar from spirituality and other things.

And after that, I acknowledged my potential and started getting serious about my studies and after that, till the 12th I never ranked below the 10th rank in my class. Her small words of appreciation made a huge impact in my life that I thought why not on other subjects also.

Final Thoughts

What I mean to say that it was a small appreciation on her side but made a huge impact on my side. You got it my dear ones. It's not about only your life, it's about other's also.

So, It's very important to appreciate even the small things around you. If she hadn't called and appreciated me I wouldn't have changed like that. As it makes one feel valued and drives them to do their best. It also helps people to have healthy mental health and a stress-free mood.

This is how a coin looks like here, it's of lowest value. The back side has 4 head lions and countries name around it.

Appreciate every cent you make a day, cause many are still being busy scrolling feeds and updating status. You are actually doing better than the rest. But but don't get that in your head. Anything excessive is bad and so even excessive appreciation can be.

And I appreciate everyone visiting in my posts and sharing their views as well as correcting me in my posts. Many times I may not reply, that doesn't mean I ignore them, it's sometime I either get busy or don't have an interesting answer to that comment.

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Written by
2 years ago


Sometimes we never thought that our simple act or even appreciation could mean so much to an individual. With that, we should always try to be more appreciative to anyone, in a genuine way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow..this article is quite amazing bro.I saw myself in you when I was in the 4th elementary grade my teacher gave me an award in the form of school supplies being the best declaimer in our section under our English subject.She then appointed me as our section's representative during our school English festival.As an inferior lass from a mountainous little village I never have in my dream of performing on a center stage facing the audiences and deliver my piece.And oh...yah,I won the first place in the school and that changed my entire perception of my skills and capacity.My teacher has just started boosting my confidence,she never had the idea how she formed in my life and to who I am now.Until now she is my favorite ,most inspiring teacher and reason why I also become a teacher.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm glad I was able to revive your golden memory.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup indeed appreciation matters a lot a little word of appreciation sometimes will become the reason of success of the person

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow my dear friend, you have been a very smart student. It's great that you won the contest. And thanks to your teacher for recognizing your ability. You are absolutely right, small appreciations make people achieve great success and progress.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

A small appreciatiom can change someone's life in an instant. Let's never forget to appreciate every person around us.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yup, no-one knows how much effective it can be for them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Little appreciation boosts confidence. Like what we did to our learners. To say good words like very good could change them to grow better. Once they are wrong, never say that they got mistaken for them not to be offfended.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Really good to see that your teacher's words of appreciation became words of encouragement, and also was a nudge to do better

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I love how a single line from someone could change the confidence from zero to hundred real quick.. That was so sweet...

Om Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum <3

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I was actually hoping for sweets at that time as a award but they gave me a medal, huh for show-off. Sweets would have been motivated me more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago