5 rules to follow by the children of the British royal family

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Written by
3 years ago

Good morning guys

Being the future heir to the throne and a member of the royal family is not an easy task. The children of the royal houses have to follow a lot of very strict rules from birth (some of them are quite funny). 5 most interesting.

1. Nicknames are not allowed

Both adults and children are forbidden to call each other by nicknames. As influential people, they need to show education and elegance. Therefore, the use of names such as “mommy,” “daddy,” or any other cute nickname is strictly forbidden.

2. They must comply with the relevant dress codes

Members of the royal family cannot wear the clothes they want, and of course children are no exception. Boys must wear shorts until they are 8 years old. Girls, on the other hand, have to wear dresses appropriate for their age and can be embellished with vests or socks.

3. Selfies and autographs are not allowed

Although ‘selfies’ are everyone’s bread and butter today, for members of royal families this is not an option at all. They are not allowed to take selfies on their own, nor with a fan, no matter how much they ask, they are not even allowed to give autographs. This is because they want to prevent their signature from being forged and used against them.

4. They are forbidden to play 'Monopoly'

One of the most unusual rules we’ve heard is that the royal family shouldn’t play a popular game that allows you to buy and sell real estate. The reason for this was explained by Prince Andrew in 2008, when he had to decline an invitation to play. According to the Queen, the game is very addictive and causes conflict in the family. They want to avoid this at all costs.

5. They must learn at least one foreign language

In adulthood, the children of the royal family will be brought into contact with people from other countries. That is why they have been taught at least one other language in addition to English since they were little. Take, for example, Prince George and Princess Charlotte: they are both studying Spanish. The future king already knows how to count to 10 in a language spoken all over the world.

What you think about this? You wish to be a child of British Royal family?

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Written by
3 years ago


Mislim da je potrebno imati kodeks oblacenja od situacije do situacije, tako I trenerku mozemo nositi npr.u setnji. Nije mi logicno da neko bude ustogljen u svecanom odelu ako ide na piknik sa svojom porodicom, bez obzira da li to bio neko iz kraljevske porodice.

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3 years ago

Toa e, koga kje se rodis vo kralsko semejstvo, mora i da gi pocituvas pravilata na odnesuvanje. Toa se luge od vrvot i ednostavno mora da bidat primer za ostanatite. No, za zal site ne mozat da se nosat so svoite kralski dolznosti, i tuka sekogas izleguvaat problemi.

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3 years ago

No no no I can't obey there rules.I wants to enjoy my life .....Members of the royal family cannot wear the clothes they want oh my God that's very strict rules in the royal family 😅😂😂

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User's avatar Alx
3 years ago

Princ Hari i Megan Markl odlučili su da se povuku iz svojih kraljevskih dužnosti, te da postanu "finansijski nezavisni". Kraljica Elizabeta se sa njihovom odlukom složila, a sada je otkriveno i koja pravila više ovaj par neće morati da poštuje, s obzirom da više nisu deo kraljevske porodice.1. NE MORAJU DA SE DRŽE STRIKTNOG DRES KODA

Od članova kraljevske porodice očekuje se da se oblače skromno i nikada preterano ležerno. Ali i Megan i Hari sada slobodno mogu da nose odeću koja im se dopada, a mogu da se obuku neformalno za bilo koju priliku. Dobrodošli u svet trenerki.


Članovi kraljevske porodice sa sobom na put uvek nose i crnu odevnu kombinaciju u slučaju neke iznenadne smrti gde bi u tom slučaju morali da prisustvuju sahrani. Ovo jeste prilično pametna ideja, i veoma praktična, ipak Megan i princ Hari više ne moraju da se pakuju u skladu sa tim.


Nijedan član kraljevske porodice ne bi trebalo da daje autograme ili da pravi selfije sa obožavateljima (iako je poznato da su neki prekršili ovo pravilo). Međutim, sada su Hari i Megan slobodni da kupe i selfi štap ako žele. I neka se spreme za gomilu autograma.

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

Svi clanovi kraljevske porodice imaju nadimke, ali se kao ne dozivaju tako. Inace fascinira me zaludjenost masa kada su u pitanju ovi ljudi, uostalom i kada suu pitanju muzicke ili sportske zvezde, ne razumem ni to ali ovo mi tek nije jasno, parada radiparade

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3 years ago

ma ne bi bila ja u njihovi porodici nemaš novca....ko če živjet po pravilima hahah

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3 years ago

to svakako, vise volim svoju slobodu nego sav novac ovog sveta, zamisli da sam kralj a po kuci ( u ovom slucaju palati) Nse setam u gacama kao sto se setam po svom stanu :D

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3 years ago

U Mostaru ne postoji osoba koja nema nadimak. Šta će kraljevska porodica.

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3 years ago

ma ludaci....i britanci svi isto.....budale do 100

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3 years ago