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2 years ago

Hello, my dear readers. How are you doing?

Yesterday I have read two articles about children's day. I haven’t any idea before that there is an international day for children. Hahahahha looks how informative and beneficial this platform is. After reading about that I went to Mr. Google and ask him about children's day but he told me it’s 20 November allocated to celebrate as a universal day for children.

I got surprised I searched it four or five times. I questioned myself if it is 20 November then why read cash writers published their article on 27 May. Then after some research, I came up with the reason. 27 May is celebrated as children's day in Nigeria. I think aaa these were Nigerian writers who wrote about their national children's day.

I was really happy to read it that since 1964 they are celebrating this day. They give their children a day off. The day draws attention and makes children and everyone aware of the problems they face. I don’t think so in my country we celebrate children's day. While I think our country is in dire need of it. We have many problems related to children in our country. No doubt our government, as well as social workers, work hard for awareness of children's problems.


Child labor

Child abuse


Cyberbullying: is related to social media majorly. Today we have witnessed a large number of children using social media abruptly. We don’t keep checks and balances over them. Few black sheep of social media start talking to them taking their secrets and start blackmailing and bullying children. But I appreciate my country taking a step over it. Digital Rights Foundation’s Cyber Harassment Helpline is Pakistan’s first dedicated, toll-free Helpline for victims of online harassment and violence.  It is a great initiative.

Child labor:

This is the thing that brings tears to my eyes. My heart breaks when I see innocent children working hard in a workshop. I have seen many brutal women who appoint a girl to take care of their child. The girls are taking care of their mistress's children at the age when they should play with dolls. I have seen innocent kids on signals aaaahhh it's hurting. here in my country we have a child protection bureau but not working well.


Child abuse: This is a growing problem in our society.it can be physical violence or sexual harassment. most of the cases reported in the last few years are about sexual abuse. I had seen that girls were assaulted sexually but now boy kids are also not safe they are also assaulted. We have a famous case of a village of Qasoor. In this village, almost every kid was assaulted sexually but no one spoke about it. I am not saying that it only happens in my country, not at all we have witnessed it internationally.


Negligence: as we know this is a busy era, everyone is busy earning bread and butter for their children but In this race, we forget our children. While our child needs our attention more than money. our child develops many social diseases while facing negligence. We should give our children proper time.

Closing thoughts:

Except for international child day, we should have national children's day like Nigeria. On which we can spread awareness about problems children have been facing. These children are our next generation if they will grow up with these kinds of problems how can our world grow. One thing I forgot to mention is children surviving through thalassemia it is too painful. I have a kid in my family who is suffering from it. We should donate blood for them coz their breathing is dependent upon blood and many poor families lost their children coz they have no money to buy blood for their children. Do good for others God will do good for you.

 Disclaimer: you will not find any kind of plagiarism in my article. These are purely my thoughts, observations, and experiences that I have shared with you. I  don’t want to hurt anyone with my words or actions. My intentions are pure towards all of you. Thank you I will wait for your response, my dear readers.

All images are from google.

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2 years ago


I guess we have our own day of celebrating different things. Indeed we have to be more kind with kids. Encourage them to be better people for they are the future. They are the next generation. We should live as an example to them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your all words are absolutely right. We should love all kids. And present ourselves as a good example for them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's first time I'm hearing this . I felt so good after knowing they give the day off to children. It's so necessary in our countries to we should make a talk with our children in such day( actually everyday but this day will make them feel more special) and ask they regarding the issues you mentioned if someone is bullying them or if they are facing something in life. It's very important to do this in our everyday life too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you muniba for your kind words.words couldn't have better put.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I never celebrate children day. But I wish to love all children from this world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have also not celebrated but I want to have this day for awareness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah 27 may is officially Nigerian children day but I found that yesterday a lady from Indonesia also posted about children's day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's great we should make this day full of awareness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes children's day is celebrated in Nigeria on 27 May. That was why they wrote the articles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup when I have searched i have come to know.

$ 0.00
2 years ago