Just Beat Your Dream And Get Panic Before It Dies

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2 years ago

Just beat your dream and get panic before it dies. Chase your dream, nothing more, nothing less while your amazing life still remains and be a little wise man with a broad mind and a noble heart.

Dare to take a chance to soar high and fly endlessly through the power of consistently believing more than just your wild castles in the air. Believe that nobody could ever stop your great hunger for a better life as you find significant ways to fulfill what is best for you through boldly facing your fears with an immense passion. Just do not waste every opportunity that knocks on your door each day and do not just live for a temporary happiness that would surely ruin your world one day. Build a strong foundation as you chase your dream so you could always carry on come what may.

Do not just live for a temporary happiness that would ever ruin your great world one day yet strive hard to build a stronger foundation as you beat your dream.

Do you ever chase your dream every single day? Have you ever experienced a dying dream? Did you panic before it dies? Were you able to come out with a best plan? How did you conquer it? Are you still living for your dreams?

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Chase your dream now or never.

You are the great controller of your life and you would always have a great power to chase for your dreams. Every so often there would always be a lot of obstacles before you could successfully attain it. Bear in mind that your hindrances to go on and move forward would either be an external or internal factor against you. Probably you may experience disappointments when others may just laugh at your wildest dream and suddenly hates you when you have successfully landed at the summit. For some time, trials and tests would suddenly come being a barrier for you to achieve for your dream, yet most of the time, you may be hindered by yourself when you are slowly learning the art of quitting and giving up.

Never ever listen to the noble words of the small man with a narrow point of view yet always listen to the little wise man with a limitless horizon.

Stand firm and be courageous to face every fears, hindrances, and obstacles that may come along your way. Never ever listen to a small man who would greatly discourage you to keep flying high yet always listen to a little wise man with an illuminating thoughts. Take pride of yourself as you keep the courage to do more with motivation and enthusiasm despite the laughs, hates, trials, tests, obstacles, and hindrances. Never ever forget to believe and trust in the power of yourself as you greatly believe on the power of not giving up no matter what happens. You have already survived a lot of hardships and struggles in all your targets and goals, and that you would always survive for the coming and approaching. Chase your dream now or never. Carry on and have a great passion to survive all the trying times of your life.

Oftentimes, you may always panic when there is a power interruption most especially when the energy of your highly loved gadget is drained. But have you ever panicked when you are losing your energy to chase for your dream?

Never ever lose your energy to beat for your dream. Chase for it no matter what happens every single day. Dreams are for free and definitely they are your future. Never ever give up and love what you really want to do with your life while you take risks. Consequently, just do something influential as you greatly follow your heart and be mindful of the following:

  • Just beat your dream; and

  • Get panic before it dies.

Just beat your dream

Just beat your dream, nothing more, nothing less. As you beat your dream and chase for it, you greatly need to beat your whole self as well. Just beat yourself first so you would always make every dream come true. Keep in mind that there are actually two ways on how you would be able to beat every dream successfully, and it is either through striking directly toward your goal and target or defeating the obstacles and hindrances for you to reach the peak and be victorious.

In either way, both of them are so significant in a very competitive world of complexity. Nothing would happen if you just stay on your comfort zone. Go out from it and just beat your dream while having an ever great courage to continue for a bright future. Just beat your dream and most of all beat yourself now or never and always remember to never ever listen to the small man. In addition, dare to be fearless with a limitless horizon.

Get panic before it dies

When you feel like your dream is dying, get panic to look for a best plan before it dies. Save your dream before it gradually disappears to your vision. Never mind the laughs when others feel that you would not be successful or the laughs of your wildest dream itself. Accept the reality that there would always be a group who would just laugh at you on every step you make and take yet would probably hate you when you finally reached the summit. Remember to always take a burning fire with you with a humble heart as you stand firmly so you would become unstoppable and immovable by any barriers of life.

Continually embrace your dreams with grace just as how you would embrace success gloriously. Moreover, you need to work hard for it so you would able to achieve a super product as quality would always come with a high yield. Always look for ways to find the best solution to every problem that may come along your way and be able to resolve it with the guidance of your highly renowned God and all of the factors you greatly believe would make you successful as you stay strongly committed with consistency. And take a little step closer to your dream with a big leap and a burning faith. Just beat for yourself without minding of others through saving your dream.

Dare to save your dream before it is too late. Perhaps your dream may be dying, yet you are strong and great. You could always panic to save for it and find the best ways to keep going on with your life. Just save your dying dream and never ever let go. Gain back your strength so you could always have more energy to beat for your dream. You could get panic for your highly loved gadget when it gets draining and how much more with your dream which is your great life forever. Make sense to make even a little move to go bigger steps and higher leaps in the future. Surely all your dreams would come true if you just keep an unwavering conviction, courage, pride, commitment, consistency, enthusiasm, and passion along with a greatest power of not quitting and not giving up no matter what the future holds you. Just be the real you. Just be you with a bright mind, a big heart, and a visionary soul.

Hence, just beat your dream and get panic before it dies. Have a great courage for every dream as you take pride of it with much more enthusiasm and passion.

All photos are mine and were taken by me.

Disclaimer: No part of this article is used to advertise nor commercialize and it falls under the guidelines of fair use. All parts and contents are mine and are purely based on my personal learning experiences, personal thoughts, personal opinions, and personal reflections. A portion of my own original photo in graphics interchange format was edited in Canva. This humble article is mainly intended for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright 2022 Talecharm. All rights reserved.

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2 years ago


Very inspiring. So far, I have many dreams that are coming true and I'm very thankful for it. It made me teary. I just subscribed. :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Those thoughts are reflective and I am very grateful of your precious attention my dear friend, Rox. It is very much appreciated. I am glad of hearing your wonderful story too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am still living with our dreams and so chasing them. And I will keep on chasing it until I get it. Ofcourse sometimes I panic if my plan to reach my dreams are crossing its way to the left side and there I need to change a way not to out this in the picture. But always remember whatever our plan is , what ever our dream in the future is of that is not GODS PURPOSE we have nothing to do with it. Because I believed that Gods purpose for our life is always the best. That's why I always include my plan and dream in my prayer .

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You truly have a deep faith in God my dear friend dawn and I am happy to hear about your story. May you continually grow more in love and faith. And may you always achieve all the desires of your most gracious heart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I realize that my dreams are dying, I panicked, my dear friend. I wanna grow old and retire without any worries because my kids are secure in all aspects of their lives especially, financially. Thank you for this wonderful inspiration. You reminded me to believe in myself and to keep on pushing for my aspirations.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You are most welcome my dear friend, Hermani. Be there for your kids while they are still young for sooner or later they would grow up very fast and you would just be amazed how time moves very fast. Perhaps kids are blessing to the family just as how they are greatly embraced by God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for the advice, my dear friend. I will try my best to be there for my kids. You are right, they grow so fast. And yes, they are blessings, they make our home happy and chaotic :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Struggling to do our best to make dreams come true is a mandatory thing that we must do to be successful

$ 0.02
2 years ago

For without struggles there would no glorious moments. It takes a great responsibility to endure all the hardships and struggles of life so all dreams and aspirations would come to reality. Let live and let dream for your future through a never ending dreams even if you are sometimes driven by day dreams.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Situations and circumstances often force the spirit to be broken, but as someone with a big heart, he is always optimistic to pursue the hidden hopes in his life. If you think your life is not just today then there will be efforts to pursue your dreams tomorrow. the mind is just a barrier to prove it because of the situation we are in but rising to achieve is a way of conquering negative thoughts. every vision distracts the mind to postpone even decide not to continue but remember our life is not standing for a day but tomorrow and a time where you will still stand. hope is you and you are the wheel you are the key to hope and the wheel.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

That is so impressive and brilliant thoughts from you my dear friend, read. I so agree with your great insights that in every way, each one is the key to hope and the wheel.leading to a brighter future. And that let us just beat ourselves first as we chase our dream and get panic before it dies. The more we chase for it, the more we would be satisfied and fulfilled with the colorful wheels of life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As a worrier, I do panic a lot but I make sure that it does not control me.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

So true. For as long as it would not control you then it would always be fine. I would always love to hear thoughts from you my great friend, Sir LeeArt. Oftentimes, most people get panic when there is a power interruption losing and draining the energy of most loved gadgets but in reality no one is getting panic when their dreams are dying or shall I say only few are getting panic to find the best way to live for their dreams and make them come true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some dreams are best to let die. Don't you think so? It may be disheartening to us but may be it makes other person so cheeerful.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I so love the irony of concepts. Sometimes we have to get ironic to taste for the bitter for a better life. Probably some dreams are best to let die when your heart is not at it. When we follow our dreams, our heart must always go toward the direction of an aspiration. Hence, it may be disheartening but in one way or the other, it would always make one glorious in another life perspective.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I appreciate your point Talecharm but I was about one-sided love story)). The lover leaves the opposite partner her good))

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It hurts when someone laughs at you, even without knowing that you are hurt by them, but life is precious, I don't want to waste my time with miserable people, thank you for inspiring me to this blog of you, I've learned a lot.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are most welcome my dear friend Steffi. Know that you are so much appreciated and I truly appreciate your time and attention to read and reflect on my articles. Well, that is a good thing to do especially when others just underestimate the power of your dream, they may often laugh at you in the beginning but in the end, probably they would just be there hating you for reaching the peak of success. Just stay humble and kind even if others are not.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I will my dear talecharm, thank you so much, keep safe always, God is always protecting you, God bless.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Friends must really have their own stand. It's enough in the right way for us to do our dreams in life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Just keep dreaming for there is always power on the way we dream. Let us never tired of pushing ourselves so we would always make our dream come true. Let us chase more, and work hard for it. Let our dreams not die or be dying for time would surely come that if it is for you, it would always be for you no matter what happens today and tomorrow. Let us just seize evert moment as we chase for our dreams. Life is so good when we were able to achieve all our aspirations in life and live triumphant as ever.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I haven't had a picnic in a long time. The last time I did it was 1 year, when I visited my family's house outside the city, we also had a picnic. Hopefully next time I can do it. Because picnics give new enthusiasm, laughter and smiles of satisfaction, real happiness

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hey there my dear friend, Ayuk in noise.cash. I could still remember your remarks when I once posted of vivid flowers in one of my posts and you have said you love those which made me remember of the one you are wearing. It is good to see you around and I so agree with your wise thoughts. You could always have more motivation and enthusiasm to keep moving on and on and be at the right side of life. Stay cheerful and may you find real happiness in your existence.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks still remember me specially my comment. I am very touched that someone remembers me in this detail, thank you dear friend 😭😭. Can you please tell me your account name on noisecash so I can greet you often🙏🙏🙏

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are most welcome my dear friend. I am using the same account name in noise.cash and I am already staying there for 4 months too. Grateful of your time and most precious attention and you are always appreciated my dear friend, Ayuk.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Okay, thank you. I will immediately go to your account on noisecash and mark a bell on your account, so that I know every time you are up and readcash too. Nice to meet you

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It is so nice to meet you at an unexpected yet precious moment my dear friend, ayuk. Much love to a dar friend like you and keep shining on.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you. Have a great day, God always bless you

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Chasing off our dreams will never been easy, we need through go to hole of the needles and work it out for us to move and reached it, life is full of uncertainties and don't be affected by that but instead build your own walls and troops to be ready, yourself is your own warrior to this conflict that will surely hinder you from reaching your goal, but don't let those to stop you. If you work hard for it, you will earned it.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yet often times there are really barriers, may it be from other people, to yourself or any obstacles in life. And sometimes there are those who would just life as you dream but would actually hate you when you become successful. On another instances, are your weaker self to think of quitting and the external factors around that may hinder you to fly and soar high. This is it. really the reality of life. We just have to find the best way for our dying dream to gain back to life and be victorious in the future. Just beat yourself and chase for your dream before it dies. I know you too is a dreamer my dear friend sky.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know that I'm not getting another chance to rise. I know I'm getting out of my resources. So it would be better if I start today and start right now chasing my dreams. Hell yeah!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I know that you are really going through something my dear friend, Luci. It is really easy to express through words but what it makes even harder is the weaker feelings to accomplish something but I know that you are a very strong person. You may feel that you are not getting any chance to rise for now but what has been gone would always be replaced with something better. We may just know when but sooner or later you could always start chasing for it, start over, and let new opportunities knock on your door. You would gain back everything and you will soon rise as a Phoenix. You are an amazing devil with a heart of a Phoenix, remember that. Just never lose hope and never ever give up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we can achieve every dreams if we encourage them and work towards to the direction of our dreams we wouldn't regret it, because success will definitely come when we have a dream and chase after it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sure we could always achieve every dream if we would greatly encourage ourselves to have a greater passion to work hard toward the direction of our goals and targets. No regrets jus feelings of a dying dream that need extra energy, passion, and enthusiasm to go on while keeping consistent and committed to everything. Just beat yourself and never ever chase people, just only chase for your dreams and strongly believe that it would get through in the future. It just need a super hard work and strong conviction to go on no matter what happens tomorrow.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're truly right friend, it needs a hard work and strong and strong conviction.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

As always energy boosting blog you’ve shared. We should be panic before letting die our aims, goals or dream. Agree with it.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Our dreams are our future. Any dying dream is like dying for your future. In as much as we get panic when our gadgets are getting drained, let us also show the same thing to panic when we feel like our dream is dying too. Let us not let power interruption within ourselves to drain the extra energy, strength, motivation, and enthusiasm to chase for our dreams. Sometimes we just have to beat ourselves, chase for our dreams, and we must get panic to look for the best plans in order to be triumphant in the future. Grateful of your wise insights and kind words my dear friend, Shohana.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I have come to realise that when we are focused on chasing our dreams, we have little or no time for things that might sway us off track, and a high chance of achieving the dream

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That is so true, we must never ever chase people, but we just have to chase of our dreams until we make them come true. But before that, let us beat ourself first, then let us beat for our dreams just before it dies. Sometimes, our dreams may be dying, yet we just have to look for a best plan ang get panic to come back to life. Let us just chase for our dreams always. Let us be more focused so we would have a high chance of achieving those dreams in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am agree with you talecharm most people works for their own but the real thin is need to persue what you are want to be or you're achieve your goals

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Grateful of your great words as always my dear friend Zony. We always need to pursue things very hard so we could always achieve all our desires and aspirations. Let us live for our dream and live by our dreams.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every successful dream will always have people behind talking against it. If only we know what we want and where we are headed to, then those negative and toxic behaviors from such people won't ever barrier us. Chasing our dreams is now, and not when we are old.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

As we could not really please every body. Every successful dream would always be full of judgment and criticisms. The sad reality is that others may laugh at your for dreaming an impossible dream but would actually hate you after reaching it. Somehow this gives us hope to just stay humble and kind even if others are not and let us just continue chasing for our dreams. Let us just beat for ourselves. Just beat it while chasing for our dreams and get panic before it dies and go out of our sight. Life would always be very beautiful when all our dreams would come true with all our super hardworking self and efforts.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes we lose dreams and don't focus on goals. We should always focused and determinant for goals and dreams. I am with you!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We really have to focus more on our determinants so we would always end up rising. We may often feel weak from the inside but for as long as we have a greater passion and enthusiasm to go, surely nothing is impossible. We could have do even more great things in life through the power of our positive mind and senses. Let us just beat for our dream and do not let it die.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm starting to internalize my strength, assess my problems, and look for a solution. Just accept the fact that we as individuals are weak enough to fight the negativity of the situations.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is very true, no matter how strong we are in life, there would always be a portion of ourselves that is much weaker from within. And that we have to reasses and reflect more of that. Sometimes, we just have to die a little inside so we could regain back the lost strength and rise again being resilient. Sometimes it is even very okay to be idle yet we must need to balance everything so each part of our lives be in a good equilibrium.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is awesome content, Talecharm and I do agree with your statement we must stand firm and hold our ground. We fight for our dreams not to other negative people. For sure the dreamer and the dream become one.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

The dreamer and the dream truly becomes one in the not perfect time for as long as the fire is still burning deep from within. We must always stand firm in all our decisions by not allowing every dream to lose and let go. Let us not allow every dream to die or left dying yet lus us always remember to find for best solutions and best plans to fulfill and make them come true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very inspiring article! Chase your dream now or never, if only i have this mindset back then I am probably in a different place now. But my dream is not dying yet so I have still a chance to achieve it one day. I'll take it one step a time I guess

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is like a condition to chase your dream now or never. Yet you just have to beat yourself first and be able to beat for your very own self, to continue chasing for your dream as you follow your heart and never ever let go of it. Life is very beautiful when you have a dream most especially if you are able to make your dream come true and be victorious with a humble heart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dream is to finish our small house soon. I'm always chasing my dreams every day. I'm grinding here and in noisecash to earn more bch every day.

$ 0.04
2 years ago

You are living life with a positive mindset my dear friend Alice. Surely you would be able to attain it soon. Just never tired of grinding for at the end of your goal would always be filled with a joyous life. Nothing is impossible when you are just very committed and consistent in everything you do. You could even earn more and gain more. I wish you more success on your journey and stay kind and humble as always my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thank you so much for the wonderful words my dear friend Talecharm.I am happy that I got to know a person like you who never failed to share positivity in this platform.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Whether we like it or not naysayers would always be there to judge or criticize someone yet when you have an unwavering passion to move forward you would always be immovable and unstoppable. I am glad to hear more of a positive mindset from you and it would always go with your attitude. Glad to know that you are progressing and getting up trying again even if you stumble down. You are truly a winner in your own little ways.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you! I can relate to what you are saying . 👍☺️ I wish you a great day.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very inspiring. I don't listen to naysayers any more and just focus on my goals. Failing is ok, it means I'm progressing. Getting up and trying again is winning.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I got outside this section. The reply up is supposedly for this reply and I did not noticed I was outside here. Grateful of your time and attention my dear friend, fire.

$ 0.00
2 years ago