I am pretty sure that you have seen many photos that have description 'Puberty did it well' or 'Puberty you are doing it right'. And, I will put here a couple of those photos that i have found on the Interent, so you can see them, and later, you can realize my point.
Those are just two examples. And, point of those photos is to say that those people were ugly, before puberty, while they were kids.
There is someone out there, who is finding photos of people, famous and not famous people, while they were kids, comparing them with photos of those people that were made when they grew up. Of course, those photos cannot be same. We cannot look the same at age of 11 for example and at the age of 21. And, that does not mean that we were ugly at the age of 11. Children cannot be ugly. Nobody can be ugly. We are all pretty. We all look great. Everyone is pretty.
Puberty helps you to grow up, to develop into a healthy human being. Growing up does not mean that your breasts will grow and that you will get six pack. Growing up means that many things in your body will happen, and also in your mind. All those things that would be happening will help you to become a normal, healthy person. And you should apprecitate that. We all should appreciate that.
I always feel bad when I see that someone is doing those comparations. This may hurt someone, someone who is still passing trough puberty, someone who is too young for puberty, someoneo who did not change during puberty.
There are many people out there, who do not have self condifence, who do not love themselves, who are alone, who think that they are alone, who are sad... Those photos can destroy them.
People are very cruel sometimes, and people are sometimes making other feel better, and they do not even know what they are doing, and that is totally wrong.
Maybe, it seems funny to you, maybe it seems like it is nothing to you. But, trust me, it can be a big deal, it can have serious consequences.
Do not do that to others.
Pubetet is a good thing for children, they pass from a child to an adult, it all has its emperors, but we moms have to endure that period ...