Prejudices and Their Influence to Our Lives

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Avatar for SuncicaZ
3 years ago

It is normal for the square to do not understand the cube. He is missing one dimension.

Open minded people usually are much happier than those who are not. Prejudice are sometimes stoppingus from discovering amazing things, meeting amazing people and doing some great things.

Those who think that they already know much about other people and things, usually bad things, forever live in their square. They think they know everything, but they do not know anything.

If you are one of those people, here are a couple advices for you, they can help you a lot

First of all, even if you are sure that you are not going to like someting, give it a chance, do not expect anything, just give it a chance. Maybe, it will surprise you. You can never know.

Second, change your opinion, when you are wrong. When you see that something is not as you were thinking it is, change your opinion about it. It is okay to make mistakes, we all are making mistakes. Give yourself a chance, and give a chance to others.

Third, ask. Always ask. Maybe, you are wrong, and you od not even know that you are wrong, because there are some facts, that you do not know about. Maybe, you have the wrong opinion, because tou od not know everything.

Here are some quotations about prejudice.

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Avatar for SuncicaZ
3 years ago


Sto se predrasuda tice, kad je neko glup ne mozes mu to ni dokazati

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3 years ago

Predrasude svuda oko nas.Rasizam, seksizam, polna neravnopravnost, homofobija, predrasude prema određenim profesijama, a sve češće se paradoksalno suočavamo i sa predrasudama prema djeci sa teškoćama u razvoju, kao i prema mentalnim oboljenjima. „Ne sudi o knjizi po koricama“, metafora je koju koristimo u svakodnevnom životu i odnosima s drugim ljudima. Ona nam ukazuje na to da ne možemo prepoznati vrijednost nekoga ili nečega samo prema onome što vidimo na površini.

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3 years ago

Those who believe in superstition have to face many problems

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3 years ago

Da predrasude mogu da se "obiju o glavu", nedavno se uverila menadžerka jedne luksuzne radnje u Cirihu. Kada je ugledala tamnoputu damu u trenerci sa viškom kilograma, koja sa police skida torbu vrednu 38.000 dolara, prodavačica je "zamolila" dotičnu da izađe napolje. "Nemate vi para za tu torbu", poručila je s nipodaštavanjem Švajcarkinja. Izbačena je bila najbogatija američka TV zvezda Opra Vinfri, koja je došla u Cirih na venčanje Tine Tarner, a u slobodno vreme je razgledala grad i kupovala.

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3 years ago

Svi mi hteli to da priznamo ili ne imamo neke predrasude. Dobeo je kada smo ih svesni i kada pokusavamoda se borimo protiv njih.

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3 years ago

Stereotypes as a prelude to prejudice A stereotype is a generalization of mostly unverified, superficial judgments about a group or community. The stereotypes that "women are emotional", that "men are aggressive", that "Gorenjci are as stingy as Scots", mean that we label people as emotional, aggressive, stingy, without knowing them better, because we identify them only as members certain social groups. Stereotypes are thus distorted notions that do not take into account individual differences and social changes, distort reality, especially the image of people as they really are - unique, different, changeable and encourage the creation of social prejudices.From stereotypes as simplistic judgments, prejudices develop.Prejudices - their social and psychological basis The basic field of action of prejudices is the everyday world of people, everyday interactions with others and different than we are. Prejudices extend to all areas of social life. We express them through everyday speech, phrases, jokes, ambiguities. They are found in public speech; in the media, films, popular culture, in political, state institutions, also in science and culture. They manifest themselves above all in a disrespectful, impatient, humiliating, or contemptuous attitude toward others and the different; to members of other nations, ethnic communities, races, cultures, to people with different lifestyles, religious, sexual orientations.

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3 years ago

Ja sam neko ko je otvorenog uma, uvek stvari, situacije gledam iz najmanje 3 ugla pa odlucim sta je najbolje. Valjda je za to zasluzeno i moje pohadjanje melodrame.. nekad...

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3 years ago

Predrasude su grobnice razuma. Tu definiciju reče neka umna Talijanka, da li je Maria Montessori ili neka druga. Sviđa mi se, najtačnija definicija.

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3 years ago