Life is an Eternal Struggle...

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3 years ago

... who dares he can, who know no fear, goes forward.

-Fieldmarshal Zivojin Misic

This amazing quotation is something what I would love to talk about today. This is one of the most famous quotations from one of the most important persons in whole Serbian history. I am sure that most of you have heard about him already, because he is one of the most interesting persons from the World War I. His strategy was really amazing, Serbian arny won in many battles thanks to it, and nowadays students are learning about his strategy on almost every single military academy in the whole world.

But, today I would not love to talk about how good this man was in army, I would love to talk about this quotation.

(Of course, if you are interested into strategy made by Zivojin, or about his life, you can find many interesting factds about him on the Internet and in almost every history book, also, if you would love to read some interesting facts about Zivojin and some other interesting people from Serbian history, please let me know that, I can write some articles about them.)

This quotation is showing us the point of life. You do not have to be soldier, you do not have to be in war. You just have to dare. If you dare, you will keep going forward and you will take what is yours. You will get to your goal. If you do not dare, you will not get anywhere.

Life is risk. There are so many risky things, all around of us. So many things that are dangerous or that can lead to something dangerous, but you must keep going forward. You myst try. If you try, you can fall or you can fly. If you do not try, maybe you will not fall, but for sure you will not fly.

That is why you owe to yourself to try. To dare, to risk.

Even if you fall, that is okay. Failure is an option, but not trying is not an option. No matter how many times you fall, you have to try one more time. Again and agaion, untill you get where you want to be.

What I am trying to say is to do not give up. No matter how hard or difficult it is. No matter how weak you are. No matter how strong the oponent is. You can do it. You can do everything, just if you keep fighting. If you keep going.

You do not know how much you can, until you do it. You do not know how strong you are, until you decide that being strong is your only option.

You can give up at any moment, but, before you give up, try. One more time, and one more time, and one more time...

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$ 1.50 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for SuncicaZ
3 years ago


The Grand Duke, the great man. He was very respectful in his service and in his state.

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3 years ago

Yes, he was amazing! He is the right example for young people. I personally think that nowadays many young people have wrong attitude about their motherland.

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3 years ago

Life is full of ups and downs, if you don't try you will certainly not succeed, few succeed from the first time, so you have to try until you reach the goal.

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3 years ago

Trying again is our duty, in case that we do not get what we want from the first try.

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3 years ago

He is an honest man, the army is really proud of such a military leader.

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3 years ago

That is, in my opinion, great example for all of us. It seems to me, that nowadays we are not strong enough. We do not fight for what we want. Okay, we do not have a war now, but we have what to fight for.

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3 years ago

Brave people think that this trait is very important because it does not hinder us in situations when it is necessary to make a decision that could change our lives, even if we are not sure of the outcome.

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3 years ago

Failure is part of our lives. Part of life of every single person. We should not let ourselves to be disappointed and to feel bad, when we do not get what we wanted to get.

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3 years ago

Misic helped General Putnik draw up a Serbian war plan in a possible war with Austro-Hungary. No officer crossed the threshold of Zivojin's house for many years. With six children and no money, he fell into material misery, but he did not despair. He sold both horses and set to work arranging the writings from his lectures while he was a professor at the Military Academy. After four months, Mišić's book Strategy was published from Ljubo Davidović's printing house with a circulation of 1,500 copies.

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3 years ago

Zivojin is one of the most important persons in whole Serbian history. Everyone, who is from Serbia, should know who was him, and, what he has done for whole Serbian people. He helped us a lot to have our country, to have all what we have now.

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3 years ago

"Who we are - he can, who doesn't know about fear, he goes forward!" Grand Duke Zivojin Misic! The only military person to whom the entire regiment was sent to the hospital to greet him when he fell ill, was the last time he got out of bed and greeted his soldiers.

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3 years ago

People who are brave can have everything. Because they dare to ask, they dare to try, they dare to get. And that is crucial. To be brave to get what you want to have.

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3 years ago

Zivojin was a genius. My dad also got his tactics as an exam question when he took the major exam and was then a first class captain, an academic and also a high school student. He says that after him, the best officer when Serbia had was Draža Mihailović. They are all highly educated officers of a higher class. All these titles are not so much amazing as the sharpness of the mind in the middle of the war. You need to estimate with what military force a conflict awaits you. To assess your capabilities, see the bad sides of the opponent and act in a targeted way to get your units out with as few losses as possible. It's called a tactic: D

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3 years ago

I am very glad to see that people appreciate him, and his strategy, it is really unique. I know that it is very popular, but I am always glad to see how popular it is. Zivojin was something great for Serba, for Serbian people and for all what we have now. And, as all the biggest people, he was very simple, and very modest. He once said "I am not the one who brought the victory to Serbia. Victory is brought by all our heroes, and mostly by pesant shoe (opanak) and sajkaca'

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3 years ago

You see a lot with that one sentence. First of all, the composition of the army he led was made up of people from the village, the hosts. Such ignoramuses ended the First World War as winners. Rarely has anyone been a professional soldier like today. And such an army was much harder to manage than it is today. Today, a soldier is trained, trained and physically, plus he is able to be a top shooter, to know how to survive in nature without water and food, and of course to know how to use all the weapons that the army uses as a formation on the ground.

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3 years ago