Do you love cats?

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Avatar for SuncicaZ
3 years ago

I noticed that peope either adore cats or hate them. That is because those animas are really much diferent than other pets people usually have.

There are some studies that say, that cats actually do not love their owners. They are living with their owners, because they do not have where to go. If they ind something better, they will leave you.

Also, cats will come to you, only when they want to. If you are calling them, and they are not in the mood for that, they will not come to you.

So, do not think that your at is stupid, and that she can not remember her own name, she know her name, but she i not coming when you are calling, because she does not want to come.

$ 0.02
$ 0.01 from @esciisc
$ 0.01 from @minimaus
Avatar for SuncicaZ
3 years ago


yes dear i love catsss....and yea they are moody...we have one now...she plays a lot with us😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There are some cats, who love to play

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3 years ago

Mačke u odbrani: možda smo takve, ali nikada ne odajemo gdje je droga. To rade psi.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ijaooo, to jeste, ali mozemo i da kazemo da macke nisu dovoljno pametne da otkriju gde je!

$ 0.00
3 years ago
$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cats are the grumpiest pets ever. Our cat is actually homeless, he goes wherever and whenever he wants to. He only visits the home if he's hungry or just to sleep 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You can not keep cat in the house!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

He's actually a stray cat but he heads home whenever he wants to. 😂

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3 years ago

ja nisam bas po mackama volim vise pse zato sto psi su veci prijatelji ove macke ko i zene neznas kad ce da te ogrebe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

čuj ovaj komentar

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3 years ago

Hahaha opasne mačke.

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3 years ago

Ima psa

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3 years ago

Tacno tako, sa psom smo uvek sigurni, a sa mackama ne znamo na cemu smo. Za zene se ne slazem.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I never liked cats.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Me too, I do not like them at all.

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3 years ago

meni su bas simpaticne

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3 years ago

"Cats know who likes them and who don't, and yet they don't react, whether it's good or bad." Winifred Cariere

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Every animal know who likes it, and who does not

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3 years ago

Svako bi trebao imat i psa i masku

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3 years ago

pa naravno...imamo jih 4

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3 years ago

Macke su ciste, zato su dobri ljubimci

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3 years ago

Imao sam ih kroz djetinjstvo dosta, a samo jedan je nezaboravan, Miško, ruska kratkodlaka.

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3 years ago

Mačke su svojeglave i samostalne uvjek na oprezu, to je urođeno kod svih životinja iz porodice maćaka što je ostalo nasljedno iz divljine.Ali znaju biti i veoma umiljate.

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3 years ago

Ja mislim da su one umiljate samo kada nesto hoce da dobiju od nas!

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3 years ago

I love cats and dogs but honestly i love dogs more cause they protect you and alert you when there are strangers around.

You can post your cat related articles to the cat community here

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you or the information about cat comunity!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're welcome 😊

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3 years ago

But still they're cute and a stress reliever, them being snobby is also cute hahah and I'll love them even they won't love me back uwuuu❤❤❤❤

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3 years ago

I do not know if you are right, I had a cat that always looked for me and more when I left the house, it was not for food because he had the food in a container, he did not indulge it due to allergy problems. Hard at home 8 years

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3 years ago

There are diferent cats!

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3 years ago

There are some studies that say, that cats actually do not love their owners. They are living with their owners, because they do not have where to go. If they find something better, they will leave you.

It's my first time knowing about this 😮 I don't exactly hate cats but I also don't love them. I guess I'm stuck in between hate and love hehe. I only like looking at their pictures because they look cute and adorable but I don't like the real one.

The pictures in this article are also very cute. Are you the one who captured those photos?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ja dvije hehe

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3 years ago

I love cats, they could be lazy or fun, but still adorable

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3 years ago

Da li znate da kućne mačke mrze cvijeće u saksiji, ljubomorne su, u cvijeću vide konkurenciju. 🍃🌸🍃

$ 0.00
3 years ago