6 Things That Your Boss Should Never Do

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Avatar for SuncicaZ
3 years ago

Nowadays, many people are struggling to find a job, and because of that, when they finally find it, they let their boss do anything to them. That is totally wrong. You do not have to leave, when you are not respected, and you should not be afraid that you are going to get fired, if you do not accpet quietly everything what your boss is doing to you.

If your boss is doing some of those things, first step is to talk to him. And, if your boss do not stop, maybe you should talk to your boss's boss. Of course, there are also some institutions in every country, that are protecting workers, you can also contact them.

Here are the 6 things that boss should not be doing.

1. Your boss should not be talking about your salary in from of other workers.

As we all know, salary is something personal, and your boss should not be sharing that with other people. That can make many problems. First of all, if you are earning more money than others, they can hate you because of that. They can think that you are getting more money for the less work.

2. Your boss should not be yelling at you

No matter what you have done, or what you have not done, your boss should never yell at you. If this is happening, you have to give your best to stop it. You are a person, a human being, and, because of that, you deserve respect.

3. Your boss should not have unreasonable expectations

When you start working somewhere, you get the list of your duties, and you should not be doing anythiong what is not on that list. Your boss can not expect you to do something, just because you can do that, or because he thinks that you can do that. Do just what you are paid for.

4. Your boss should not be sharing your personal details

Are you sick, do you have family, are you planing to have family... all those things are just yours. Your boss do not have a right to ask about it, and of course, your boss do not have right to talk about that.

5. Your boss should not give the inappropriate references

Any comment from your boss that makes you squirm, wince or blush is probably one that shouldn't have been made. As I already said, you are a person and you deserve respect. Your boss can not tell you anything.

6.. Your boss should not implie that sex, race, age or religion is a factor in work performance.

No matter are you a man or a woman, are you yellow, black or white, what do you believe in, or what is your sexual orientation, you have all rights that has every other worker. You boss can never be insulting you because you are different.

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Avatar for SuncicaZ
3 years ago


Nice article I Love Thet..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mogli bi da diskutujemo o tome sta je lider. Po mom misljenju svako ko je na nekom rukovodecem mestu, makar i sefovskom treba da poseduje kvalitete dobrog lidera.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Say that to all bosses who do this. When they have rights to do that, they do. And the problem is that workers do not have any protection

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They do not have the right ot do any of those things. Every worker can have the protection. Maybe, in our country the protection is not good enough, but international protection is good. The problem is that there is not any worker that will go to the end, and that will get his rights.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kod nas sefovi u vise slucaja misle da su vlasnici firme i vlasnici svega pa se prema zaposlenima ponasaju lose, a pritom zaboravljaju da je neko drugi iznad njih .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cesto misle da su i vlasnici nasih zivota i da mogu da rade sa nama sta zele, da mogu da nas zovu kad zele i da traze sta zele.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bas je zanimljiv ovaj clanak, lep zakljucak.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Drago mi je da ti se svidja. Sta ti mislis na ovu temu, podeli misljenje sa nama?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

eh da su svi sefovi po pravilima daleko bi mi dogurali kao drzava, ali nazalost nije tako i svako svoju politiku vodi...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nko od nas moras prvi da se izbori. Ako na unutrasnjem planu nemamo adekvatnu zastitu, treba porttaziti medjunarodnu. Dok neko to ne bude uradio, sefovi ce da se ponasaju kao mali bogovi.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Dobri šefovi ne opterećuju zaposlene nepotrebnim stvarima. Dajte im sve ono što im je potrebno da bez problema obavljaju svoj posao. Važan je rezultat, a ne forma i lična prepucavanja.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Upravo tako. Vazno je ljudima dati slobodu da se iskazu, i da nadju svoj sopstveni nacin rada. Svako ima pravo da radi kako mu je najlakse.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ako hoces da budes dobar sef moras svojim primerom da to zasluzis pred svojim podcinjenim ali na nacin da nikada ne izbrises onu granicu koja mora postojati

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Many people around the world head to work in the morning as if going into battle. Because of emotional violence, they hate the job and work they once loved, gradually become desperate and depressed, and often become seriously ill. Some give up, others persist and seek a solution from the vicious circle of psychological harassment. Mobbing in the workplace is becoming a real epidemic these days. The phenomenon was first described by the Swedish psychologist prof. dr. Heinz Layman in the 1980s. In his observations of this type of behavior, he observed that the victims were just as traumatized as if they were standing on the front lines within the battle zone. He explained the consequences by arguing that in a sense, the victims actually went and survived the battle as they endured emotional bombardment and attacks that brutally shook their system. The consequences that prof. dr. Layman observed in victims of workplace mobbing, today called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Going to work should not be something wehat we hate, and we should not be afraid of our boss. Boss is just a person, ordinary person, like us, and our coworkers. We need to build good relationships with our coworkers and boss.

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3 years ago

Kod nas je šef riječ za poslovođu, direktora, trenera, u biti nekog glavnog. Kod anglosaksonaca je to samo kuhar, kuharski šef, preuzeto iz francuskog.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ko god da je sef, granica mora da se postavi na vreme, kod nas ljudi cesto svojim sefovima dopustaju previse.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will aslo subscribed you. plz back me subscribed

$ 0.00
3 years ago

“Being a leader is making the people you love hate you a little more each day.”

Amazing topic choice... Good job!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ne slazem se u potpunosti. Lider je vodja i osoba koja inspirise i motivise na rad i napredak, lider prvi vuce teret i zalaze se za sto bolje uslove, jer samo tako profit dolazi. Los sef je iskompleksirana osoba koja svoju funkciju koristi za lecenje frustracija.

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3 years ago

Ja mislim da postoji velika raylika iymedju sefa i lidera. Lider je tu da nas vodi, i da nam svojim primerom pokayuje kako treba. Sef je uglavnom tu samo da nadgleda i da postavljazadatke.

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3 years ago

Thank you very much! I think that boss, every boss, should have good relationship with his workers. Workers do not have to be afraid of boss.

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3 years ago

If the boss tries to make good relationship with workers, then he loses good control on them because workers are assholes, da izvineš i da me ne banuju :)

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3 years ago

haha, well not all the workers. I think that if we all are opent minded, and if we want to make good relationships with eachothers, everything will be okay

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3 years ago

who is worst, workers or leaders (bosses) and whos fault for that will be a mystery forever :)

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3 years ago