Beše to u vreme kad me napusti volja.
I kad sam, kao magla koja se vuče preko polja,
Išao bez cilja gradskim ulicama
U starom kaputu i pocepanim cipelama,
Nikoga ne sretoh na svome putu,
Videh samo nju tuđom rukom ogrnutu
Ispod drvoreda, ode u veče sinje...
Starim, a srce mi osta detinje.
It was at the time when I lost all my will
And when, like a fog dragging itself over a field,
I walked aimlessly the city streets
In an old coat and worn-out half-boots,
I met no one on my way, as I went,
And saw her only, with someone else's arm caped,
Under a colonnade, she left into that dusk blueish...
Am getting old, but my heart is still childish.
Petar Pajić
Petar Pajić (Valjevo, October the 6th, 1935 - August the 2nd, 2017) was a Serbian poet and novelist. He was born in Valjevo, where he went to gymnasium. He graduated in Yugoslav and world literature at the Philosophical Faculty of the Belgrade University. Pajić has been a long time Radio Belgrade Second Program editor.
He has been considered a neo-symbolist, together with Branko Miljković. Petar considered himself close to Rainer Maria Rilke. Although he received all the renowned literary awards in Serbia, he never had much interest in publicity, and it is a paradox that some of his poems are much better known than he himself.
Jako lijep odabir pjesama i objava mi se strašno sviđa.