Library of Alexandria

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4 years ago

Aleksandrijska biblioteka najbolji je primer ljudske genijalnosti i istovremeno dokaz da ljudska glupost ne poznaje granice. Ljudi su uspeli sakupiti sve dotadašnje znanje o svetu na jednom mestu i uništiti ga nakon toga u potpunosti u jednom trenu. U njoj su radili veliki umovi poput Eratostena koji je, mnogo vremena pre pojave satelita, gotovo precizno izračunao obim planete Zemlje. Astronom Hiparh sačinio je prvi katalog zvezda i stvorio trigonometriju. Bila je napisana celokupna svetska istorija u tri toma, Euklid je tu svetu dao temelje svoje geometrije, a Heron stvorio prvu parnu mašinu. Na jednoj od polica bio je rad Aristarha sa Samosa, tvorca heliocentričnog sistema, koji je prvi dokazao da se Zemlja okreće oko Sunca.

Kako bi danas samo izgledala istorija sveta da je najmanje 10 % knjiga iz Aleksandrijske biblioteke preživelo uništenje ne bi se moglo ni naslutiti. Beskrajni verski sukobi i ratovi su učinili svoje.

The ancient library of Alexandria was founded by Demetrius of Phaleon, an Athenian politician who fell from power and fled to Egypt. There, he found refuge at the royal court of King Ptolemy I Soter, who ruled Egypt between 323 and 285 BCE. Impressed by the extensive knowledge and deep learning of Demetrius, Ptolemy assigned him the task of creating a library.

The ancient library of Alexandria was part of an institution of higher learning known as the Alexandrian Museum. The library was intended as a resource for the scholars who did research at the Museum.

The books at the library were divided into the following subjects: rhetoric, law, epic, tragedy, comedy, lyric poetry, history, medicine, mathematics, natural science, and miscellaneous. The library is believed to have housed between 200,000 and 700,000 books, divided between two library branches.

Book were acquired for the library through purchases at Athens and Rhodes, the two main book markets in the Ancient Mediterranean; through copying; and through confiscation.

One category of acquired books was called “from the ships.” Whenever a ship arrived at the harbor in Alexandria, government officials went aboard, searching for books. They brought the books they found to the library for inspection. These books were either returned immediately, or confiscated and replaced with a copy made by the library scribes.

 Books at the ancient library of Alexandria were mainly written in two languages—Greek and Egyptian, a now extinct Afro-Asian language. It is believed that the entire literary corpus of Ancient Greece was kept at the library, together with works by Aristotle, Sophocles, and Euripides, among others. The Egyptian books were books about the traditions and history of Ancient Egypt

Scholars working at the Alexandrian Museum used the library to create the categorization of Ancient Egypt’s history into 30 dynasties, which is still used today when we study ancient history, as well as the first translation of the Hebrew Bible, known as the Septuagint. To this day, the Septuagint remains a crucial text in critical Bible studies.

The ancient library of Alexandria was destroyed on two different occasions. The original library branch was located at the royal palace at Alexandria, near the harbor. When Julius Caesar intervened in the civil war between Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII, Caesar set fire to the ships in the harbor. It is believed that this fire spread to the library and completely destroyed it.

The second branch of the library was located inside a temple dedicated to the god Serapis. In 391 CE, Roman Emperor Theodosius declared Christianity the only legal religion of Rome, and ordered all pagan temples to be destroyed. The temple of Serapis at Alexandria was completely destroyed, and with it the second branch of the library.

In 2002, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina opened in Alexandria. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is a research library and cultural center created in commemoration of the ancient library with the intention of making Alexandria into a city of world-renowned learning again. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina houses the world’s largest digital collection of historical manuscripts as well as the largest repository of French books on the African continent.


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4 years ago


Impresivno, i fenomenalno, i kako sto velis na covekovata glupost i alcnost, jas kje dodadam, im nema granici. Nekoj sozdava, nekoj unistuva, taka e sekogas.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Vidim naslov Aleksandrija i pomislim oooo pise o vinu :D :D :D kad ono biblioteka :D mada dobra knjiga odlicno ide uz casu dobrog vina :D

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Grčka filozofska djela su bila u prvobitnoj aleksandrijskoj biblioteci, kao i filijali na S... ko zna kojekakvih je platona i aristotela izgubljeno u tom požaru.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Library of Alexandria is definitely one of the most amazing places iin the whole world. Unfortunately, the big fire destroyed big part of it, and some very important documants and books that were kept there are lost forever. But, it is still amazing, and it is still very interesting to many people, from all around the world. Thank you for writing about this place.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Postoji nekoliko „osumnjičenih“ za rušenje ovog znamenitog zdanja, među njima se ističu tri osobe: Julije Cezar, patrijarh Teofil i halifa Omer. Aleksandrijski patrijarh Teofil, kojega historičar Edvard Gibon opisuje sljedećim riječima: „…konstantni neprijatelj mira i vrline, hrabar, ali loš čovjek, čije ruke su čas uprljane zlatom, čas krvlju…“ Legenda kaže:

Nakon što je muslimanska vojska osvojila Aleksandriju, poslije pobjede nad bizantijskom vojskom u bici kod Heliopolisa, vojskovođa Amr b. al-As je upitao halifu Omera šta da rade sa bibliotekom, tj. sa knjigama, na što mu je halifa odgovorio:

“One su ili u suprotnosti sa Kur’anom, što znači da su jeres, ili se slažu sa njim što opet znači da su suvišne”.

Što je bio halifin znak da se Aleksandrijska biblioteka do temelja razori.

$ 0.00
4 years ago