The Root Of Personal Finance Should Be Stronger
The more you grow old, the more you understand the value of money. Your financial status will be your identity in the future. You will meet the cruel world when you’ll be not financially stable. So this is high time to work on our personal finance and It's stability. It could be a job or business, depend on your interest and ability.
we the beginning we can't think about invest specially when you going to start from the zero. Some takes loan to launch new business which has high risk too. Starting from the zero will take time to make stable your personal finance but here only time and efforts invested but when you take loan, it keep your valuable property as security so your property can be lost if your investment unable to make profit. But in business there is no risk, no gain.
So I always prefer suggesting to start thinking about making the root of personal finance stronger and its only possible when you start it earlier like since student life by doing part-time jobs. There are many opportunities are open for students but those opportunities may offer a small amount of money. Accept it as a beginner and gradually increase the rate and be skilled on something that can help you making money and can bring financial freedom. After completing study it doesn’t look good that you depend on others for financial support and somewhere it painful for those who has self respect.
People whoever giving you financial support today will surely expect return even I saw many parents invest money on their child's study with the aim that the child will bring financial support for them in future. I wonder that how could some parents have such intention but unfortunately it exist. Where there your own parents investing on you, think about other financial supporters, they surely expect a good return. Here you can feel the importance of making stronger the root of personal finance. It will help you holding self respect and a money maker mostly get more respect and love from others, bitter but this is the truth we have to accept.
As I said in my previous blog, there is no space for emotions in professions. To make money the all we need to be skillful and professional. Today you have youth, ability to work to make money and secure personal finance but when you’ll be old and you’ll be unable to work you may have to depend on others for financial support so better you use your youth properly and keep working until you make a permanent money making source or ensure the financial stability for lifetime.
Accumulating wealth will be wise to ensure lifetime financial stability so work on it as early as possible. We can't hold time but we can convert the time to cash or assets. When you have more, you’ll get more but when you’ve nothing, no one will be there to give you unconditionally. If you don’t want to experience such ugly reality in life, start working on your personal finance now.
Thanks for the information, is always different having your own personal finance than depending on someone elses not minding if you have spent on them and you need it on return