Will You And Your Partner Survive This Quarantine?

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4 years ago

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This lockdown is taking a toll on some relationships and marriages.

A poll was done and out of 100 people 60% said the lockdown had a positive effect on their relationships while 40% said it had a negative effect.

Do you love your partner more or are you tired of being around them 24/7?

Has quarantine affected your romantic relationship positively or negatively?


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$ 0.00
Avatar for Shitcoincharter
4 years ago


Yes it has a negative effect, my husband dont have a work and we dont have food to survive and he keeps angry with me for me to make some strategies to havecsome foods especially the needs of my 3 children. But im doing all i can do like asking some charity of some foods stuff and milks, diapers, etc. But after that hes still angry with me that its seems he want me to sell my whole body to anyone so that he can have more money and even he is always annoyed by our children its really hard and he's shouting at me to lived our house to go far away and never come back again and see my children thats how he treated me.. He always thinks his self first before me and my children. He us so self centered person. I want tobget out of this life. But im nowhere to go even a parents i dont have any. And this time he's drinking with he's friends then i think he's now really drunk at this time. Coz its been 6hours since he left our home. Im really pathetic in his situation.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I'm really sorry you're going through this right now, I can't imagine how that must feel and the impact on the children. I think you have to talk to him about all this and tell him how you truly feel, If he doesn't want to listen to you or doesn't care about his children then maybe talk to his family members or friends. If he doesn't change his attitude towards you or it becomes worse you have to find a way to remove your children from that situation especially if he is going out to get drunk, you don't want him to hurt you and your children because he is drunk.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I can't talk to his family members coz they all treat me like an ifiot person because i dont have any families. They are mocking me and even here mother is aways angry with me coz they don't like that im not the one who's the wife of his son. All of them are gossiping and back fighting me.. They lived in a and grown up with un mannered situation they have a opposite mindset that all good deeds are bad and all bad deeds are good, his family especially her mother is pushing me away to work in far-away place to be a maid so yhst i can have my money to give them. She said so that i will be worthy woman for them she keeps shouting and nagging at when the time we are still living together with them.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You have to stand up for yourself when they are treating you like that, talk back at them, don't be quiet. Don't give them any money, ask her why her son is not taking care of her, other men take care of their mothers and their families, why is her son not doing that? she should be ashamed that her son is going out to get drunk instead of taking care of his family and letting his wife do all the work, is he even a man at all? what kind of man does this to his wife and children?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Even i talk back they will all in alliance and together they will fight me until i defeated coz they knows that no one will stand to defend me here

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Since we're LDR it is harder to us take some steps to see each other. There's so many papers you'll need just to see each other. But 1 thing I realized is distance doesn't affect someone's love towards the person. Distance gives us reason to love harder. The distance is just temporary, but the love we felt is extraordinary. It has no boundaries

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4 years ago

You're right, it's like being in a long distance relationship, it doesn't change how you feel about each other.

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4 years ago

a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed....and in quarantine the relation ship will be increase to everything

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4 years ago

Umm no this quarantine make our relationship more deep. So i enjoy my quarantine life so much. But i tense about my job. But every think i okk. Stay home and stay safe.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I'm glad it has made your relationship better, everything will be fine soon.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your pat is cute man hehw

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I guess you mean my pet, Thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

hahaha this one got me the video is so funny

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So funny 😂 this is a lot of couples right now

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4 years ago

This lockdown really has taken a toll on relationships. Haven't seen my partner in over 3 months ans it's hard I must say. It's really hard but we must keep moving on

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I can’t imagine how hard that must be, I hope you can see each other soon 🤗

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4 years ago

Well it really is hard but thanks, hope we also see eachother soon

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4 years ago

Stay strong you will get through this together and come out stronger than ever!

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4 years ago

We been LDR during quarantine since his place is far from ours yet we are still strong ❤️

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Stay strong you will get through this and see each other soon 😊

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4 years ago

I think no..Also quarantine gave me too much time to do different work❤

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4 years ago

No means positive or negative?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

No means it doesn’t affected on me -

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I'm going crazy in this Quarantine.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So sorry to hear that, how so?

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4 years ago

I gain weight because of quarantine lol

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4 years ago

😂 you’re not alone, try to exercise and eat healthy, We can do this!

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4 years ago

i dont have a money now bcoz this pandemic

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

This time of pandemic is a survival stage, if they don't really love each other they absolutely separates. But if the love is there no matter what whapped to the married couple or even not in married couple the living partner they can still survive they can do everything to survive.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A lot of couples are still struggling especially when they have both lost their jobs cause of the virus, no money to take care of themselves or children.

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4 years ago

in my country volunteering are doing much more than the government😂😂😂some are working their butts of and taking risks... appreciatable

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow that’s really good!

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

corona na be easily treated if you take care oroperly.... my 4nd and evem in my nuilding some one affectef but evemtually then survived maintaining a good rutine

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4 years ago

My brothers wife had the virus too but they are both fine, it’s not a death sentence. The problem is the lockdown, some families have lost their jobs so they are always fighting.

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4 years ago

well that's a side we have to worry but volunteers are woking to cope this situation though they are only able to help 20% of the needy people

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4 years ago

Money problems always make families break up, I hope they can help everyone.

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4 years ago