Date: October 16,2021
Author: Sequoia
"A grateful heart is matchless. People who takes time to appreciate the small achievements and things that they receive will surely be given more of it."
Isn't it amazing that no matter how bad our day is, there will always be this one good news that will turn it upside down. And the nicest thing about this unexpected surprises, is that it happens in our most unexpected time as well.
Who doesn't want good news by the way? Regardless of how big or small it is, it deserves to be celebrated or appreciated.
Just like you. You deserve to be loved and valued. Someone out there is silently thankful in your existence. Therefore, before you get discourage with yourself, think of the people whom you impacted with your life first. I know that life sometimes get tough. Nevertheless, it is not enough reason for us to give up and surrender the fight. Not in middle of the battle field. Not now, not tomorrow, never!
If you are looking for a sign, then this is it. This is the indication for you to keep going. Get up from that bed and say your prayer to God. Stretch your body and shake that negativity. I don't care if you wake up in the wrong side of the bed today. I will still demand you to breathe in and breathe out. Now show me your brigthest smile. Show this world that you are unstoppable! You got this!
I feel good!
You are fine!
Lemme celebrate this with a lime!
Waaaiittt! What? What a terrible rhyming Seq. Anyways, please don't mind that errors and glitches in my brain. Let us focus on what I am about to share with you all today.
Since I am writing this one early in the morning, I want this article to be positive and bring inspiration to you!
So, what are we waiting for? Buckle up and let the travel begin!
My two achievements
Well, I am sure that with all those intros and flowering words, you are now curious about what I am going to share today. It is not really that big, but it made my heart blissful. Therefore, it deserves to be shared and celebrated.
How I wish that views can be converted into money or BCH. Lol. Just kidding! Anyways, as what I have said, my heart is so grateful because I finally reached the total of 5,000 views in all of my articles since day one until yesterday. Yeah, I just got notified yesterday and so I decided to share it here. This is already a big thing for me. Why? Because I know in myself that I am really not a good writer just like you guys. I am just a simple mediocre girl who can do other things but can never excel in any of those. I still commit a lot of errors in writing. I usually write about nonsense topics. My content is usually sloppy. But I still made it. And I wouldn't claim all the credits to myself alone. You guys plays a big role in this achievement. Thank you for always supporting my write ups. It doesn't deserve your time but still, you choose to spend your precious time reading it. Thank you!
Diamond Badge
Seeing this badge again beside my name really makes my heart jump with so much gladness. This is the only comeback that I would willingly welcome with all my heart over and over again. I lose it for more than one week because Rusty was being cold and only giving me a lil attention during those days. That's why, no matter how much I wanted to give you the upv*tes that you deserve, I can't because of it. I am so sorry for those days guys.
Closing Thought
I actually have a lot of things to be grateful for. Witnessing another day deserves to be celebrated as well. Let us all appreciate the small things that God has given to us. And I want to celebrate you fam. You are one of the blessings that God have bestowed upon me.
Congrats love! Keep at it. :)