READ.CASH : The Rallying Point For Content Creators, The Stronghold Of BCH .

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2 years ago

There's no denying the fact that Read.Cash has played many significant roles in the life of many Content Creators and has manifested in their life in many ways than one.

Content Creators are writers of note that put their minds on paper for many people to read. A content Creator is someone who creates entertaining or educational material to be expressed through any medium or channel. Examples of Content Creator include Bloggers , Authors , Podcasters , You Tubers , Course Creators ,among others.

This Platform is a home to all of the above mentioned. They have been doing wonderfully well on this eminent platform and the platform on the other hand is greatly serving as the Rendezvous and a domain where they could triumph and make headway.

Am always happy to belong here. This platform serves as source of News for me. I cannot do without reading the News here a day. The News about happenings around the World features here on daily basis. This Platform is Trending.

Am forever be grateful to this platform though I may not be always write frequently as before but taking a closer look at the platform , I must not be an Ingrate to this platform. This platform has wonderfully promoted me from being an ordinary writer to a great writer of note. I now write as frequently as never before. I have real exposure to different minds with different backgrounds as well as different Content. To God be the glory , I am proud to say that I belong to Knowledgeable People with Sound Minds.

Read.Cash is a rendezvous of Great and Analytical minds which I have never come across in my life before. There are some things you know while in school. These are extremely limited. Things have learnt here are exceedingly and abundantly many. Things I never learn when I was in school. I had met many people here virtually who had contributed to my life in many ways than one. The way they write here is different from the way my teacher thought me while in school. There's a wall of difference. School is theoretical. Here is Practical life. has really transformed me . I had learnt to be humane and kind-hearted. There's still room for improvement. Though I believe but the fact remains that I had learnt to be kind -hearted the more. So far , I have done my investigation to know the force behind yet nobody had ever been publicly identified. Yet , the platform is carried on with it's Public Spirited works. You intentionally transformed and still transforming lives of the common People without considering their colour , their origin , their backgrounds. This platform is in existence for the good of the Writers and their Families in a millions of ways. A writer is wholeheartedly connected to not less than Ten People multiply by number of Writers on this platform. Then the number runs to millions of people. This is exceptionally great. Nothing like this had never existed before now. Am greatly impressed.

Read.Cash , A Phenomenal Never Existed In The History Of Mankind.

To be candid , my experience on this platform is never witnessed by me in this wonderful Planet. For some time now I have been meditating seriously on the very existence of this platform. That we still have some people on this planet that have the interest of people in their hearts ? Am I dreaming ? That some people can decide to see to the welfare of people that are not not related at heart. That the lives of Millions Of People can be at the centre point of their hearts. This is extremely strange to me. This is a lifelong lesson usable to all Mankind. This platform is a lifelong learning centre for all categories of people on this beautiful planet. You are existing for betterment of lives of millions of people Worldwide. Not minding where they come from. To beautify their lives for the sake of Posterity. This is UNCOMMON GOOD FOR MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. I can never for one day cease to pray for read Cash and the Powerful People behind it.

..... No Hidden Agenda. Our Politicians , Governments Have Many Things To Learn from READ.CASH.

I cannot deceive myself. Our Politicians if they promised you Gold , they will by force give you Bronze. Because they believe People can be deceived and go Scot free. If at all , they give you what they had promised , many of them , have hidden agenda , to siphon Millions Of Dollars meant for Public Good. stands for humility of highest order. With humility they tipped Content Creator for their jobs and brains without making Noise about it. They put money down to encourage intellectualism and promote academic standard in individuals for the good of the society. This is a great commitment. Commitment of the mind t transform lives of the Common People , Common Writers to live a decent life in the World full of want and desire that cannot be met. I am greatly proud of Read. Cash . You will never die.

... You Are Flourished With BCH.

There's no better platform elsewhere on the Planet Earth that had performed more creditably well than Read.Cash on the issue of Bitcoin cash. BCH is better explained and better analysed here. People are well-educated on BCH , it's adoption , and expansion. Many people from different countries of the World are represented here and they have access to many BCH Contents. We are better informed.

Content Creators are tipped to write more and more for the benefit of the society. BCH is used in tipping writers. Of a truth , I never hear of Digital Currency before but now I have been given the opportunity on the platter of gold. Thanks to @Pantera , @Fexonice1 , of this World and a host of others who had talked extensively on it on this eminent Platform. Sea Never Dry. You will not dry.

Read.Cash... Continue To Keep The Flag flying. You Will Not Die.

In part of the World , it is a verifiable fact that Sea Can Never Dry. If everything dries up , Sea that play hosts to millions of Rivers Worldwide can never dry. Atlantic Ocean , Pacific Ocean can never dry up. Then I see Read Cash in that percepective , it will Never Dry. Continue To Keep The Flag flying. You will never cease to live

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Images From Unsplash. Thanks Immensely.


$ 14.08
$ 13.96 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.04 from @Princessbusayo
$ 0.03 from @Big-E
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2 years ago


Me too 😊 I am glad that I am part of this platform 👏🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago